Denied Generator Changes (CI) [USA/UK]

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion will add an actual real usage to CI's generator in their back room, it only turns off the lights and I never see anyone using that ever, that room is completely useless due to the fact there is 0 use but turning on and off lights. This would add the opportunity for CI's generator to be fixed when Foundations power turns off. It would require a CI Tech Expert to fix the generator, it would take longer than a dispenser or doors to fix.

The generator is the size of an industrial type generator so I don't see why it wouldn't be able to power our keycards as well as dispensers.
Screenshot 2023-11-07 095919.png

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I am unsure but it has to have been suggested atleast once.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1: Gives more use to the Tech Expert job
2: When foundations power cuts out it doesn't prevent us from being able to dispense stuff (etc.)
3: You could say it could be RP involved if our generator randomly cuts out and we have to do something to get it back up, like get gas or something.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Honestly I do not see any negatives other than our power randomly cutting out and us having to go out of the way to fix it.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It would give CI an update which the last base update for CI was those Pipes in the crossroads, other than that our garage door in the gen room got taken away for some reason.
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2022
-/+ support

I agree it needs more of a use. But it turning randomly off just seems annoying
+ Support
Make it have power and mechanism failures as to make ci have more of a dirt poor terror group using old weapons and armour aesthetic

Also just “cuz annoy” isn’t a great agreement considering that we have SCPs that are p2w, goc, and the new rdm rules for civs/dclass. Allare annoying yet we have them
Last edited:
Feb 13, 2023
I like the idea of giving it more use, but having it turn off randomly is just an annoying feature, we already deal with keycards & dispensers breaking whenever the Foundations turbines & crap go down, that's more than enough for me.

If however, they did hook up keycards & whatnot to it as well then I wouldn't mind it as much, as we wouldn't need to deal with cards & dispensers being down because the Foundation is goin through it
+ Support
Make it have power and mechanism failures as to make ci have more of a dirt poor terror group using old weapons and armour aesthetic

Also just “cuz annoy” isn’t a great agreement considering that we have SCPs that are p2w, goc, and the new rdm rules for civs/dclass. Allare annoying yet we have them
Those are actual classes with roleplay In mind. This is just a generator that cuts lights off every now and then.

And I hope u dident just compare The GOC to a CI lights generator lmao
Feb 13, 2023
Suggestion Denied
Hi @CJdaBoi ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We believe it would be a bad idea for it to randomly turn off & that it would not be a beneficial addition to the CI gameplay loop.
Additionally, a suggestion regarding dispensers & keycards working off the generator has already been accepted.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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