Flames' CGSF Application

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CG Super VIP
Jan 10, 2021
1. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:179976014

2. In-game name: Flames


4. Do you have a mic? Yes

5. Is this your first application? If not please link ALL previous CGSF applications.

6. If you had to estimate, how many hours of Police/SWAT role-play would you say you had?
~800 total hours.

7. How would you deal with a suspect that was failing to cooperate with officers?
If a suspect were to fail to cooperate with police, I would ask the suspect to face the wall and incite a conversation. Upon getting the suspect against the wall, I'd restrain the suspect to ensure the safety of all officers and take a look around the perimeter to spot any potential threats. Upon deeming the situation safe to continue, I'd incite a conversation with the suspect about the situation. If the suspect was wrongfully detained, I would set the suspect free and apologize for any disturbance.

8. What would you do if you saw an Officer die?
I'd head over to the officer-down location and pursue the suspect, informing all available police department members of the whereabouts and any identifiers of the suspect. If the suspect still proved to be an active threat to the safety of any civilian or officer, I would proceed to eliminate the suspect eliminating any potential chance for casualties and error. However, if the suspect were to be unarmed, I'd pursue the suspect and have them face the wall and arrest the suspect for the according reasons.

9. During raids you will be required to act in a tactical and effective manner. If required how would you lead a raid?
Initially, before the raid begins, I'd proceed and set up a barricade ensuring safety for police department members when engaging in a potential firefight. I would use FBI to identify the potential amount of people located within the base. If no response were to be given upon asking the residents of the base to step outside, I'd get a warrant for the base and prepare to breach. The best equipt units would take the front of the raid and the least equip units to guard the barricade. The most armoured units would take first place in the push and start to tunnel inside the base with hex shields. After the raid ends, I would remove all barricades and any fences used to engage with the base.

10. If a suspect runs away from you as you're talking to him what would you do? (Keep in mind that failing to stop after being signaled by the police is a crime).
If the suspect were to run away upon being stopped initially, I'd approach the suspect in a non-lethal manner and ask the suspect to face the wall. If the suspect were to become hostile or fail to comply I would detain and or neutralize the suspect. If the suspect complies, I'd incite an investigation with the suspect and arrest the suspect for the according reasons.

Do you meet the following criteria?
- Ability to stay calm: Yes, however, can be improved upon.
- Polite yet forceful: Yes.
- Effective coordination Yes
- Excellent marksmanship Yes
-Great role-play ability: Somewhat, can be adjusted accordingly.

Rate out of 10 your skills on these

- Ability to stay calm: 8
- Polite yet forceful: 8
- Effective coordination: 8
- Excellent Marksmanship: 9
- Role-Play Ability: 7

Old CGSF, knows what he's doing.

Only thing I'd say is you have a constant need to prove you're better than other people and you can be quite arrogant/egotistical which are qualities that made old CGSF really quite unfavourable. I hope you can tone it down a little if you get CGSF back and start focusing more on your roleplay as opposed to using the role just for status.

Other than that, you're a long term CN player and I've had plenty of positives with you, just wish you'd take the ego down a notch from time to time, but that can be said about a lot of people on DarkRP so don't see it as too much a criticism.
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CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
+ Support
+ Active as PD
+ Has Raiding ability
+ Good RP
+ Always seen in ts and in game

good luck mate.


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Dec 25, 2020
Insane RP ability
- Cracked Combat/Raiding skills
- Hackusation worthy marksman

how was bro ever not CGSF :skull::freeze::freeze:??


Well-known Member
May 15, 2023
+ support
decent friendly guy and really active, would be great as cgsf

Dmitri Jinglesly

CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020

+Very active as PD
+Always on TS3
+Good at combat and raiding
+Good Rp (doesn't tryhard K/D no more)

Sidenote: Turn off ur lagswitch
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