Accepted Fix the bounty hunter , medic , and sewer dweller jobs in DarkRP

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Cringe God

New Member
Aug 24, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[The above mentioned jobs are broken in one way or another.
First off ; bounty hunter . You pay a minimum of 10k for a bounty , and the bounty hunter goes to kill your target , no RP reason needed . Problem is you pay immediately via a menu and do not get a refund if something goes wrong . I think if your target dies in some random way your bounty hunter still gets your money even if he didn't do anything, so you end up paying for nothing. It's a small amount of money but still it feels stupid when you pay money and get nothing for it. And the most important issue is if you place a bounty on someone's head and pay , and your target disconnects from the server you still lost the money for nothing.
Second ; medic. I believe medic can spawn a armour dispenser and can collect money from it. The problem is it is so expensive nobody uses it. There are other classes that can spawn armour batteries that each give you 15 armour and cost only 500 a piece. You can walk up to one of those classes and say " give me 7 armour batteries , it will cost you 3500, i will give you 7000 , fair deal ", and then you will have full armour . Compare this to the price of the armour dispenser the medic can spawn. 2500 per 10 armour , that's more than 5 times the base price . 10k for 40 armour , but like i've shown in the previous example it would cost you 3500 plus interest for 100 armour if you buy it via batteries . In short , batteries can give you 100 armour for 3500 (plus interest), the armour dispenser the medic can spawn will give you 100 armour for 25000. The armour dispenser is overpriced , and the medic cannot adjust prices on it , and nobody uses it.
Third ; sewer dweller. Only one player model avalable for him and it has a wide hitbox and you can shoot him when he is behind cover. Spawns with a bad melee weapon and is not allowed to use guns . The sword cannot be swung when you are sprinting , so everyone can outrun you and you need to stop sprinting and start walking to attack , and if you miss , if the distance is too great then you will never catch up with your target again. I suggest giving him another player model that does not have a broken hitbox and a melee weapon that can be used when sprinting, or perhaps something unique to the job.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[People will not be robbed of their money when placing bounties or trying to use armour stations. Sewer dweller becomes actually usable. ]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[If the armour dispenser becomes too cheap, everyone on the server will be very tanky which might cause balance issues , and it's easy to use you just spawn a dispenser in the middle of the city and everyone can buy quickly without standing in line like most shops. Sewer dweller can RDM in sewers so i guess you might hesitate to buff such a job ]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[So players do not get robbed of their in game money and people actually start playing sewer dweller. Sewers are small and empty so they already have it pretty rough]
I'm going to reply to each of your suggestions, before a decision is made about them.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[The above mentioned jobs are broken in one way or another.
First off ; bounty hunter . You pay a minimum of 10k for a bounty , and the bounty hunter goes to kill your target , no RP reason needed . Problem is you pay immediately via a menu and do not get a refund if something goes wrong . I think if your target dies in some random way your bounty hunter still gets your money even if he didn't do anything, so you end up paying for nothing. It's a small amount of money but still it feels stupid when you pay money and get nothing for it. And the most important issue is if you place a bounty on someone's head and pay , and your target disconnects from the server you still lost the money for nothing.
Ellie recently made a suggestion about regulating the bounty system, which has been accepted. This should hopefully solve the resounding issues with the bounty system. Also, if your target dies naturally the bounty hunters do not get paid for it. The reason for the price is due to the convenience and lack of an RP reason needed.
Second ; medic. I believe medic can spawn a armour dispenser and can collect money from it. The problem is it is so expensive nobody uses it. There are other classes that can spawn armour batteries that each give you 15 armour and cost only 500 a piece. You can walk up to one of those classes and say " give me 7 armour batteries , it will cost you 3500, i will give you 7000 , fair deal ", and then you will have full armour . Compare this to the price of the armour dispenser the medic can spawn. 2500 per 10 armour , that's more than 5 times the base price . 10k for 40 armour , but like i've shown in the previous example it would cost you 3500 plus interest for 100 armour if you buy it via batteries . In short , batteries can give you 100 armour for 3500 (plus interest), the armour dispenser the medic can spawn will give you 100 armour for 25000. The armour dispenser is overpriced , and the medic cannot adjust prices on it , and nobody uses it.
Armour batteries give 15 armour per battery, at a price of £500, the armour station gives 10 armour per £2500. This is a bit of an oversight, as it means that gun dealers can provide armour at a much cheaper price. Additionally the armour batteries allow you to go over 100 armour, whereas the station is restricted to 100. You are right in saying that this needs to be balanced out. We could do this by lowering the price of the stations, since they're more convenient and don't require someone to manually sell each battery, I believe they ought to be slightly more expensive.
Third ; sewer dweller. Only one player model avalable for him and it has a wide hitbox and you can shoot him when he is behind cover. Spawns with a bad melee weapon and is not allowed to use guns . The sword cannot be swung when you are sprinting , so everyone can outrun you and you need to stop sprinting and start walking to attack , and if you miss , if the distance is too great then you will never catch up with your target again. I suggest giving him another player model that does not have a broken hitbox and a melee weapon that can be used when sprinting, or perhaps something unique to the job.
The sword which sewer dwellers are given is incredibly powerful, doing around 80 damage per swing. On a player with 150 health and 100 armour, it takes only four swings to completely kill them. Because of the way sewer dweller works it is intended that you sneak up on people before pulling out the sword, so that you can close the distance without them killing you. As for the not being able to sprint, if you want to use a weapon whilst sprinting, you should get hold of a permaknife which can be used in this way. Additionally there is a shop available in the sewers, where you can purchase a harpoon to be used as a long range weapon.

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top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane
Suggestion Accepted

Hi @Cringe God

Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion.

Due to the nature of this suggestion, and its many parts, I will only be accepting your points regarding medic, and bounty hunter already has a rework planned as mentioned above - stemming from another suggestion.

The prices surrounding armor, we agree, need a rework and this will be noted in our backlog.

Regarding your point about sewer dwellers; we believe that it does not need any sort of buff - the sword and harpoon are ample for the RP surrounding the job.

This will now be locked, moved, and marked as accepted.​
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