WRITING THIS NOTE HERE: Since a lot of people have been commenting w/o reading, want to specify this is overall an SCP nerf suggestion.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
>Gives SCP-082 the breach tool
>Gives SCP-7722 his breach tool back
>Increase the SCP hacking limit from 3 to 4
>Decrease the natural breach que time by around 30 minutes
>Make successfully breaching an SCP via hacking delay the breach timer by 8 minutes
>Make successfully breaching an SCP via breach tool delay the breach timer by 15 minutes
>Make it so that when Code Blacks are called, breach que is delayed by 15 minutes
>Make successfully breaching an SCP via hacking remove that SCPs breach tool
>Make 035 not have a breach tool while his box says Breach Inactive, and only receive one after his box says Breach Active. This will require hacking out 035 or 035 breaching through the que.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Nothing similar to this has been suggested.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
> Buffs the breach que, buffs weaker SCPs like 9000s, 939s and 912, nerfs mass breaches all in one fell swoop. Hallelujah.
> Reworks 035 to require more time investment to hack out SCPs, but giving him more survivability. Make of this what you will.
>One minor thing to note is that the 079 rework would allow him to still operate as a viable SCP during triple breaches.
>Basically shuts down the need for SCP nerfs to accomodate for CI, as mass breaches are much, much harder with this suggestions.
>Opens up all SCPs to be viable to hack, as the question of if they have a breach tool does not matter. I can imagine CI breaching SCPs such as 096, 7722, or 939s in the future much more often.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
> Reworks 035 to require more skill, but giving him more survivability. Make of this what you will.
> Reworks 079 to be able to breach a similar amount of SCPs as before, but still ultimately slightly nerfs 079 by making him have to hack out more SCPs in exchange for the triple breach viability buff.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
One of the things I've heard rumored the grapevine recently is the idea of nerfing 076-2 by removing his breach tool to accomodate for the fact that Chaos always targets him for breaches due to how easy his CC is to hold. This specifically caught my attention, and lead to me making the suggestion, for a few reasons. Which I will list here:
It's only after CI successfully cause a breach that the breach is capped, and CI have to put more elbow grease into manually getting every SCP out instead of letting the SCPs loose after hacking out 2-3, which I think is a fair deal. This does all of the following:
For the first example, we'll do 9000s & 939s.
> We start off with a 2 hour and 15 minute que.
> On average, a 9000s and 939s double breach at peak pop will last around 15-30 minutes before full containment. Relatively good time for server health, and good fun for all parties involved.
> Rewards this kind of more contained & smaller breach by having zero delays in the que whatsoever.
For the second example, we'll up the ante a bit: 682 & 049.
> We start off with a 2 hour and 15 minute que.
> On average, a 682 and 049 double breach at peak pop will last around an hour before full containment due to 049 & 682 having breach tools, allowing the breach to reach a total of 4 SCPs, likely having 8854 / TG. A lot worse for server health than the last example, and less fun for non-SCP players.
> Punishes this kind of semi-mass breach by incurring a 30 minute delay to the queue if both breach tools are used.
For the third example, we'll set up the theoretical best breach possible by a double que: 035 & 076-2.
> We start off with a 2 hour and 15 minute que.
> On average, a good 035 and 076-2 double breach at peak pop will last around one and a half hours, likely ending in a nuke, before full containment due to a max of 6 SCPs being breached (one from hacking, 2 being 035 & 076-2, and 3 from breach tools), likely having 8854 / TG. The worst possible example of breach for server health, and makes the server practically unplayable for non-SCP players.
