Eyes demotion appeal

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Jun 6, 2021
Name: Eyes
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:7715549
Previous Rank (convert if required): Moderator
Who demoted you?: Chad Power
Date of demotion?: 07/10/2022
What is the case against you?: It is mainly to do with the level of toxicity I displayed within the staff team - overreacting to small things and starting unnecessary arguments.
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: There was a prior demotion, which was linked into this one, for a similar thing involving Chad Power.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: 1 warning from October 30th 2022, for Toxicity in OOC
What is your side of the story?: I was being obnoxious and on a cool down from when I was Senior Admin, going into a lower rank, being told what to do, etc, completely out of order I admit. I see where I went wrong and I don't see myself like this anymore.
Why should you return / what will you change?: I've played on the Server for a long time now, reaching 2 years almost, and I have 1 warning for something and nothing. I enjoy playing the server after work, and there is always a need for extra hands. I feel like my activity levels are really good, especially in the late evening when sometimes there can be low staff numbers. It's been a long time since the incident and I feel I've matured well enough to earn a position of responsibility.
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