Fexxy's MRP 2º Moderator Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 18, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): FexXy_
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 3w 0d 10h.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Portugal
Time zone: GTM / GTM+1
NATO name (regiment and rank): PVT fexxy's
USSR name (regiment and rank): FSB JLT fexxy | [BOH]
Civilian name: the fexxy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:616038998
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
1) https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/fexxys-moderator-app.2550/

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes I have 3 warns and 1 ban for:
"Job Abusing" I changed jobs so I wouldn't have my legs broken.
"ROE - Shooting as civ"
"Breaking FearRP" I think a juggernaut tried to kidnap me and I walked away (It's old I don't remember well).
"LTARP" The ban was removed after I explained the situation (You remenber LUZ?)

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: Yes, not on Garry's mod but on minecraft and discord servers.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes I have, in minecraft servers and on other darkrp and policerp servers on Garrys mod.

How many hours can you be on everyday?: It depends, on the days I have classes i can play 5-6 hours and on weekends 10-11 hours if I don't have to study for tests or do other things.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?: As I said in my 1st application, I would like to take a step forward in MRP to have more responsibilities with the server and help the players, also help in the morning because, so far I've seen little improvement in this aspect, I think it would also be a good experience for me as I have never been a staff on a Garrys Mod server, I consider this a disadvantage because of the mistakes that I can make but I will try to avoid them so as not to harm anyone player but if it happens, I will own up to my mistakes in the team. And I would also like to meet and make new friends within the team and outside of it thanks to my position.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I am very impartial, I listen to both sides of the story to make the best decision and I try to help both sides, I keep calm and don't let other reasons influence my decisions.
One weeks ago my activity went back to what it was before and I think it would be nice to have one more team member who has good server activity, as this helps to deal with the sit's that sometimes it still takes a little time to be answered.
My knowledge of the rules has increased a lot since my last Interview and I would definitely like a chance to prove it, in my last Interview I did have a knowledge of the rules but now it's better and I'll try not to get nervous as in the last one turn.

Written with love and care by Fexxy.
Changed and with more information as suggested


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=Neutral (Leaning to +Support)


+Kind and Mature
+Decent Rule Knowledge

-/+Application lacking a little more detail, but still formatted and written better.
+Application is detailed and well laid out

For the reasons stated above, I am staying as neutral however I want to give you the chance of support if you add information to your application, nevertheless best of luck!

I am happy to offer you my support on your application for staff. Best of luck!


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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022

=Haven't had enough in-game interaction with you to form a personal verdict.
=Application is okay. You explain your reasons for joining staff and what you would bring quite short & sloppily, but some-what understandably.
=Only a few warnings that you seemed to have learned from due to explaining why they are there.

Hi Fexxy. As said, I haven't seen you enough in-game for me to form a verdict on you as a person, so this review is only based on your application. Overall your application is decent, it's lacking effort in some parts (both this application and your previous one), but nonetheless you answer each question understandably. I'd like to see you interact with people more in-game (me for example) and make yourself known a bit more.



Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 18, 2021
=Neutral (Leaning to +Support)

+Kind and Mature
+Decent Rule Knowledge

-/+Application lacking a little more detail, but still formatted and written better.

For the reasons stated above, I am staying as neutral however I want to give you the chance of support if you add information to your application, nevertheless best of luck!



=Haven't had enough in-game interaction with you to form a personal verdict.
=Application is okay. You explain your reasons for joining staff and what you would bring quite short & sloppily, but some-what understandably.
=Only a few warnings that you seemed to have learned from due to explaining why they are there.

Hi Fexxy. As said, I haven't seen you enough in-game for me to form a verdict on you as a person, so this review is only based on your application. Overall your application is decent, it's lacking effort in some parts (both this application and your previous one), but nonetheless you answer each question understandably. I'd like to see you interact with people more in-game (me for example) and make yourself known a bit more.


Dmitri and Leonid

As Dmitri asks I made some changes, I tried to give more information and complement the apply more, if you also want to have a second opinion Leonid based on my apply feel free to.
And thanks for the idea and for giving me a second thought Dmitri.


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021

-Minimal interaction ingame
-unsure of rule knowledge

For the reasons above I have given a neutral verdict, good luck
Oct 24, 2021
im giving you a plus support today because even tho ive have little interaction with you, your app is very detailed and thought out, i would like to see you on the saff team as ive been told you are very mature and friendly.on top of that youve had no recent warns and your only ban was in 2021.


Civil Gamers Expert
May 28, 2021

I don't have any interactions with you therefore i cannot form a accurate verdict.

Good luck.
Mar 14, 2022
  • Willing to undertake more responsibility.
  • Seems to have learned a bit from prior mistakes and have a better rule understanding.

  • A bit too young raising questions on maturity.
  • I don't know how active you are.
  • I don't know you personally.

  • I will stay NEUTRAL on this due to the fact I don't know you enough to give a realistic verdict.


Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2022

You're a great guy to speak to as well as a mature person
A quite active and reasonable person
Rule knowledge is decent

Good luck my man hopefully you don't get nervous in the next interview ; )
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