Headbutts UHC App

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:573584759
Discord name: thyjiminator#6217
For how long have you played on MRP: 4 months
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
NATO name (regiment and rank): ISAF PVT Headbutt
USSR name (regiment and rank): AG MAJ Headbutt
Civilian name: Headnutt
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes it is
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: 2 bans a month ago one for MRDM and the other for ARDM FAILRP RDM
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: Yes I am a Major in AG and have been CO for over a month and feel like I want to progress as a high-ranking soldier. Also because my activity is extremely high I'm always there to make sure people are doing the right thing as I have always done with Alfa Group.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?: I am extremely active and feel like I am the right person to choose to keep the motherland ready to extend forward and progress so that we can overthrow nato and they will never stand again. Also, I have experience in leading wars as every now and then the leading goes to a CO and we have to take the honors. I Love to lead wars and find it extremely enjoyable and feel like I can bring something new to different regiments. Also, I want to bring new ideas into peacetime. For example, Shock Army vs Alfa Group both teams will set up on either side of the SIM Room, and when they are told to start they will fight until the opposing side is down. Also, another idea that could be hosted during peacetime is ABT against 10th, 10th will take out an AA-Arti and go somewhere on the map, ABT will also take out a helicopter and search for the AA-Arti and they will have to fight against each other until one go does down.
List your in-game ranks on MRP: Nato - PVT - USSR -MAJ
List your strengths and weaknesses:

Strengths - Activity, Leadership, PvP
Weaknesses - I Sometimes Lack Confidence
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+Very active, Headbutt is one of the most active on the server possibly, great trait for UHC
+ Very good leader, Hes lead many wars and has the ability to direct troops where needed and isn't afraid to talk up if anyone is disobeying orders
+ Nice guy overall, Headbutt is a nice guy all round, hes very known on the server and is reasonable in his decisions and beliefs
- Likes anime

Overall, I believe headbutt is just what UHC needs, Activity leadership skills and he isn't afraid to stepup and call people out if they aren't playing their parts in wars or in the USSR as a whole. Some may be put off by his age, but once you get to know him you'll come to understand that doesn't impede his abilities in anyway and I hope to see him up on that stage in his suit. :salute:
-support is a joke please don't discredit my support because of it :)
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 25, 2021

As anyone who has had experience with you as a CO will agree, you do extremely well in the role of an officer. It would be a huge shame to lose you in AG but I believe you'd be a good member of UHC.

+Extremely good CO, I can elaborate on this in TS if anyone wants to know more
+ Very good combat ability, which is positive for a member of HC as it gives lower ranks a role model
+ Proactive in leading AG on trainings, including some very good roleplay as I've observed
+ Has led wars very well before
+ Extremely active, which is necessary for UHC

~ Lacks Confidence, as is stated in the OP, but this can be worked on
~ A significant number of players will be biased against you due to having a higher voice, meaning orders might be difficult to give

- Definitely has minge tendencies, these have improved SIGNIFICANTLY since joining AG, but occasionally you slip up which led to those bans you mention

Good luck
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CC Executive VIP
Jan 24, 2021
-Great activity in game
-Witnessed you lead multiple wars and did great every time
-Great guy to speak to
-Great in combat
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Noah Kraus

MRP War Veteran
Jan 4, 2021
+Good leadership skills
+Pretty nice guy

I hope to see you in UHC soon and good luck
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 2, 2021
ABT SSGT Dang Lin-Wang
+Vert active on the server

+Great leader in wars
+Mature player

+A genuinely pleasant person to be around
Overall I feel like you are a good fit for UHC and wish you luck

CC Executive VIP | CG Super VIP | Veteran | Ex CC Senior Moderator
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MRP Patriot
Jun 9, 2021
+ Support
You are very active and the few times I switch to USSR I have seen you leading the wars and doing a good job, after speaking to you for a while in TeamSpeak I could imagine you doing a good job in UHC. You have done a lot for your regiment and for I believe that you would be a good addition to UHC, which we can all agree needs more UHC.
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Neutral leaning to +Support
Headbutt, throw your age out because you're mature in your place. You always stay in lane and do what you are told and say what needs to be said, no bullshit. Yet, I do have concerns with you moving up to UHC.

I understand that you've led a significant amount of wars and from your orders being usually erratic to rather streamlined and educated today, you still do not effectively command the respect you should as a war leader. Personally, I'd more support someone keeping touch through and through in terms of callouts, communications and commands. You need to be able to prove to them that YOU are the pit boss when wars you lead begin, and once you master that, you'll find your war outcomes being positive or have a learning curve more often.

Your activity is unquestionable. Your performance is exemplary. I'd like to see you lead small groups rather than only suggest something that does not happen.

The one thing I find you holding back from an unmoved +Support would be that I wish to see you walk the talk and assert dominance, in full seriousness.

Nonetheless, you seem to have everyone in your favor regardless. Hence, I wish you the very best with your application.
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CG Platinum VIP
Jan 17, 2021
-Support But not because your bad.
I would give you a +support as you hold all the qualities of a HC member. But I feel like you have a strong relationship with those in AG and Brian and Vlad would hate to lose you. Your age is not a concern as you are mature but I can look at someone and easily say that HC will not be for them and given about 2-4 weeks they would resign. I know you can lead wars and you do it as MAJ anyways but looking at how you have settled in AG I think you would lose out on that brotherhood a bit and not enjoy HC as much. I will say this for anyone who wants to apply for HC and that is "if you want to join HC and if the first and only thing that comes to mind is leading wars and nothing else, then don't apply". HC is about resolving issues with regiments, monitoring the base activities, making quick decisions and being adaptable. Yes you may lead a war and say you have that but can you deal with beef between 2 regiments and can you lead a fair PT and punish those that do not fall in line. People would disagree with me but we have had some shite HC in the past due to the reason of them only caring about wars.

Headbutt your a good lad but I think AG is the best home for you where you are comfortable and if you want to lead a war you still can as a MAJ. HC I don't think will be your cup of tea in the long run and I think you would sharp see that if you were to join HC and deal with troops in peacetime and in TS3. Best of luck though.
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Volkov has explained most of the points I would've stated and I do see you as UHC material but regiments need CO's more than anything right now and your a brilliant example of a good CO. So I can't stress enough that you are UHC material but your more needed in AG than UHC. I do hope USSR gets more active and if it happens your app is denied and USSR gets back on its feet I won't hesitate too +support

Best of luck mate!
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