Denied Fix NWO Highlands Base

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Active member
Aug 23, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Fix the unfair base they get, and before NWO comes here saying Cope, respectfully, this is a suggestion, you can disagree, but don't be a little kid and "cope", when you know it's damn true NWO Base is the most broken base out of all bases across the map

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Probably by me multiple times, to get ignored and denied like all the time :)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Fairer Base Raids
Equal Bases somewhat
Less Toxicity

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
NWO will complain hard
Easier base raid for NATO (tbh fairer, but still)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Currently gone gather all the information from this and elaborate a scheme that even a 5 year old may understand


West/East Gate:
NATO: 8 Gates (Personal Door can be breachable, but won't open, Vehicle Door is too strong to be breachable)
NWO: 3 (1 Breachable only outer gate) Gates + Elevator on both

North/South Gate:
NATO: 2 (Can't breach)
NWO: 3 (1 Breachable only, outer gate) + Elevator again and long ass ramp

Secret Tunnel:
NATO: 2 Doors And 1min walk, can't shoot/see through the doors (can shoot and see through the window, but still) also 10s from entrance to exit (without hacking both doors)
NWO: 1 Door? Not Breachable, can shoot and see throught the doors, 2 big long ladders up and down, and a 3mins or more long walk in a straight line (~53s from entrance to exit)

NATO: 3 (1 North and 2 West), + 2 Into Base and 1 Connecting North to West (Button Openable) and 1 Connecting West to West (Button Openable) +Can Grapple into the catwalk
NWO: 0 Nothing at all, no catwalk no nothing

NATO: 17s from ISAF Bunks to CC | 34s to NHC from ISAF to ATC (Keep in mind no long door opening animation)
NWO: 10s from IVG Bunks to CC | 14s from IVG to SC Chambers

Sniping Spots:
NATO: From Dome, and Hill outside North Wall (only counterable by being on walls too and ATC and TC Roof kinda, but out of render)
NWO: From Train Yard Hill only? (Counterable from any high place in NWO Base basically)

Vehicle Spawn
NATO: Near Bunks, exposed (unless the main one is ocupied) can be AT4 by NWO on walls
NWO: Away from bunks, in the corner, blocked by walls, no way spawn camp vehicles (or barely any way)

Heli Spawn
NATO: All Pads are near the back wall and TC Pad is in the corner easy target for AT4s from Walls too
NWO: 1 Pad in the center of base, easy to land, but easy target | 2 Pads on wall easy target from AT4s, but easy to land too | All Pads only hitable if the person is on the hills surrounding (where they are easily countered at same time)

Possible Fixes​

West Gate: Remove the Elevator mechanic completely, make it so there's a way in both bases for people get in on foot (with breaching)
North Gate: Remove the elevator once again, make it so the personal entrance is breachable
Make sure both bases have a somewhat equal number of gates

Give NATO a better secret tunnel too, or change NWO Secret tunnel, instead of hacking the current door, put 2 hackable doors halfway in the tunnel, like NATO has somewhat, and remove the ladder, so they can't on top throwing nades down

Walls, give NWO a catwalk into base too or remove NATO catwalk,

Bunks, make it so both teams have a somewhat equal time to reach both CC and HC Buildings

Having people snipin from outside or inside can be annoying, but one have more spots to counter than the other doesn't make it that fair

Vehicle spawn, is pretty obvious, NWO can just spawn camp NATO Vehicles from walls, while NATO can't, since the spawnpoints are behind a wall (unless the vehicles spawn inside the shelter thing)

Heli spawn, it's more or less equal in terms of fair, but NATO ones need avoid going too fast or close to the wall, while NWO doesn't have that issue when landing

Keep in mind!​

All this is not a cope suggestion, but if you read the suggestion properly, you'll see bases are not equal, and one has a easier time defending than the other, yes one time NATO almost won a Base Raid on NWO, but while NATO to win needs go 90% full force, NWO can just go 25% and win
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Dr Drew

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Jan 29, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @MLGMagicHoodini ,
Your suggestion has been denied.
We don't have the dev resources to work on highlands as our mapper is busy making a new map.
Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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