Gamemaster Application - Nemrex

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MRP War Criminal
Dec 26, 2020
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): danielorez
For how long have you played on CG MRP: 4 months
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Austria
Time zone: MEZ (GMT +1)
In-game name and Previous Names: Nemrex
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:91027208
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- I have made an application in order to become staff, however it is my first gamemaster application
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have recieved warnings for not knowing how to properly use the RPG as well as a warning for ardm due to missuese of a fire arm.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- I did some smaller events when I was in MP but notihing bigger than that.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- Yes I do. I was staff previously to this application. However I had to resign due to irl issues, as well as health issues.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- During my finals which will last roughly two more months I will be able to averae about 3 hours a day (weekends 7-8 hours) And after that I will be able to gain every necessary ammount of time, assuming it stays under 12 hours a day.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- As previously mentioned I had to resign from staff due to multiple reasons. However I still want to give back to the community and want to inhance the playing experience for all the players. I feel that both my creativity as well as my love for the game will provide a solid basis for me as a gamemaster.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I have spent a lot of effort, dedication, time and money (to fund events and giveaways), into this server, in order to create the best possible exerience. I fell in love with the server and I am looking forward to playing on it every day. I have so many great ideas that I want to come alive. I know my way around the server, due to spending some time being staff. In addiction to that I have made a lot of nw friends across both USSR and NATO. I have been part of almost every regiment, tried out all the different mechanics, perks and jobs, which is why I have a broad knowledge of what is possible and what not.
Please List 5 small event ideas(Which wouldn't require a map change):

1. Nuclear warheads are being transportet from the Airfield into the USSR base. There have been several reports of local militia leaders wanting to obtain those warheads in order to make both NATO as well as USSR leave their country. The Van is to be escortet safely into USSR base where it will be stored until the USSR can send it to a weapon deposit in Russia.

2. Local Civs/Militia have gotten their hands on some hightech NATO/USSR equippment. They have brought all of town under their control and are threatening to execute innocent people unless their demand are not met. (1-3 people would become juggernauts, meaning HP buff as well as insne weapons) NATO and USSR are sending their forces in order to stop them and bring peace, freedom and justice to thier new town. (See what i did there :p )

3. NATO or USSR are leaving afghan border. They have been order to fall back to the next big outpost. They are to leave via helicopters standing by on "Air Field". However, some of the helicopters have been badly damaged from all the sand in afghan border. Due to that the initial take off time has been set back. Either NATO or USSR are to defend Airfield for 10-20 minutes untill engineers are able to get the helicopters up an running again.

4. After this war between NATO and USSR is over and both NATO and USSR are to move out of the country, it will be up to the army/militia of afghan border to protect its people. NATO and USSR start a COMBINED ARMS PROGRAM (CAP) to educate local army on the use of tanks, helicopters, weapons and war tactics. (I want people who are interested in what other regimenst do have the chance to get a look into those regiments. Some have maybe always wished of driving a tank or flying a heicopter. In addition it would be a good chance to get to see how it is from the sight of a pilot or tankdriver for example. Maybe that way people can actually understand why a tanks can't just relocate like a helicopter.)

5. The annually truce between NATO and USSR is here. For one day People can forget about the war and the fighting. A big event is set up at Air Field. There you can eat, gamble chat with the "Enemies" and people are able to attend in an karaoke event. It just let's people forget the horror of war and come together to celebrate and have fun. There will be local challages for example which Air Force can drop bombs more percicely or which Spec Ops unit can clear something faster just to get the ego going ;P. It doesn't always have to be about fighting <3

Please List 2 Big Event Ideas(Which would be what we call (Map Change Events):
Event 1
A known War Criminal has taken shelter in his safehouse. He is to be captured alive and brought to a court. He is heavily barricaded and has multiple traps and personal guards with him. NATO or USSR, one will be defending and one will be attacking, are to extract him after passing 3 phases of the operation.
Phase 1: Entry on the outside of a town, either via helicopter or boat. Setting up a field office for generals and officers.
Phase 2: Clearing the local town of any hostiles in order to set up th big push into the safe house.
Phase 3: Entering the safe house and extracting the War Criminal to bring him to justice.

Event 2
Scientists have came up with a cure for the local virus. They have sheltered themselves from the infected (don't know if zombies would be overkill) in order to have enought ime for the cure. Now it is time for the combined arms of NATO and USSR to get to them, extract them and make sure the cure will be delivered to all infected. The are to find the shelter (maybe a small cabin in the woods) eliminate any (Zobies or infected) along thier way and make it safely back to the extraction point.
Plot twist, the way they came from will be either just gone completely or just not accecible so they have to think of another way in order to get to the extraction point.

