Accepted Increase Matador/AT4 Damage

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Feb 20, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Increase structure and vehicle damage of the AT4/Matador.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Makes AT more relevant in tank battles, right now they feel like bee stings, they can't even kill a flaming tank unless you got a bunch of people with AT4s shooting at it at the same time.
Makes the AT4/Matador more useful in FOB destruction because it barely deals 300 damage to it, at least last time I used it, I can deal more with an HK417 magazine straight at it, that's a big bruh moment.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Abuse but that's a staff concern. If buffed way too much it would make tanks useless, I'd suggest just increasing the damage to 1k against tanks and like 800 against FOBs to test the waters a bit. I'd say that's a fair amount.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Makes AT more useful, actually lets them fulfil their purpose since AT4/Matador are quite useless to the point that people gotta use C4s to kill tanks instead of the actual rocket launcher.
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Delta Molfar

Well-known Member
May 23, 2022
+/- Support
Making AT-4/Matador 1000 dmg at tank is going to be op, as it will be almost insta-killing btr/apc, and few rockets will be enough for tank except for top-tiers. But making the damage up to 400-500dmg would seem optimal, as indeed to kill a tank with 300 dmg AT-4, even with squad of 3 anti-tank launchers carriers is almost impossible. About FOBs - hard question. FOB radio is being easily destroyed by few man with AT-4s, but it is almost impossible to destroy concrete walls. What i would do, is to make multiplier of damage on concrete walls. For example. 2x dmg from AT-4 to concrete walls.
- Support
Already a very good tool in battle and does a good 600 to 800 damage to tanks and also the best way to kill an FOB is by overwhelming it so just get a bunch of people push onto an FOB and you wont have much resistance killing it anyways its already easy to kill FOB's and soon B2's and Himars's and SCUD's will probably get a damage buff to structures which would make AT4'ing FOBs obsolete
+/- Support
Making AT-4/Matador 1000 dmg at tank is going to be op, as it will be almost insta-killing btr/apc, and few rockets will be enough for tank except for top-tiers. But making the damage up to 400-500dmg would seem optimal, as indeed to kill a tank with 300 dmg AT-4, even with squad of 3 anti-tank launchers carriers is almost impossible. About FOBs - hard question. FOB radio is being easily destroyed by few man with AT-4s, but it is almost impossible to destroy concrete walls. What i would do, is to make multiplier of damage on concrete walls. For example. 2x dmg from AT-4 to concrete walls.
it already does that damage, sometimes more
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