> Brings the hammer down on this specific kind of mass breach by incurring a 68 minute delay to the queue if one SCP is hacked out, three breach tools are used, and a Code Black is called.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
SCP buffs
>Gives SCP-082 the breach tool
>Gives SCP-7722 his breach tool back
>Increase the SCP hacking limit from 3 to 4
>Decrease the natural breach que time by around 30 minutes
SCP nerfs
>Make successfully breaching an SCP via hacking delay the breach timer by 8 minutes
>Make successfully breaching an SCP via breach tool delay the breach timer by 15 minutes
>Make it so that when Code Blacks are called, breach que is delayed by 15 minutes
>Make successfully breaching an SCP via hacking remove that SCPs breach tool
>Make 035 not have a breach tool while his box says Breach Inactive, and only receive one after his box says Breach Active. This will require hacking out 035 or 035 breaching through the que.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Nothing similar to this has been suggested.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
> Buffs the breach que, buffs weaker SCPs like 9000s, 939s and 912, nerfs mass breaches all in one fell swoop. Hallelujah.
> Reworks 035 to require more time investment to hack out SCPs, but giving him more survivability. Make of this what you will.
>One minor thing to note is that the 079 rework would allow him to still operate as a viable SCP during triple breaches.
>Basically shuts down the need for SCP nerfs to accomodate for CI, as mass breaches are much, much harder with this suggestions.
>Opens up all SCPs to be viable to hack, as the question of if they have a breach tool does not matter. I can imagine CI breaching SCPs such as 096, 7722, or 939s in the future much more often.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
> Reworks 035 to require more skill, but giving him more survivability. Make of this what you will.
> Reworks 079 to be able to breach a similar amount of SCPs as before, but still ultimately slightly nerfs 079 by making him have to hack out more SCPs in exchange for the triple breach viability buff.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
One of the things I've heard rumored the grapevine recently is the idea of nerfing 076-2 by removing his breach tool to accomodate for the fact that Chaos always targets him for breaches due to how easy his CC is to hold. This specifically caught my attention, and lead to me making the suggestion, for a few reasons. Which I will list here:
- Removing 076-2's breach tool would be SL acknowledging the fact that specifically CI's mass breach is a problem for server health.
- It would also be acknowledging that SL is too scared to nerf CI directly due to backlash, and would instead nerf the SCPs rather than target the root of the problem.
- It would be acknowledging that, for the foreseeable future, CI's mass breach would be what SCPs will be balanced around, and not the breach que.
It's only after CI successfully cause a breach that the breach is capped, and CI have to put more elbow grease into manually getting every SCP out instead of letting the SCPs loose after hacking out 2-3, which I think is a fair deal. This does all of the following:
- Gives room in the server for smaller breaches, and makes them more common by buffing the que timer
- Harshly swats away mass breaches by making it much more difficult, and causes delays to the que when breaches get out of hand.
- Nerfs the "CI kidnaps joe schmo and bring him to 035 for an octuple breach" strategy by making it impossible.
- Makes all SCPs viable to breach as through the breach que
For the first example, we'll do 9000s & 939s.
> We start off with a 2 hour and 15 minute que.
> On average, a 9000s and 939s double breach at peak pop will last around 15-30 minutes before full containment. Relatively good time for server health, and good fun for all parties involved.
> Rewards this kind of more contained & smaller breach by having zero delays in the que whatsoever.
For the second example, we'll up the ante a bit: 682 & 049.
> We start off with a 2 hour and 15 minute que.
> On average, a 682 and 049 double breach at peak pop will last around an hour before full containment due to 049 & 682 having breach tools, allowing the breach to reach a total of 4 SCPs, likely having 8854 / TG. A lot worse for server health than the last example, and less fun for non-SCP players.
> Punishes this kind of semi-mass breach by incurring a 30 minute delay to the queue if both breach tools are used.
For the third example, we'll set up the theoretical best breach possible by a double que: 035 & 076-2.
> We start off with a 2 hour and 15 minute que.
> On average, a good 035 and 076-2 double breach at peak pop will last around one and a half hours, likely ending in a nuke, before full containment due to a max of 6 SCPs being breached (one from hacking, 2 being 035 & 076-2, and 3 from breach tools), likely having 8854 / TG. The worst possible example of breach for server health, and makes the server practically unplayable for non-SCP players.
> Brings the hammer down on this specific kind of mass breach by incurring a 68 minute delay to the queue if one SCP is hacked out, three breach tools are used, and a Code Black is called.
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