Game Master Application | Snif

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
Snoopi2244 | Snoopi

For how long have you played on CG MRP:


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
According to Google (GMT+1) :p

In-game name and Previous Names:
John Snif | Snife The Great | Snif | Snife | Henry Hill

Steam ID:

Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I do have a fully working mic.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
All my recent applications are kinda removed since forums changed and all.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
Well, I have a warning like killing infantry with a matador.
This incident was a dumb one, so I was throwing grenades and were basically spamming left click and suddenly I do not have more grenades and it switched to matador. (4 people died)

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
I used to be a Game Master in a Danish Community. At that time, It was DarkRP so you know nothing special than Team Death Match, Free For All, Survival Games, Race, etc... BUT. When it comes to MRP, it's ofc more different. You must use logic and kinda research your way into old NATO missions in places such as Afghanistan or something like that and kinda edit it to be more suitable for this server.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Well, I sometimes play as Milita and start something such as a "Packaging Company", where I do these top-secret jobs to kidnap people and call them a "Package". It was mainly tested today (31/12/2020), but overall whenever people like Valkyrie start some serious RP, then I'm more a guy that wants to participate since I know we're lacking on that. (That's why I'm applying)

As you see. Current Game Master would do the old basic events such as Boxing Matches or Tank Vs Tank. That's what I think doesn't fit, in this server. I see a vision where regiments such as KGB and MP being tested on callouts - "KGB, this is the UHC speaking. There are rumors of a big enemy target running around in one of our territories. You must patrol and communicate your way to find this high valued target." The same could go for MP like you give them an everyday task and not just protecting the base and waste your time.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
I play on the server for about 5-7 hours every day. Some of these hours could go forward to my Game Master Role.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
As stated above, I would like to make a change. Making the roleplay better than ever before and give every regiment something to do.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
Well, you can see it both ways. I can be very serious and I can be a bit unserious and more fun. I have all these ideas that I will bring to the Game Master team, and hopefully, they will help, or I will just take the act into my own hands. Sometimes that can be the case in a big role like that.

Please List 5 small event ideas(Which wouldn't require a map change):

- KGB vs MP (Communication and Patrol Learning)
- JAF vs ABT (Finding Targets and execute by order)
- AG vs SAS (Finding Targets and capture with the help of parachuting or breaching)
- 17thAR vs 10thSD (Holding Locations, defending from heavy attacks.)
- ISAF vs SHA (Teamwork, Communication, etc...)

Please List 2 Big Event Ideas(Which would be what we call (Map Change Events):

UHC Mission:

All USSR regimens will be placed in the Town. They are to defend from all incoming attacks and hold it for 20 minutes. There will be a "Radio Building" setup. This radio building is used to communicate with UHC back in Russia. However, NATO's job is to get in Town successfully and hack into the Radio Building. There is no addon for this so it could be like (./oc Radio Hacking 1,3,5,7,9, up to 100%). And they must do it within these 20 minutes they have. If nato succeeds, then USSR is to surrender if not dead and be executed on sight.

Top Secret Group:

NATO has met a new enemy, by the name Soviet Partisans. (If possible bring out a temp player model from the workshop)
This group has been playing a Bomb on the NATO base, and they have been receiving vehicle help from the USSR. The Soviet Partisans has been taught by USSR high members and are suspected to sacrifice everything to simply bomb NATO base. NATO will have to fortify their walls enough to protect the NHC from these young resistance members. The Soviet Partisans, will be attacking with Tanks and Turret Cars and going infantry for the most part while JAF cannot bring heli's due to a USSR spy killing all helicopters while they were sleeping during the night. The Soviet Partisans are expected to defeat NATO and resulting from that every NATO will go in Lockdown somewhere close to the NHC offices.

Side Note:
To all the people that still think I'm immature and toxic. I am not the Snif I was 2 weeks ago. I saw the opputornatuies in being non-toxic. You can talk to each other without being toxic and mingy e.g in OOC. I think the goal in a MRP server is to also destroy the toxicness, because that would just spread and make the server shit. I now say this: I will act professional at all times when I'm online as Game Master. I will not abuse my given powers as I've seen GM's do, and I will not abuse them on myself if not event related. ( I just need this chance to prove it to you all.)