What missions would you make for each regiment in Nato(SAS,MP,17th,JAF,ISAF) please list 1 mission per regiment:

SAS: Local Militia has captured a news reporter (GONNA BE HAPPY IF IT'S LISA GUERRERRO) and are threatening to kill her on live TV, SAS is being sent to stop this and bring the reporter back to base.

MP: The local freedom rights activist (insert name here) is expected to give a speech to all the citizens from town. MP is to make sure the VIP is protected and any hostiles are goig to be arrested or neutralised.

JAF: JAF is planning an airshow they can fly in formations, put spins and barrel rolls into thier show what ever makes people go "ahh" "ohh" "uhh"

17th: Before USSR has left the wasteland of afghan border they made sure to put mines on almost all the important chokepoints. 17th have to sweep the ground and privide armoured support for NATO troops to safely move forward.

ISAF: ISAF is on it's way to a hostage exchange, after seeing more and more USSR pull up they are getting nervous. Until someone gets hit. With a man down who is to be broght to a truck and returning fire towards USSR they have to make their way out of this poisition.

What missions would you make for each regiment in
USSR(AG,KGB,10TH,ABT,SHA) please list 1 mission per regiment:

AG: A USSR soldier has managed to escape the prison, he is on his way to NATO base to collude with the enemy. AG are sent out to either recapture the traitor or elminate him in order to protect the secrets of USSR.

KGB: KGB operatives are sent out to infiltrade the local rug trafficking ring, the are disguised as local people and have a target to capture. Once captured they have to bring him back to base in order to reveil his stash houses.

10th: There are reports of an old bomb found in the middle of the mosque. All the people are to be evacuated, brought onto troop transports and broucht to safety. After this has been done and a safe distnce has been mentained, 10th bomb defusing experts are sent to disarm the bomb.

ABT: Loud beeping, red lights flashing. Two USSR helicopter have just been hit by an anti air system. ABT has to jump out and make their way back to base trough enemy lines.

SHA: SHA snipers and ground infantry have been sent to scavange for two fallen helicopters. They brought some engineers and two ABT pilots with them to get those helicopters up and running again. SHA is there to protect the engineers in case of enemy engagement.
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and money, into this server,

I have been part of almost every regiment
Legit claim if anyone is wondering (like you said, almost all)
Neutral leaning to +Support

> Small Event Ideas
(1) Decent concept (absolutely no chance of using a nuke though pls, stick to a 1000 pound); could use some further definitions as to the incentives and also stating NATO's role in this event.
(2) Skirmish is a bit of a typical concept imo, joint one would be even worse since the volunteers for the civvies would be incredibly low, do not recommend you go with this without a revision.
(3) This isn't a very open minded concept, since its basically just a concentrated war on one territory, no incentive would make this fun imo
(4) Your thoughts are placed correctly but this isn't the way you do it - again like (2) you cannot depend on people volunteering and if you force them then they will leave. Joint concepts are rarely possible, unless its for fun against the civvies holding town till they tap out xD
(5) I dig this, this is one of few exceptions I believe would be possible in MRP. This one has my support.

> Big Event Ideas
(1) I also like this idea, would like to see it happen
(2) Same as Small Event Ideas (2) and (4); no combined offensives, especially against NPCs.. that's not very big event worthy imo

> Regiment Wise Concepts
All good imo

Solid app
, but your money shots could use more help.

Good luck!
+ Active in game
+ Active in TS3
+ Fantastic Application

Normally for game master applications I go through each event on their application and use that as my method of +/- Supporting: I'm not doing that for this one, because there was not one of your events I didn't like, and most of your events made me think "I really like that idea". If I had to pick a favourite, funnily enough it would be the event for 17th, it's a really cool and unique concept.

I only have one issue with your application in that you currently have 5 warnings if we chose to ignore the two you have appeals open for; I don't see this as too much of an issue and simply suggest in future you ask staff to check your warnings if you're making an application of this nature.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have recieved warnings for not knowing how to properly use the RPG as well as a warning for ardm due to missuese of a fire arm.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
Content Team
Dec 24, 2020

+I have always loved your event ideas, I was happy to see that you applied for Gamemaster. I really hope you get accepted so I can see some of these ideas happen.

To add to this reply you are Very active and helpful in-game and I never have any problem with you. You have good rule knowledge.

Best of luck!
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