How does everyone think surface combat is?

Dont give us that look we all know it's true
UNGOC should never have been added :cool:
If GOC gets removed so should civilians. CI doesn't interact with them much in and out of lore, and are just sanctioned criminals with better weapons then rangers, and the Foundation doesn't protect civilians let alone fight on surface often because CI are too oppressive in terms of equipment.
If GOC gets removed so should civilians. CI doesn't interact with them much in and out of lore, and are just sanctioned criminals with better weapons then rangers, and the Foundation doesn't protect civilians let alone fight on surface often because CI are too oppressive in terms of equipment.
The Chaos Insurgency would have a better shot at interaction with citizens of pinewood than Foundation at most of the scenarios lol; Foundation doesn't dare roleplay with Civilians as they should
If GOC gets removed so should civilians. CI doesn't interact with them much in and out of lore, and are just sanctioned criminals with better weapons then rangers, and the Foundation doesn't protect civilians let alone fight on surface often because CI are too oppressive in terms of equipment.
make surface an anomalous safe haven or something like that tbh, and remove civis for a much smaller anomalous GOI (kinda like MC&D)

Doesn’t take away from the overall RP, allows everyone to experience the cool anomalous shiz and makes it so (what should be a massive world wide infobreach) makes sense that it’s not spoken about outside of the region
The Chaos Insurgency would have a better shot at interaction with citizens of pinewood than Foundation at most of the scenarios lol; Foundation doesn't dare roleplay with Civilians as they should
CI is canonically a bunch of terrorists that have been employed by ex-A-1, no they do not care nor will they interact with civilians aside from robbing or killing them T, T

Plus with how CI is set up, not in a million years will there be ANY roleplay at all with civilians aside from using them to start 008 breaches.
CI is canonically a bunch of terrorists that have been employed by ex-A-1,
No they aren't. This cell has nothing to do with the original splinter group that broke off from A1. It's not even suggested that someone within that group has visited or even heard of our CI cell.

no they do not care nor will they interact with civilians aside from robbing or killing them T, T
No they don't. Some CI see themselves as freedom fighters, and wouldn't just go around killing without a care for normal civilians. Also rob them? What is this, London? CI literally have a house of Infinite Money, so I don't think they would need to mug others.
Even if we aren't going with the freedom fighter POV, CI just mass murdering Civi's benefits them in no way outside of testing. If that's the case, Civi's could be RPed out as CI's D-Class, but CI would have to be sneaky with their approach as to not ruin public perception, which is something they would want to keep positive.

UK do it, but Propaganda rules, Civi's think CI are cool and F are lame.

Plus with how CI is set up, not in a million years will there be ANY roleplay at all with civilians aside from using them to start 008 breaches.
You literally haven't played UK CI, how would you know?

And yes we have. We RP with MC&D during buys and general interactions, as well as allowing them to help with sampling. We RP with Civi's, testing anomalous items on them for interesting RP, and giving them NDA's so they don't snitch. Even just CI acting as the PDF is RP.