Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:448160311
Discord name:.yougene
For how long have you played on MRP: In terms of join date server launch
Are you a returning player?:No
If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: N/A
NATO name (regiment and rank):RMp sgt Gene [105]
USSR name (regiment and rank): Ag lcpl hartford
Civilian name:big gene
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-yes however most of them are from two+ years ago and they are mostly comprised of rdm and fearrp
Do you have any experience as CO or higher on MilitaryRP?:
- Yes I was kgb maj aor 1lt rmp 1lt mpk 1lt
List your current in-game rank(s) on MRP:
- sgt/Lcpl
What NATO regiment are you looking to enter?: RMP
What rank are you looking to enter your chosen regiment in?: cpt-ltcol however willing to go as low as 2lt. Preferable however cpt-ltcol
What makes you the best candidate for your chosen regiment?:
- The reasons I am the best candidate for rmp are as follows, I have played since server launch and 95% of my time has been spent in the mp regs. As such I have lots of experience with the mp regs. I also have held co+ in the mp regs numerous times farther contributing to my experience in the mp regs. Along with that I can do document work and investigations.
List your strengths and weaknesses:
- My strengths are that I am a good rper, I am active, and I know the law book well. My weaknesses are I am a slow typer, and I am not the best at combat.
Please list out your accomplishments on MRP, both in your chosen regiment (if applicable) and outside of it: RMP/kgb accomplishments for ranks/whitelist unit ranks KGB maj, RMP 1lt, mpk 1lt, aor Senior lt, vega group commander, and gru supervisor. For medals KGB Merit of Judication Iron star Order of Example and Order Keeper. USSR wide / other regs in ussr Order of the Red Star Order of Suvorov and Merit of Covert Service. Nato medals Victoria cross. Finaly I am 1st gen mp
What are the responsibilities of the position you are applying for?:
- The duties of the position I am applying for are as follows, Document work such as creation of new docs and revamp of old ones. Another duty is Leading wars when nhc on not there, and leading rmp investigations, along with rmp as whole. One last major duty is to review rmps actions such as arrests and making sure no rmp is being corrupt.
What are the main problems you see with the regiment you are entering into?: The first and foremost problem with rmp is overall activity I have at most seen 3 rmp on recently and more often than not 2. Another problem I see with rmp is the lack of activity of the 12TH sob whitelist unit and its lack of members. This is especially true when compared to kgb GRU. The last problem I see is NATO court system that only has an appellate wing with no system for a prosecution court. Along with that the appellate system is not done well and needs a rework.
Continuing from the above question, what is your plan to address these problems?: For the activity problem I will first do giveaways to the top 3 three tryout host each month. If it's not working, I will then make it required for cpl plus to do tryouts. The 12th sob whitelist units lack of numbers and activity I will fix by making a tryout doc for it instead of it just being handpick. For the courts I am working on docs to fix the flaws of NATOs court system
Discord name:.yougene
For how long have you played on MRP: In terms of join date server launch
Are you a returning player?:No
If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: N/A
NATO name (regiment and rank):RMp sgt Gene [105]
USSR name (regiment and rank): Ag lcpl hartford
Civilian name:big gene
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-yes however most of them are from two+ years ago and they are mostly comprised of rdm and fearrp
Do you have any experience as CO or higher on MilitaryRP?:
- Yes I was kgb maj aor 1lt rmp 1lt mpk 1lt
List your current in-game rank(s) on MRP:
- sgt/Lcpl
What NATO regiment are you looking to enter?: RMP
What rank are you looking to enter your chosen regiment in?: cpt-ltcol however willing to go as low as 2lt. Preferable however cpt-ltcol
What makes you the best candidate for your chosen regiment?:
- The reasons I am the best candidate for rmp are as follows, I have played since server launch and 95% of my time has been spent in the mp regs. As such I have lots of experience with the mp regs. I also have held co+ in the mp regs numerous times farther contributing to my experience in the mp regs. Along with that I can do document work and investigations.
List your strengths and weaknesses:
- My strengths are that I am a good rper, I am active, and I know the law book well. My weaknesses are I am a slow typer, and I am not the best at combat.
Please list out your accomplishments on MRP, both in your chosen regiment (if applicable) and outside of it: RMP/kgb accomplishments for ranks/whitelist unit ranks KGB maj, RMP 1lt, mpk 1lt, aor Senior lt, vega group commander, and gru supervisor. For medals KGB Merit of Judication Iron star Order of Example and Order Keeper. USSR wide / other regs in ussr Order of the Red Star Order of Suvorov and Merit of Covert Service. Nato medals Victoria cross. Finaly I am 1st gen mp
What are the responsibilities of the position you are applying for?:
- The duties of the position I am applying for are as follows, Document work such as creation of new docs and revamp of old ones. Another duty is Leading wars when nhc on not there, and leading rmp investigations, along with rmp as whole. One last major duty is to review rmps actions such as arrests and making sure no rmp is being corrupt.
What are the main problems you see with the regiment you are entering into?: The first and foremost problem with rmp is overall activity I have at most seen 3 rmp on recently and more often than not 2. Another problem I see with rmp is the lack of activity of the 12TH sob whitelist unit and its lack of members. This is especially true when compared to kgb GRU. The last problem I see is NATO court system that only has an appellate wing with no system for a prosecution court. Along with that the appellate system is not done well and needs a rework.
Continuing from the above question, what is your plan to address these problems?: For the activity problem I will first do giveaways to the top 3 three tryout host each month. If it's not working, I will then make it required for cpl plus to do tryouts. The 12th sob whitelist units lack of numbers and activity I will fix by making a tryout doc for it instead of it just being handpick. For the courts I am working on docs to fix the flaws of NATOs court system