Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
2.1 million seconds according to the 1 year achievement
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: Ireland
Time zone: GMT
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Harry "Troubleshooter" Nolan
Chaos name (include your rank): CI-G Harry "Noodles" Nolan
Civilian name: Harry Nolan
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:580878634
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/harrys-game-master-application.7856/

If you want me to explain some of these warnings I can.
I have no experience of being a Gamemaster/Event manager in public servers but I have spent lots of time in GM flatgrass creating mini events for myself using the tools that are in this server.
Yes I have been involved in lots of serious roleplay events (In my time in MTF-E11). I have also shown serious RP in events when I am on medical roles using /me Example /me opens up bottle takes out a pill and examines it.
I can be on the server for up to 7 hours on week nights and 14 or more hours on weekends
The reason I want to be a Gamemaster is because I love to create stories and RP. Whenever I see an event happening I can see how interested and immersed the people interacting with the event are and I want to make people feel that feeling as well. I also love the idea of creating lore and actually having an impact on what happens in an event and in the server.
The reason I think I am special over other applicants is because I have experience with the tools used in this server especially the prop tools. I also have lots of ideas for events and whenever I am just casually playing SCP-RP I am always thinking of events that would be good and I think if I have the power to create these events I could create really good RP.
SCP-2316 You do not recognise the bodies in the water: The foundation gets alerted about hume levels rising near lake house. After MTF-Nu7, Intel, E11 or B1 come over to it they will see that the lake house river has melted and there are bodies in the water after seeing the body's in the water they will be dragged (Phy gunned or cuffed) Into the river. For people not to get dragged into the river they will have to say "I do not recognise the bodies in the water". Then they will have to build a perimeter around the lake and possibly get Dclass to take samples of the water.
Dr wondertainments Super man: A strange action figure is found near lecture hall looking like Super man whenever somebody touches it he will grab them and fly to a different location and say the phrase "Don't worry you are safe now" then fly back to its original position. After 30 seconds after being dropped by superman the person will light on fire. Any attempts to contain Superman will result in it breaking out and grabbing the person who tried to contain it.
The Convoy: After The Engineer invested in some extremely powerful and dangerous anomalies of MC&D and they are delivering it to the CI base near Site-65. MC&D are delivering it by a heavily armed convoy with BTRs LAVs and HUMVEEs the foundation must stop the convoy from reaching the CI base and CI must help the convoy reach their base. They will fight and if CI get the anomalies to their base they will be able to teleport into and out of the foundation base and cause chaos. If the foundation get the anomalies they will research it and maybe raid CI base with it.
The foundation has ordered a large supply of nerve gas to Site-65. CI find out about this and plant an IED in the supply. Once MTF-Nu7 start moving the boxes in EZ the IED will detonate. The nerve gas will spread and the whole site are trying to stop it spreading. At the same time CI are equipping biohazard gear and are going to raid using the nerve gas as cover and as a distraction to cause chaos.
O-1: The Ethics Committee found out that the Overseer Council are using SCP-343 for their own benefit. The Ethics Committee send MTF-O1 to kill or kidnap all MTF-A1 members. The Ethics Committee will make the Overseer Council undo their wrong doings. Depending if the Overseer Council the Ethics Committee will either release or kill all the MTF-A1 members.
A-1: The IT department decided to create an update for SCRIPTNET because of some bugs that were occurring. But the IT department made an error with the security clearance detection system. So whenever somebody used SCRIPTNET they would have Lv5 security clearance. MTF-A1 will have to restrict usage of SCRIPTNET, keep the bug secret and fix the bug at the same time.
Nu-7: A helicopter is heard and seen crashing near pinewood. MTF-Nu7 will go towards the crash site and find out that The Engineer's assistant is knocked out in the passenger seat. MTF-Nu7 will RTB with the hostage and interrogate him for info. While The Engineer's assistant is being interrogated CI will get a message saying that The Engineer's assistant should be somewhere in Pinewood in a helicopter all they see is a crash site and The Engineer's assistant missing. CI will try to raid Site-65 to get The Engineer's assistant back.
