Heimdall's application for game master

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Mar 6, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):mrghost
For how long have you played on CG MRP: roughly 6 to 4 months
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
UAN name (regiment and rank): UAF PVT KING BOB
NWO name (regiment and rank): SWB SLT Heimdall
Civilian name: TPA mrghost3
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:544836902
Do you have a mic?: yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: this is my first application to a role such as this one
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have been banned for MRDM and Severe toxicity and numerous warnings for aviator related problems but for most of these I have changed
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: no
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes I am very good at responding to serious roleplay scenario's and am very good with how to do them.
How many hours can you be on everyday?: 4 to 5 hours
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: I wish to be game master to bring fun events to the people on the server and to have fun making them and participating (as a gm) in the events .
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: My application is special compared to other applications as I will bring my many ideas for events and help the rest of the team when possible.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
.terrorising assault
NWFM spy's infiltrate UAN and NWO base both spy's have valuable information on future weapon plans and current weapon and vehicles stocks . each team must find all the objects spread across the map to find out where the spy's are hiding . but each team must find the right clues or else they may find the wrong spy loosing valuable information to the enemy team which could help them in future e.g. plans on weapons and new vehicles plans and may use them to there advantage in future ( these items may be a couch , beer, a doll , beach ball, a car and varies other items)
. operation deadly virus
Both UAN and NWO work together to stop top NWFM scientist from releasing a deadly bio weapon over eastern Europe contested zone ,they have also kidnapped some civilians and tested the bio weapons on them unfortunately this has infected them making them husks of what they used to be almost zombie like . ( use dead infected models in the area of the bio weapon and have roughly 4 to 5 people as infected job )
. operation terrorist plot
eastern resistance has hidden a deadly nuke in the town area it is NWO and UANs job to crack the code and to stop the detonation of this bomb ( the code will be hidden around town in the form of Morse code for people to decipher the location)

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
. Operation swarming magpie
NWFM ( New world fascist movement ) invents a time machine and sends all there forces to the past before UAN and NWO are created to create world domination in an authoritarian state ran by the leader commander Konstantin abalosky . After both STS and SOTS find out their plans both teams make a formal truce as a means to stop this dystopian future from happening. they use the time machine built by NWSM to get to ceca 2000 . they must both eliminate the NWSM soldiers and kidnap the commander Konstantin abalosky and bring him back to the present for questioning and inevitably execution . STS and SOTF must locate the commander and avoid combat when can.1stal , JAC , SWB and UAF must bring tanks to fend off the NWSMs stock stock of tanks they have built in the time they have been there. 15th and IVG must gather intel and tell the 2 armies were they are and what they are doing . everyone else must prepare for the impending battle (good map for event (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1307357127 )

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:
MPK / AOR: Operation roundup
eastern resistance are found setting up a laboratory in bunker and are designing powerful weapons such as guns , bio weapons and even deadly bombs AOR and MPK make a truce to encircle the eastern resistance members protecting the lab and to destroy there workings and equally steal valuable design ideas they may both use to each overs advantages in future .

SOTF / STS: Operation flanking retrieval
high ranking eastern resistant members are spotted kidnapping SC and AC members SOTF and STS decide to make a temporary truce as to not loose there leaders to terrorists and to retrieve them and take them back to base they must do this before they are executed there will be clues placed across the map hinting to their location they must find them in 30 mins.

IVG / 15th: Operation laser beam
UAN scientist have developed high tech weapons 15th must protect these weapons ( located at shacks ) from the attacking IVG forces who's job is to take down the opposing forces and steal the weapons in order to develop even better weapons.

UAF / SWB: Operation saving grace
eastern resistance steal recon drones from UAN and NWO . they then use these drones to spy on UAN and NWO . After soldiers from each team spot what the ER are up to. UAF and SWB make a truce and are sent to destroy these drones but ER has also stolen helicopters to protect these drones and will show full aggression in destroying UAF and SWB helicopters with their newly painted attack helicopter ( re texture ER helis and get decent pilots like jack G , Tom or harry to go ER in event if possible and ES may have 5 helis UAF and SWB will get a many and all will be restocked as soon as event is over ) if they destroy the drones before 15 minutes ends each member of both regiments will be awarded 5 k .

1stAL / JAC: Operation tear down
NWFM has stolen 5 tanks from 1stAL and JAC they must eliminate the NWFM and retrieve these 5 tanks without any tanks being destroyed within a time space of roughly 30 minutes. ( TPA have 5 respawns and 1 or 2 anti tank jobs ) which ever team brings back the most tanks is awarded 15k each
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+Good ideas

=Not a hugely friendly face on the server
-Extremely immature

Hi there Heimdall, so the reasoning for my verdict today is you are active but you lack maturity to a massive extent. Your event ideas given are extremely short, none of them are longer than 1 line. A map change event should be better planned, laid out and explained than 'time travel event to when UAN and NWO first started fighting'. The UAF/SWB event is basic and is just a dogfight but over a specific area with no plot to it. The first small map change event idea is somewhat interesting but seems a little ripped off of Hoxton's UAF/SWB event proposition regarding a zeppelin and again it provides no story or information beyond destroy a blimp. I think you need to improve your maturity and this application before I'd be willing to give you a +Support. Best of luck.

