Horizonts Internal Affairs Ambassador [Uk]

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Steam ID

Discord name

For how long have you played on CG SCP
Well, I started playing in December 2021. Otherwise Vtime Sayes i got 1 week, 1 day and 13 hours.


In what country are you located?
Czech Republic

Time zone
GMT 1+

Character name(s)

Civilian name:
Vladimir Russo

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)

Do you have a mic?
Yes. I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
A1 Lcpl
Internal Affairs Operative

Nu7 Csg

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
You can find my my warnings on my moderator application. Otherwise I shouldnt have any new warns that are not listed on the application.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
Well, I have pretty simple reasons. Firstly, I generally enjoy working as an Internal Affairs operative; it's both fun and informative, as you learn what not to do. Additionally, I like helping newcomers with documents and arrests. I've noticed some inactivity within the department, and I'd love to change that. Lastly, I also would like to move from being just an agent to becoming an ambassador. I've also noticed that recently, agents have been stationed wherever they want to be. I would love to change that.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I believe I would be able to improve the IA Department with my knowledge. I am also pretty active; I'd say that is quite good. I am always maintaining professionalism at all times. Additionally, I am a quick learner. I also have a strong temper; So, I don't lose my temper easily towards troublemakers or others. I always aim to be fair. Moreover, I feel fulfilled when I can help someone. Moreover, I have a solid understanding of the current legal codex. I am also a skilled leader, having served as a captain. I possess knowledge of CL4 protocols and understand what actions to take and avoid.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?
I have created a substantial number of arrest reports, aiming to produce one every 1-3 days. I believe that this practice will help improve my grammar and vocabulary.

I always make sure there are NO grammatical mistakes in the document. I constantly try to improve my documents by submitting them to an Ambassador+ for review, ensuring that there is nothing wrong or needing changes and that they can't be made any better. Additionally, I spend around 15 minutes or more on writing each document to ensure that it appears professional and well-constructed.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?
1. Training: train new agents to ensure they are well-equipped with the knowledge required for their duties as agents.
2. Oversight: oversee agents to ensure they fulfill their duties while maintaining a high level of professionalism.
3. Discipline: handle disciplinary actions for agents who broke legal codex, such as accepting bribes, making unjustified arrests, and more.
4. Investigation: Ambassadors also conduct investigations involving departments or CL4 personnel who have committed crime.
5. Arrest Authority: Ambassadors can arrest personnel who breaks legal codex, including CL4 personnel.
6 Personnel Safety: Ambassadors, like agents, ensure the safety of personnel such as researchers during Code 1 and 5 situations.
7. Public Perception: Ambassadors play a role in shaping a positive public perception of the Internal Affairs department.
8.Assignment: Ambassadors ensure that every agent is assigned to a station, such as D-Block, Intero, and more.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in
In the year ████, Harlow Seven was a police investigator in a Russian city called ██████. During his time there, a bank heist took place, shrouded in mystery.

After 4 months, Harlow managed to uncover the culprits behind the money theft from a bank known as ███████. He received an award and was interviewed on TV. An SCP Foundation field agent noticed Mr. Harlow and reported it to the Foundation. Subsequently, the SCP Foundation devised a test for Harlow – they simulated a robbery at the home of an SCP field agent to assess his skills. Harlow swiftly deciphered the clues, eventually discovering a briefcase and a letter that read:

"Well done, Mr. Harlow. It seems you've successfully uncovered all the clues. We're offering you a higher paycheck. Please come to the city of Pinewood in Canada at ██:██ on ██/██/████. We'll provide a briefcase filled with money for your journey."

Surprised, Harlow opened the briefcase, finding around 10k inside. Driven by curiosity, he quickly booked a flight to Canada and, upon arrival, took a taxi to the designated location. He reached the Foundation site, where he informed a Nu7 operative about the invitation and presented the letter. However, the operative aimed his gun at Harlow, commanding him to lay on the ground, and then restrained, blindfolded, and gagged him.

Amidst strange sounds and the sensation of gates opening, Harlow could hear a coffee machine, followed by someone instructing a designated subject (D-5978) to drink something. The scene escalated into screams and gunfire. After the ordeal, he found himself unblindfolded in an unfamiliar room, devoid of his belongings.

A man wearing a brown suit and blue shirt entered the room. He congratulated Harlow and proceeded to provide a shocking explanation about the facility, involving human test subjects and anomalous objects. While horrifying, Harlow accepted this reality due to the substantial paycheck involved. Subsequently, he was placed in a room to await training.

1 Year Later...

After a year, Harlow had transformed. He had acquired a codename, "Horizon," and was summoned to the Director's office. Anxious about the reason, he asked if he was in trouble. The Director assured him he was not and offered a promotion. Confused but intrigued, Harlow inquired about the promotion to an ambassador. The Director explained the process, starting with the completion of a form...
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Mapping Team
Aug 10, 2022
Greetings Horizont,
I am leaving a +Support today for the reasons that follow;
  • Mature,
  • Professional,
  • Seeks help when needed,
  • Always looking to improve,
  • Good team-work skills,
  • Active.
Best of luck,
Ambassador 'Judge'.

Tim Drake

Well-known Member
Aug 13, 2022

Interview Required

Good day, Agent Horizon

After seeing your hard work through the last weeks and getting positive feedback from the Ambassador team, we've come to the conclusion that you're capable of performing the duties of an Ambassador. The next step in the application process will be an Interview. Please contact me on teamspeak or discord once you are ready for the Interview.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Tim Drake
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