E-11: A wooden door appears in LCZ. Whenever somebody goes into it they will be brought to a dimension that everything is red. There will be a man there who is tall partly transparent and red. Whenever the man sees someone it will chase them steal their skin then the dimension will change colour to whatever colour the persons skin who got stolen was wearing. MTF-E11 will have to set up a perimeter and try to contain the door.
CI: After a famous scientist creates a teleportation machine and brings it to Pinewood to show them his work. CI assassinate the scientist and steal the machine. But they do not know how to operate it so they raid and kidnap an Exec researcher to tell them how to operate the machine. After they get back to base with the exec they find out they only have enough power to use it twice. So they make a plan to teleport to floor 3 to kidnap an O5 or Ethics member and teleport back.
Foundation Staff:(I don't know what you mean by foundation staff so I'm going to presume its Site Staff) One of the turrets in EZ is malfunctioning and shooting anything it sees. They try to get a tech expert to fix it but the turret gunned him down. But then they get an idea to shut down all power in EZ from F3 then it works and it can be repaired.
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
2.1 million seconds according to the 1 year achievement
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: Ireland
Time zone: GMT
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Harry "Troubleshooter" Nolan
Chaos name (include your rank): CI-G Harry "Noodles" Nolan
Civilian name: Harry Nolan
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:580878634
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/harrys-game-master-application.7856/
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: |

If you want me to explain some of these warnings I can.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: |
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: |
How many hours can you be on everyday?: |
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: |
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: |
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): |
Dr wondertainments Super man: A strange action figure is found near lecture hall looking like Super man whenever somebody touches it he will grab them and fly to a different location and say the phrase "Don't worry you are safe now" then fly back to its original position. After 30 seconds after being dropped by superman the person will light on fire. Any attempts to contain Superman will result in it breaking out and grabbing the person who tried to contain it.
The Convoy: After The Engineer invested in some extremely powerful and dangerous anomalies of MC&D and they are delivering it to the CI base near Site-65. MC&D are delivering it by a heavily armed convoy with BTRs LAVs and HUMVEEs the foundation must stop the convoy from reaching the CI base and CI must help the convoy reach their base. They will fight and if CI get the anomalies to their base they will be able to teleport into and out of the foundation base and cause chaos. If the foundation get the anomalies they will research it and maybe raid CI base with it.
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server) |
List an example mission for each of the following: |
A-1: The IT department decided to create an update for SCRIPTNET because of some bugs that were occurring. But the IT department made an error with the security clearance detection system. So whenever somebody used SCRIPTNET they would have Lv5 security clearance. MTF-A1 will have to restrict usage of SCRIPTNET, keep the bug secret and fix the bug at the same time.
Nu-7: A helicopter is heard and seen crashing near pinewood. MTF-Nu7 will go towards the crash site and find out that The Engineer's assistant is knocked out in the passenger seat. MTF-Nu7 will RTB with the hostage and interrogate him for info. While The Engineer's assistant is being interrogated CI will get a message saying that The Engineer's assistant should be somewhere in Pinewood in a helicopter all they see is a crash site and The Engineer's assistant missing. CI will try to raid Site-65 to get The Engineer's assistant back.
E-11: A wooden door appears in LCZ. Whenever somebody goes into it they will be brought to a dimension that everything is red. There will be a man there who is tall partly transparent and red. Whenever the man sees someone it will chase them steal their skin then the dimension will change colour to whatever colour the persons skin who got stolen was wearing. MTF-E11 will have to set up a perimeter and try to contain the door.
CI: After a famous scientist creates a teleportation machine and brings it to Pinewood to show them his work. CI assassinate the scientist and steal the machine. But they do not know how to operate it so they raid and kidnap an Exec researcher to tell them how to operate the machine. After they get back to base with the exec they find out they only have enough power to use it twice. So they make a plan to teleport to floor 3 to kidnap an O5 or Ethics member and teleport back.
Foundation Staff:(I don't know what you mean by foundation staff so I'm going to presume its Site Staff) One of the turrets in EZ is malfunctioning and shooting anything it sees. They try to get a tech expert to fix it but the turret gunned him down. But then they get an idea to shut down all power in EZ from F3 then it works and it can be repaired.
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