Edit following changes in event ideas: There is a lot of added detail which is good to see and some interesting ideas. I will update my verdict to a Neutral but I still think you do not have the maturity necessary.
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=Needs more recognition in the community
-Events are bland and make no sense

The map change events make no sense and do not explain any reasoning behind them. The regimental events are a single line of text which doesn't outline anything that will happen in the event and it does not sound intresting at all.

You are also very immature from my time with you, you are decent to talk to but you need to be a lot more mature for me to consider you fit for this position.

You need to also improve your reputation on the server.
Neutral leaning +Support
+/- Can be mature but still has an mingey side
+ Decent to good app
+Wants to improve on himself

Small events

1st small event: This event is intresting cause I love the idea that you will have like "fake info" to lead to an fake spy this has lots of RP potential love this idea

2nd small event: The idea its self is decent and fun but nothing to special imo but your lore is good

3th small event: Good idea

For small events I give you an +support

Idea = The idea it self is nice I would say a bit futuristic.
Lore = Good lore
Detail = Good amount of detail
Map = Nice map

For map change i give you an +Support

Regimental events

MPK - AOR: Good Idea

SOTF - STS: Decent idea but the lore itself can be writen a bit better cause I was shook when i saw there was an bomb involved randomly lmao

IVG - 15th: Basic idea

UAF - SWB: Lore is good but event its self is just shoot drones

JAC - 1stAL: This event has potentail if done right

For regimental event ideas I give you an Neutral

Hello Heimdall I see you have improved your app by alot. Your events are way better now and some of them stand out. The only flaw I woulds say is the regimental events but for the rest is everything good. The only reason I can't give you an full support is cause of your maturity. It has improved alot these last couple of weeks iam willing to give you an chance for this role.
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Mar 6, 2022
+/- Can be mature but still has an mingey side
-Bad application

Small events

1st small event: This is not an server wide event or an one faction event its an reg mission for swb and UAF that still sounds basic

2nd small event: Sounds like ER claims town but with scientist

3th small event: Can be good but please explain a bit more how it will go

For small events I give you an -sup

Idea = The idea it self is nice I would say a bit futuristic.
Lore = Ye its lore its good
Detail = Can be better
Map = Look so your mapchange is not really an map change cause its an rotation map and thes do not count as an event map. I don't think people would want an map change event to an map that they have seen 1000 times.

For map change i give you an neutral

Regimental events

Sorry iam not going event per event for this one this is just you give us template and you get the most basic idea that you can do an event for this regs so I give you an -sup for regimental events

Hello Heimdall I will be giving you an -sup I don't hate you but I just think your ideas ain't that creative and good I feel it can be better if you want to talk about it you can poke me on TS and I might change my verdict but you will have to do lots of work.
thank you for your response your feed back has been used to change my app for the better

+Wants to improve and is kind

=Not completely sure on rule knowledge & maturity
=Although the events are low in detail, they do not lack imagination and there is always room to work on.

Hello mrghost,

I am leaving my verdict as Neutral due to the reasons stated above, I would strongly advise you to look through the events to provide more depth in the events themselves and talk with the game masters in order to build a level of confidence within the team. Anywho, best of luck!


Neutral leaning +Support
+/- Can be mature but still has an mingey side
+ Decent to good app
+Wants to improve on himself

Small events

1st small event: This event is intresting cause I love the idea that you will have like "fake info" to lead to an fake spy this has lots of RP potential love this idea

2nd small event: The idea its self is decent and fun but nothing to special imo but your lore is good

3th small event: Good idea

For small events I give you an +support

Idea = The idea it self is nice I would say a bit futuristic.
Lore = Good lore
Detail = Good amount of detail
Map = Nice map

For map change i give you an +Support

Regimental events

MPK - AOR: Sounds like there job but harder

SOTF - STS: Decent idea but the lore itself can be writen a bit better cause I was shook when i saw there was an bomb involved randomly lmao

IVG - 15th: Basic idea

UAF - SWB: Lore is good but event its self is just shoot drones

JAC - 1stAL: This event has potentail if done right

For regimental event ideas I give you an Neutral leaning -sup

Hello Heimdall I see you have improved your app by alot. Your events are way better now and some of them stand out. The only flaw I woulds say is the regimental events but for the rest is everything good. The only reason I can't give you an full support is cause of your maturity. It has improved alot these last couple of weeks iam willing to give you an chance for this role.


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
Needs to prove activity don't estimate how many hours you will be on
Regimental missions content is kinda repeated in every GM app
the event mape suck a$$ im sorry but that is a bad taste in events maps i would prefer if it was a snowy map or a city map
-Don't loose hope man that was just an opinion (everybody is free to say what they think)
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