el zapso SC application

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Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:212868297
Discord name: zaps#8911
For how long have you played on MRP: Around 1 year
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Kosovo
Time zone: GMT+1
NATO name (regiment and rank): 17thAR PVT
NWO name (regiment and rank): SWB CPT
Civilian name: el zapso
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, i have a warnings and bans which is long time ago, but theres still a few recent warnings that i had 1 month from now
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
I do, i started out as an AG CPT, after that i was a 10thSD CPT (under current RC Eisenhower) and then on i played UAF, which i became a LTCOL. Currently, i am a SWB CPT
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
Personally, i never have been high command before, i do feel like i know what im stepping into, as i've been playing for a long time, have led a lot of wars, and managed regiments. I know i can support all the regiments this way, especially 1stAL since i am quite familiar with the reg, and the current RC there.

Not only that, my skills as tanking/piloting would also help when needed. I do have strong leading capabilites aswell.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:
UAF LTCOL | AG CPT | 10thSD CPT | SWB CPT - current

List your strengths and weaknesses:

Strengths: Experienced Leader,
Good Pilot / Good Tanker.
Mature , Approchable
Good Relationship with other people

Weaknesses: Mingy History
No experience as actual HC

Thank you for Reading my application, i hope all of you can leave honest opinions and not take anything too personally to what i've done.
I like you Zapso but literally only a few weeks ago you were blacklisted from every NATO regiment for constantly logging on to NATO for the sole purpose of minging. The simple fact you even stayed as a CO on NWO is absolutely baffling and is down to SC essentially being about as strong as a wet paper towel.

If someone has that many active blacklists and that level of reputation for minging they shouldn't be anywhere near a leadership position, let alone SC. This isn't even like it's a new development, you've been this way for as long as I've known you on MRP, and I very much doubt you're in the mood to actively change that.

Allowing you in to SC would be a silent encouragement of your behaviour, of which you have already gotten away with FAR more than you should have done, simply because you're a pilot (or you're friends with SC).

Irrespective, best of luck and when you do get accepted I hope you actually try to mature and bring about positive change for the server
Mar 9, 2021
- support
I believe at the moment you are thriving in SWB and I would like to see you spend a bit more time with the regiment under the new system before transferring up to SC.
If I did see your development and SWB begin to be more sustainable as a regiment I would consider changing my verdict.
I like you Zapso but literally only a few weeks ago you were blacklisted from every NATO regiment for constantly logging on to NATO for the sole purpose of minging. The simple fact you even stayed as a CO on NWO is absolutely baffling and is down to SC essentially being about as strong as a wet paper towel.

If someone has that many active blacklists and that level of reputation for minging they shouldn't be anywhere near a leadership position, let alone SC. This isn't even like it's a new development, you've been this way for as long as I've known you on MRP, and I very much doubt you're in the mood to actively change that.

Allowing you in to SC would be a silent encouragement of your behaviour, of which you have already gotten away with FAR more than you should have done, simply because you're a pilot (or you're friends with SC).

Irrespective, best of luck and when you do get accepted I hope you actually try to mature and bring about positive change for the server
thank you for this, i believe you aren't right about most of this because pretty much anything i do over at nato is minging just to get me demoted on the other side. If i was really minging that badly thered be clips but sadly nothing was provided.

Blacklisted from every regiment except 17th.

View attachment 4490
Im not blacklisted from ISAF,RMP and 17th. Also not trying to start any drama but you have been never honest about me, just today you came in while i was doing a 17th tryout and said "oh god, dont let him in"
thank you for this, i believe you aren't right about most of this because pretty much anything i do over at nato is minging just to get me demoted on the other side. If i was really minging that badly thered be clips but sadly nothing was provided.

Im not blacklisted from ISAF,RMP and 17th. Also not trying to start any drama but you have been never honest about me, just today you came in while i was doing a 17th tryout and said "oh god, dont let him in"
Most people aren't going to be actively clipping people minging unless they intend to call a sit, although what I will say is that you weren't the only one doing this. You are the highest profile case of it, and SC's inaction was incredibly disappointing as I've made clear before. When you did minge, it wasn't anything particularly serious (other than you executing those four people that one time), but it was a consistent behaviour pattern that did not correct itself. You come on to NATO, you minge about, you wind people up, rinse and repeat.

I'd also like to make it known that you should have known better than to behave in that way, as I said, it was never anything beyond just annoying other players and occasionally abusing your RMP power, but as a long-term player with an active leadership role you shoud have known that what you were doing was wrong and detrimental to other players' experience.

What you did do, along with other people who have actively been minging, is encourage newer players to view the server as a mingefest. Again, this wasn't all down to you, it's been heading that way for well over a year now.

You were a good leader in UAF and I do think, minging aside, you could maybe be a good HC. What I'm worried about is you bringing that culture of toxicity to the higher levels and inadvertently start teaching new players that it's okay to act toxic.

As for the blacklists, you were at one point blacklisted from every regiment, but this was lifted on the condition you didn't minge (you did). We then left it to each regiment to decide what they wanted to do, when I left HC it was a matter of you were blacklisted from holding a leadership role. If someone applied for HC with ANY form of blacklist on the other team they'd be instantly denied, but I think I've made my thoughts on SC's inability to actually have a spine fairly clear.
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