Thank you for reading
- Snif

(Ohh and this is - Crossen, Brandon and me. <3)
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MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020

- Good app
- Really active
- Good event ideas
- Definitely improved your attitude recently

From what I've seen, you've definitely been a LOT less toxic in-game, as well as a lot less mingey, you've clearly improved and reflected upon your previous actions and I'm sure you'd make a great addition to the GM team if you get accepted.
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MRP War Veteran
Jan 1, 2021

+ Active in-game
+ Active on TS3

+/- Never really seen much RP (Always gets staff involved in RP situations, blocking fun RP)
- Toxic
- Lack of rules knowledge
- No Regimental Missions included in the application
- Event idea's listed are very simple and underdeveloped
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Current Game Master would do the old basic events such as Boxing Matches or Tank Vs Tank
Mini-event, actual events are usually on Saturdays.
I can be very serious and I can be a bit unserious and more fun.
I am not the Snif I was 2 weeks ago.
You were literally demoted back to PSC (link) in the KGB for being *checks notes* a minge. I myself have personally witnessed this first hand, where you relentlessly torment AG (not always unwarranted) and taze for fun. None of this is "serious" nor "unserious", it's simply dumb and disgraceful to the KGB's image.
You can talk to each other without being toxic and mingy e.g in OOC.
I will not abuse my given powers as I've seen GM's do
You're literally saying this just to ostracize Valkryie who had done a legitimate, curious mistake which he was brutally punished for. He's the only GM who had done so too. Weird you brought these up. Your past precedes you, sadly. (link)


I agree with others' points to an extent. You are active in-game and in the community. You seem to have improved on your rule knowledge as well. However I have doubts on your true maturity and whether you have actually "changed", due to the points above.

Your small ideas are repetitive and/or just definitive of the group themselves. You've essentially pitted one group against the other.. like a TDM. I don't see any weight in those small events.

Of your big event ideas, the first one has some resemblance to that one big event with the snowy mountain map change (I didn't attend, no idea what the event was, just know it was some hold the ground type mission, similar to your pitch) and the second one isn't reflective of your title. Spies exist in the game. Raids exist in the game. Your mission is just a fast track raid with the objective being protect the NHC. I feel there could be something more.. unique in that aspect.

All in all I do not agree whatsoever that you have become less toxic. I stand by this opinion at this time. I'm sorry but I do not trust you to be a prolific game master yet. You still need to improve your reputation and add some color to your ideas.

Good work on them nonetheless, I just don't think they're satisfactory.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 24, 2020
I'll go with -Support
Reason for this being is, when you were arresting me I told you to uncuff me in RP situation since in RP imagine if you are in actual USSR and imagine what an actual general would tell you if you were arresting him. Later on you proceeded to say in KGB Channels that I threatened to demote you if you didn't uncuff me which is total insanity. You left ABT after you were warned you may get demoted if you do not improve your attitude since me and Danny were getting so much complaints about you. I'm not even going to bring up how you respect higher ups. I didn't have any issues in past couple of days with you which is good I guess, but you really have to give it more time. ALSO You didn't list out all the warning you have, if I am not mistaken on your last moderator application on old forums you had 4 and since then I believe you got one more while on application you listed only 1 warning for ROE. (I don't know exact number of warnings, staff will have to check that but I am pretty sure you have more than 1)

NOTE: Try responding to all verdicts at once since responding like you are above makes your application look messy.
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top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane
when you were arresting me I told you to uncuff me in RP situation since in RP imagine if you are in actual USSR and imagine what an actual general would tell you if you were arresting him.
Nobody is above the law tho, as the KGB COL I tell them that. Being UHC doesn't excuse you from the base rules. In RP him not listening to you is reasonable.
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Active member
Dec 29, 2020

