Partially Accepted Hip Fire Spread Revert

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Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Revert the hip fire spread change back to the way it was, or at least make a poll to see the community's opinion on it.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • People who miss the old way will want it back to it and therefore increase their enjoyment of the game (Me included)
  • Make the PvP more skill based rather than luck based in CQC.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • People who enjoy the change will be unhappy.
  • Will decrease time and likely hood to kill in CQC.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The old way was working fine before it changed, and a poll will allow the content team to see how much the community enjoys the change.
Upvote 2
This suggestion is an absolute travesty, a disgrace to rational thought, and a testament to the sheer ignorance and malevolence that can fester in the depths of human stupidity. To even entertain this idiocy is not just a waste of time but an insult to anyone with an ounce of intelligence. I'm going to tear this abomination of an idea apart and leave no room for ambiguity about the sheer absurdity of it.

The fact that this suggestion even sees the light of day is an affront to reason and common sense. It's a testament to the depths some people will sink in their disregard for the very values and principles that hold society together. To take this seriously is like giving a platform to lunatics who believe the Earth is flat. There's no debate here; it's outright lunacy.

Not only is this suggestion misguided, but it's also a ticking time bomb of chaos and suffering. It doesn't just lack a rational foundation; it's built on a swamp of moral bankruptcy. It disregards any semblance of ethics and responsibility. The potential for harm it carries is like a loaded gun pointed at the heart of our communities and the most vulnerable among us. Anyone advocating for this lunacy should be ashamed of themselves for even thinking it's a valid idea.

In the spirit of raw, unfiltered anger, I'm not here to engage in a thoughtful and constructive dialogue about this idiocy. It doesn't deserve a measured response. We should be shouting from the rooftops, condemning this atrocity with every fiber of our being. We must make it abundantly clear that this suggestion is not just bad; it's a flaming dumpster of stupidity and malice that needs to be extinguished immediately. To consider it seriously is nothing short of intellectual cowardice.

Let's not forget the historical context either. We've come a long way, battling for rights and freedoms that should never, under any circumstances, be compromised. To even contemplate a suggestion that could reverse these hard-fought gains is a slap in the face of every activist, every hero who fought for justice and equality.

The ramifications of this imbecilic proposal extend beyond our borders, as well. Our reputation is on the line, and the world is watching. The very idea that we would even think about this abomination paints us as a society devoid of rationality, compassion, and common sense. We risk becoming the laughingstock of the world, the poster child for the decline of civilization.

In conclusion, my vehement disagreement with this suggestion isn't just rooted in ethical considerations, potential harm, and historical context; it's a primal scream against the sheer lunacy of this proposition. We must not just reject it but obliterate it from the annals of discourse. This is not a time for diplomacy; it's a time for righteous indignation. We must stand up against this madness with every ounce of our being, or risk descending into the abyss of intellectual darkness and moral bankruptcy. This is not just a matter of disagreement; it's a battle between reason and insanity, and I'm firmly on the side of reason.
Last edited:
Jul 10, 2021

I find your suggestion so deeply perplexing that I'm compelled to express my astonishment. It's not just a matter of disagreement; it's a matter of fundamental disbelief in the viability of your proposal. In all honesty, your idea appears to be an exercise in defying not only conventional wisdom but basic logic and reason.

As I attempt to fathom the thought process that led to your suggestion, I'm left wondering if there's any trace of critical thinking involved. It's as though the very foundations of rationality and well-established principles within the domain have been cast aside. To put it bluntly, your proposition seems like a disservice to the realm of meaningful discourse on this subject.

Moreover, it's not just a question of differing opinions; it's a matter of reconciling your suggestion with common sense and fundamental knowledge. Your idea stretches the boundaries of credibility to such an extent that it's almost a slap in the face to the intellect of anyone who encounters it.

I implore you to reevaluate your stance and engage in a more evidence-based, reasoned dialogue. The current proposal stands as an outlier, isolated from the realm of reason and practicality. If our conversation is to progress constructively, it's imperative to bridge the substantial chasm that exists between your suggestion and any semblance of rationality and sensibility.
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