Harvey's NHC Application

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MRP War Veteran
Mar 30, 2021
+ support

- Mature
- Good CO
- Active in-game and approachable
- He understands his faults

- Backstabbed me once in a different game which I am still mad about :cautious:

Good luck!
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MRP Patriot
Jun 9, 2021
+ Support
I'm giving you a + Support as throughout my time in JAF you are a friendly, approachable, and mature CO. Whilst I have spent time with you in TeamSpeak I also hear you giving ideas about war plans which I think are very effective. I would love to see you leading some wars as a Brigadier General as I think you will have knowledgeable and effective decisions, being a huge benefit to Nato.

Rex said that we cannot afford to lose CO's, however, I do not think that is a problem at all as we have a very active CO team within JAF with more upcoming CO's.

Best of Luck Harvey.
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MRP War Veteran
Feb 26, 2021

Ello, I think that you would be a great fit for the high command team and deserve a shot at BGEN. I've personally seen you mature during my time in JAF, and you truly are friendly and approachable. However, I haven't seen you lead a war so I cannot comment on your ability to lead all of NATO (Probably because of my fat LOA).

The very best of luck, harvey.
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MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020

+ Really nice guy

- Activity varies
- Lack of SCO experience

Harvey, I've seen you playing on the server for months and never had an issue with you personally. I think you're a great guy and you've definitely got a lot of friends and people within NATO who support you which is definitely a good start, however, I'd like to see you get some Senior Commissioned Officer experience so you can increase your leadership experience.
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+ Really nice guy

- Activity varies
- Lack of SCO experience

Harvey, I've seen you playing on the server for months and never had an issue with you personally. I think you're a great guy and you've definitely got a lot of friends and people within NATO who support you which is definitely a good start, however, I'd like to see you get some Senior Commissioned Officer experience so you can increase your leadership experience.
ye I'm not on in mornings ATM because I've got school stuff to be doing I'm working towards important exams. Im also banned from my PC ATM so when im back ill be on 6 hours +.

A man once said Harvey's character was going to be a nobody within the NATO forces, Harvey worked very hard but kept disappointing his commanders in all the wars he's been through. Harvey was a poor kid in the far south of England (sleeping with his family's 2nd generation brothers/sisters aka pigs, horses, cows, etc). But then, Harvey saw potential in a bright future within the NATO forces, therefore Harvey worked day/night to ensure a day to day protection for his people so his people never would fear what would come for them, people counted on Harvey.

2 years later

Harvey's improvements:
- Great SCO/CO Commanding Experiences.
- Great Maturity.
- Solid Base Management.
- Friendly.
- Active In-Game & Discord.

I wish you the best of luck with this, your time is now, friend!
(The story was a great story in my head :p)

Mr.Snif | Upcoming JAF Pilot
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CC Executive VIP
Dec 21, 2020
Application Denied

While you have many qualities we look for we do not feel you are currently suited for a role in NATO High Command. You can re-apply in 2 weeks.​
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