Denied Increase the peacetime back to how it was or change it

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
change back to the old 1 hour peacetime or have it change the timing Depends on the player count on the server
The only reason it got changed it was due to lower player count back in late October between 15-25 max and people wanted the wars to start early so player's could stay on

At the very least have a time increased for on map events and if there is no events it'll go back to how it was

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: No

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
● allowing GMs to have time to prepare and start the event rather than speed running on map events
● Less of headache to do on map events with short time window to make it happen

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

● Players who literally want to play wars that dont want to try to play events or players who dont like long Peacetime state would have negative response to it
● chances of player's might go AFK if there is nothing to do unless theirs COs have to do some activities

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

GMs we're struggling with a small time window to prepare the props/models/gmobjectives/ Notifying HC and yet Players won't come to the event due not having enough time to play it because prewar is about to start or some cases events were cut short due to pre war starting

This needs to be accepted to help GMs make their ON map events
Upvote -4
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
During map events the conflict status is controlled by SL anyway right?
What he means is that ON Map events (Just normal events, not map changes).

In total you have 1 hour between each war (45m peace, 15m pre)

This should be enough time to prepare any event realisticly and people can also still do a small training or do some FOB building.

I will write out a proper response out later, but to put it simple for now this is denied.

(Community voted with SL to reduce it, we had 30-40 ppl then, not 15-25 as you are claiming)
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