Denied Fix EST OR dont allow people to force EST

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Filip McSpazz

Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
EST so far is pretty broken / allows for meta gaming, I dont think its intended for RP that when you get stabbed with a harpoon and get revived that somehow magically your disquise will fall of and put your orange jump suits back on. Forcing EST has allowed for complete meta gaming or power gaming to happen as they use a game bug / design to their advantage. I think they should either fix it to where you still keep your disquise or make a rule to where its not allowed

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+Stops Meta Gaming
+Fixes 914 disguised D Class getting meta gamed

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-People will complain about catching 914 disquised D Class even though its one of the toughest things to do

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Help server growth

Reiner Zufall

Active member
Aug 1, 2022
How does EST allows metagaming? Every GOIs uses it if there is valid reason to do so, if your Id card or your kant number is suspicious they can EST you that's valid. If someone does it without a valid reason just call sit.

Rito Munro Fraser

Programming Team
May 14, 2023
If people metagame disguised D-Class, that's an issue with metagaming, not EST. EST is the only way currently to check the true identity of someone who used 914, and it's not like you can EST someone who isn't already detained. If you made this change, you would just get killed instead of getting EST, which removes RP for no reason.


Active member
Dec 7, 2022
Salty dclass main makes worst suggestion ever
Is asked to leave site 56
EST has nothing to do with "metagaming disguised D-Class" its simply how people get rid of disguises D-Class gain from metagaming themselves (knowing exactly where 914 is, how to use it and what each disguise is for / does), The metagaming is by the people who confront you for invalid reasons and prefer to RP your disguise removal instead of outright killing you.

EST isn't metagame at all. If you die as a 914d CI/D-Class and a random trainee revives you not knowing you were D-Class, would you make a sit on them? It wouldn't go very far.

If you are getting metagamed and THEN being forced to EST, that is again not an issue of EST and should be reported individually. EST is fine and I see no changes that need to be made from it.
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