Hop's Moderator Application [UK]

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Well-known Member
Jul 21, 2022
  1. Which server are you applying for? (UK/US):UK

  1. Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):

  1. How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):2 Weeks and 20 Hours and 37 Minutes.

  1. Age:14 (with permission from Doofy)

  1. In what country are you located?:Scotland (UK)

  1. Time zone:GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

  1. NATO name (regiment and rank):hop [AVT-P02] [STF],JAF,MSGT

  1. NWO name (regiment and rank):'Alabama' Rampant [NAJ],STS,PVT

  1. Civilian name:[Reporter] Beraniel Hoggers

  1. Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:421199551

  1. Do you have a mic?:Yes

  1. Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
No, this is the first application I have made.

  1. Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

1.Sat Feb 25 ‘FailRP’-I got a failRP warning because I threw a grenade at my feet to respawn at base faster, which I shouldn’t have done.

  1. Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
I have been staff on a fiveM server for a decently long period of time and I have applied for staff on other Garry’s Mod servers before but I am willing to and want to learn more about becoming a good and valuable staff member.

  1. Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
I used to play SCP-RP and was a researcher which involved a lot of serious roleplay and while in the position I was expected to maintain a high level of that serious roleplay and I am currently a JAF (Join Air Force) Master Sergeant and within this role I am expected to Roleplay a lot and keep good control over the JAF members in my squad and be helpful to all the members within JAF.

  1. How many hours can you be on everyday?:
I can be on for around 3-5 hours a day on weekdays and usually 8-11 hours on weekends.

  1. Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
I have been a pretty active member of MRP for coming up to a year now and ever since I started playing I have wanted to help the server and honestly just make it the best server that it can be, I also just like helping people whether that be through sits or any other means of help, I would always enjoy helping people which I have so far done through the trainee program but hope to be able to do as a mod.

  1. What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
In my playtime of MRP I have seen many things that include moderators or gamemasters or developers and it has honestly made me want to help the server with all the tasks involved with being a mod and I may seem like any other MRP player applying for staff but I am different because I genuinely want to help people and, have wanted to be a moderator ever since I have joined this server.
Mar 9, 2021
- Support
Immature in game and also TS. Never had any interactions with you that you have shown you have the correct attitude towards staff. I'm also unsure on your rule knowledge. Also broke rules today on mastery and licenses resulting in demotion
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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
between all the other staff i think you need more activity
and also you have recent warning which is a problem
your rule knowledge i cannot tell because you don't interact into RP situations a lot
(that is my opinion)
Oct 3, 2022

I'm going to be extremely honest here, I don't think you have the maturity to become a staff member, this shows as you currently have a blacklist from SWB for minging / reg hopping. Either way I wish you the best of luck.


Well-known Member
Jul 21, 2022

I'm going to be extremely honest here, I don't think you have the maturity to become a staff member, this shows as you currently have a blacklist from SWB for minging / reg hopping. Either way I wish you the best of luck.
I see how I was 'minging' and I do understand that minging wasn't alright to do, but as for the "reg hopping" the blacklister (Wolf Varem) kicked me from swb for something, then 4 ish days later I joined back, he kicked me again for something and then I was quite literally put in SWB by someone not in SWB which he knew (and which I didn't want to happen, as I was simply trying to join AOR after being kicked from SWB) and I was fairly enough told by him any screw ups and I would be blacklisted so I went up to Wolf Varem and asked him to discharge me because as I said I did not want to be put into SWB and after that, when I joined AOR he blacklisted me.
Jan 21, 2023
Sadly I will have to -support based on the interactions I have had you don't seem very mature and I don't think that's what is needed within the staff team. And having a such recent warning makes me think you need some more time to learn the rules properly before applying

Whilst I was in SWB you were quite mingy and still after I left you were. You did a lot of begging for rank skips and once you got one in JAF (after I said no to you receiving one in SWB) you left SWB and began reg hopping. I still don't see you take MRP very seriously which you would need to do to a reasonable extent if you became a staff member.


Well-known Member
Jul 21, 2022

Whilst I was in SWB you were quite mingy and still after I left you were. You did a lot of begging for rank skips and once you got one in JAF (after I said no to you receiving one in SWB) you left SWB and began reg hopping. I still don't see you take MRP very seriously which you would need to do to a reasonable extent if you became a staff member.
I did not want to reply to many replies on this thread and just let it go but this is wrong, especially about the rank skips.
I asked you for one because I genuinely wanted one and you said "I will talk to SC about it" and then I waited until a couple days later when I was joking with someone on NATO like imagine I got rankskip to ssgt lol but they actually went along with it and I eventually got that rankskip and when I told you about it it seems like you hadn't even discussed it with anyone and after that like i have said in a previous reply I was not reg hopping but that is what really happens when people look at this thread and decide.

Hello hop, I'll be going with a -Support Today as when i was still on the UK server (and when i actively do join here and there) I see you doing nothing but minge around and break minor rules but some big ones as well. Your Maturity is not the requirements i personally see fit for a staff member. Vtime is also a big hit as i feel like you should gather more Vtime and Get to know the community a bit better!

Other then that good luck lad

Legion Kuo


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 25, 2020
Very nice

Im unsure of your rule knowledge but this can always be improved

Havent had any bad interactions with you and have seen you take part in rp very well
Acted very mature and professional during the talent show event where you were a judge
Good luck mate I hope you get accepted and get a shot in being part of the staff team.
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