GenGu's 5th?? Cgsf app.

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Well-known Member
Dec 29, 2020
1. Steam ID:76561198314310147

2. In game name:GenGu

3. Do you have any bans? (ANY BANS WILL RESULT IN YOUR APPLICATION BEING WITHDRAWN): I don't have any bans.

4. Do you have a mic? Yes I do.

5. Is this your first application? If not please link ALL previous CGSF applications. Can't find them.

6. If you had to estimate, how many hours of Police/SWAT role-play would you say you had? Over 100

7. How would you deal with a suspect that was failing to cooperate with officers? I would handcuff him to make sure he is not/no longer posing a threat to the officers or any innocent bystanders. Then I would proceed to advert something along the lines of You are being handcuffed is due to (for example) public nudity. The reason that I would handcuff first is that he is no longer a threat, and I chose to advert as apposed to mic so that should he have no sound, there is no way that he cannot see the reason he handcuffed. Finally, I would give any available and nearby officers the right to arrest.

8. What would you do if you saw an Officer die? If I saw the person who killed the officer, I would call for backup straight away and wanted him. If I have not been spotted I would move forward and attempt to handcuff him, from there I would follow standard procedures and tell him why he is handcuffed and lead him to PD where he can be arrested. However, If he is armed and spotted Me, I would do the same, Wanted and call for backup. Then when backup arrives I would ask him to drop the weapon as he is surrounded and to show that he is cooperating. Then the police can handle if and question him. However, if he refuses to co operate and shoots first,he will be wanted dead or alive, and if its in a populated area, ask the mayor to initiate a lockdown.

9. During raids you will be required to act in a tactical and effective manner. If required how would you lead a raid? First I would be scoping the actual space used. I need to know the size of the base, entry points, number of suspects, weapon count and any potential hostages inside the location. All these factors would determine my plan of action and if possible using a structure/dupe to see within the base as part of reconnaissance. If a practical breach can be made on the base after identifying all entry points I would co-ordinate my team and depending on numbers utilise the Breacher with any possible Shield Teams for cover and convey them to the front of the structure. Constantly using the police radio, I would expect officers to limit their radio use and convey only important messages relative to the breach so that the raid can be conducted swiftly and with minimal loss. From the moment of entering or moving towards the entry point, it is fair to say that the suspect/suspects will have opened fire or be ready to open fire and at this point, it is vital that I am able to see where the shots are coming from in order to co-ordinate an effective response, ensuring that all officers in the vicinity, return fire. Ultimately the return of fire, should force the suspects the move (if the shots are good) and give enough time for the Breach Team/Shields to gain entry into the base. Making the most of sound and visuals is key to a successful raid as it can ultimately determine and sniper nests/ambush points which could end in a serious loss of life. I would never discredit team information and take every officers viewpoint on-board as one officer may have seen observed something, that I or another officer could have missed.

10. If a suspect runs away from you as you're talking to him what would you do? (Keep in mind that failing to stop after being signaled by the police is a crime).If its like that i stop a person and it turns out that he is a criminal and starts running away well i will make him wanted for running from police and the other reason then when found him kos/aos but I'm awlays going to try and AOS first.

Do you meet the following criteria?
- Ability to stay calm:Yes
- Polite yet forceful:YES
- Effective coordination:YES
- Excellent marksmanship:YES
-Great role-play ability:YES

Rate out of 10 your skills on these

- Ability to stay calm:7
- Polite yet forceful:8-9
- Effective coordination:8-9
- Excellent Marksmanship:9-10
- Role-Play Ability:7-8
  • Angry
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CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
Only been back a few days
- Not sure on RP ability
+ Combat is good

Patrol with me in-game so i can better judge how you play.


CG Super VIP
Jan 10, 2021
Good combat/raiding ability
+Decent RP
Came back too recently for me to make a proper verdict, prove to me you'll stay for a while longer.

Deleted member 55


Good combat.
Unsure about RP skills.
You've only been playing again for a few days.
- Active on TS.

Best of luck!


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 26, 2020
Neutral leaning towards a -
Tbh Gengu, you're a decent enough player.
You just never stick around and I don't think this time will be any different.


CG Silver VIP
Jan 3, 2021

As Hydro said, shoots first, as I witnessed today on my own skin
Prove your activity and skills, and my verdict may change.


MRP War Criminal
Dec 22, 2020
Poor RP and has a tendency to be "Trigger Happy" and shoot first and ask questions later.

reapply in 4 weeks
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