Accepted Hitbox Abuse Clarification

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.

Jimothy Leaderson

MRP War Veteran
Dec 11, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Make the appropriate clarification that jumping at all in combat, whether once or numerous times is hitbox abuse and warnable. Crouching once is obviously still fine under this.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Fairer gunfights
- Will make sure the game doesn't continue down the road to just being Call of Duty but with tanks and helis.
- Means the Hitbox Abuse rule is comprehensible and properly understood as while to be fair it says spamming jump, spamming jump or crouch jumping from my POV jumping in general has always been a big no no up until I've suddenly been told today. Also means a proper line can be drawn on what is defined as jumping excessively (eg is it once per life, once a gunfight, what defines when the gunfight has begun or ended?) With clarification, false warnings won't be given and staff can understand when and where to moderate such an issue.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- People could argue I'm just coping or it's not necessary, or people get certain advantages in combat.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Just to be clear, I want it to be clarified that jumping at all is a warnable offence but crouching once is fine, but generally alongside this just an overall clarification of it. I'm making this again to see views but that is my current view on the issue.
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Active member
Nov 16, 2022

A lot of people jump (once) when startled, warning people for that strikes me as petty. Deliberately jumping to give yourself an edge in combat should be what the rules are targetting.

+support for a general clarification, though


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021
Whilst in a firefight, one crouch is fine as is one jump. Only one is allowed, players can be "startled" and should not be punished for honest mistakes.
Intentional jumping/crouching and generally "taking the piss" is not allowed and will result in a warning. Best judgement is used to determine this.

Jimothy Leaderson

MRP War Veteran
Dec 11, 2021
Seems reasonable enough to allow a jump for players to be startled, but in my opinion wouldn't a better system be looking at when/where they jumped as determining if they were taking the piss. For example if you run into a room and start suddenly shooting someone and they jump that's reasonable to believe they are startled but if they run in and jump mid gunfight etc with you then that's abuse of it. Not sure if that's better but generally I think it should be disallowed but also based on staff judgements such as how heli restocks and such sometimes are.

Allowing people one jump overall just creates an unfair advantage and now that from what I see people are starting to know this rule it can be used much more.

Jack G

MRP War Criminal
Feb 19, 2021
Suggestion Accepted

Hi Jimothy, Your suggestion has been accepted. We will add this to the staff rulings however, Doofy has just clarified.

Thanks, Content Team​