He is very active in both sides always tries to bring a regiment back if its going bad, he hasn't been toxic for a long while , I know because I always play with him .
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MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020
I'll go with -Support
Reason for this being is, when you were arresting me I told you to uncuff me in RP situation since in RP imagine if you are in actual USSR and imagine what an actual general would tell you if you were arresting him. Later on you proceeded to say in KGB Channels that I threatened to demote you if you didn't uncuff me which is total insanity. You left ABT after you were warned you may get demoted if you do not improve your attitude since me and Danny were getting so much complaints about you. I'm not even going to bring up how you respect higher ups. I didn't have any issues in past couple of days with you which is good I guess, but you really have to give it more time. ALSO You didn't list out all the warning you have, if I am not mistaken on your last moderator application on old forums you had 4 and since then I believe you got one more while on application you listed only 1 warning for ROE. (I don't know exact number of warnings, staff will have to check that but I am pretty sure you have more than 1)

NOTE: Try responding to all verdicts at once since responding like you are above makes your application look messy.
A little shocked to see you trying to use your rank to escape being jailed for a crime you committed, maybe it'd work on players new to the server who don't know what they're doing, but Snif has been playing MRP for a long time.

I'm not here to do Snif's application for him and defend him from any criticism, but just the idea that someone could -support someone partly because he didn't uncuff you when your arrest was ordered is disgraceful to see.

On a more positive note, I can confirm for you that Snif's general attitude as well as his respect and attitude towards his higher-ups has definitely improved.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 24, 2020
To clear up my verdict since some people don't understand what I meant, what I was pissed about is that he went around gossiping I threatened to demote him which never happened, NOT because I didn't get released.
Jan 1, 2021
- Support

+ Active on TS
+ Frequently seen on the server Active

+/- Frequently changes regiment

- Toxic
- Poor Event Ideas (Too simple, some seem like basic training)
- Blacklisted from several regiments
- Immature
- Exploitative of Power

Overall if improvements happen over the next weeks/months I could see a game master in the making, however, I currently think it would be inappropriate for him to get GM
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  • Haha
Reactions: Mr.Snif
Jan 1, 2021
I change regiments to help the regiment in need. All regiment I've joined has been getting succesful under my lead. (I do not see this a problem)

Poor event idea's? (So Boxing matches are better?) :p

I don't force people to spawn nothing, I usally ask ABT to take us over to the NATO base because I'm somtimes a spy.

Any verdicts on my RP overall?. Thank you :)
I hardly ever see you RP, and often when RP doesn't go in your favour you call staff sits.

The regiment was a neutral point, not a criticism

Boxing events > Basic Training
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I'll go for neutral

It would've been neutral leaning to +support but some of the other verdicts leaving examples make me waver.

Your last staff app did get minged on and so you did miss out on feedback, we've had an incident where we both perhaps should've grown up (I'm referring to that sit), but we've put that behind us and for the most part I actually get on with you and I can have fun rping with you

Your attitude the past two weeks has MASSIVELY improved, you've made a tremendous effort in changing your behaviour and actually trying to engage in the community. However, to some I think there is still a bit of a bitter taste, and sometimes (from what I've seen) you do tend to slip back into that more immature character.

Your event ideas are reasonable but nothing that really excited me, try to focus more on telling stories and creating interesting event landscapes. When I was GM I polled the community on what they wanted to see more of, and big campaign-style events won massively, so think on a much larger scale.

I do think you're getting a bit of a bad rap here, but I can't speak for other people's experiences. From my own experiences, you've definitely changed for the better. I think maybe before I can give you my support I'd like to see you continue that change going forward. Just carry on being patient, it's not impossible to change your rep and if you carry on behaving well then people will notice it.

You're very active in the community and I genuinely do think you want to improve things with GM and yourself, I hope eventually you do get accepted into one of these positions and you can show everyone else that you're not an immature player.
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MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020
-Active in TS3
-Active In-Game
-Seems to know the rules
-Decent Event Ideas
-Recently within the last month has been way more mature than in his early days

-Still a little toxic at times
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Well-known Member
Dec 29, 2020
-You're event ideas are not really good-For 5 small events you put a regiment VS another one because you don't have any creative ideas to add,that is not RP.
-In my eyes you are still a minge,I still see you talk shit about other regiments sometimes.
-I've had a lot of bad previous interactions with you and I don't think you've reached that level of being in the GM team.
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