Accepted Health Display Change

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Jul 25, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Within this suggestion, I would like to propose the changing of the HUD above players names to remove the "Health" bar and replace it with a red tint that displays on your name depending on your health value.

So, for example, if you are 90 to 100 health, and your base health is 100, it will be primarily white, but as it decreases, it will progressively get redder, so if your at 10 Health, or 10% of your max health, your name would be a very bright red.

This would overall help cut down on health related meta-game, as people, specifically 914'd Disguised people, are sometimes higher health then normal, and masking their health behind a changing name from white to red would completely eliminate the potential meta-game associated with the health value just straight up being displayed.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Less Angles to Meta-Game specific information, such as a D-Class Scout or Brute who is disguised using 914.
- Mask's GM related characters health so their is some more mystery to related characters on how tough they are.
- Makes medical related roleplay a bit more prominent, as medics won't be able to instantly know you are, 5 health below 100, only extensive injuries, such as being around 20 health would be noticeable, not a 5 health gash.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Depending on the established system to display the health, it can be a simple change or a time consuming one. Either way, its more coding work for an already backlogged system.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This, although a small change, in my opinion would open doors for D-Class who escape in the bigger examples, more room to actually accept roleplay and playing as their jobs to achieve a goal like escape, as it would prevent them from being straight up meta-gamed due to their health being higher then normal, it would also remove clutter above peoples names and, in my opinion, make things cleaner.


Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
+support, would definitely prevent a big portion of meta gaming

Tobi Sallow

Active member
Sep 20, 2022
+ / - Support

I think its a neat idea as a whole, and as a potential method to avoid any health meta-gaming it would certainly solve the problem. Though I will say the number system does make it quite easy to tell if someone is actively dying, where as a color system might be more difficult to tell. (That and I dunno enough about colorblindness to know what colors would be good for this or not.)
Jul 25, 2022
+ / - Support

I think its a neat idea as a whole, and as a potential method to avoid any health meta-gaming it would certainly solve the problem. Though I will say the number system does make it quite easy to tell if someone is actively dying, where as a color system might be more difficult to tell. (That and I dunno enough about colorblindness to know what colors would be good for this or not.)
This is very fair, I do want to bring up usually when some one is close to dying, they are usually screaming to a medic to help them as is. I am not very aware of the full ins and out of color blindness, and I actually forgot about this factor.
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I don't think this needs to be implemented because the current way of identifying one's health is already perfect, and the time to code a system like this just to prevent a few metagame situations is something that I don't think would be of interest for the developers to add right now.
Jul 25, 2022
I don't think this needs to be implemented because the current way of identifying one's health is already perfect, and the time to code a system like this just to prevent a few metagame situations is something that I don't think would be of interest for the developers to add right now.
You misunderstand the greatness of Suggestions. Things like this don't need to take priority, as they can be added to the burner for later use or development.

Cutting down any bits of Meta-game, even if its a little bit is a Win.

Ontop of that they could easily just replace the HP Value with a Percentage Value instead. Might not be super intensive and will help the meta-game problem as well, while being friendly to color blind players.


Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2022
Suggestion Approved

Hi Sylveon
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.​
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