ISAF MAJ Spoopi NHC Application

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Sep 7, 2021
Allied Command Transformation - Wikipedia


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:196398025

Discord name: Spoopi#3594

For how long have you played on MRP: I've been on the server for approximately 7 months now, mostly active if I'm not taking a 2 week LOA for school

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: South Africa (ZA)

Time zone: BST+1

NATO name (regiment and rank): ISAF MAJ Spoopi

USSR name (regiment and rank): USSR PVT Spoop (retired 10th CPL)

Civilian name: Spooopi

Do you have a mic?: Indeed, Yes, Obviously, Duh

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
My very first Application :salutes:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

Breaking ROE: Accidentally shooting a CIV when getting fired upon from that general direction
ARDM - Shooting somebody through a door when they didn't stop knocking on it after being asked multiple times
Base Camping - Thought he was past the signs... Apparently, he wasn't
RDM - killing somebody through a door because they wouldn't stop knocking on it during our regimental DB after being asked multiple times.
Kidnapping in Base - Thought she was outside of base but apparently wasn't, I now take note of what classifies as the base and what not
FearRP - Think I was running away when they were out of earshot but they didn't see it as such.
ROE - killing somebody on NATO territory during Pre-war after being warned, apparently in between 2 NATO points don't count as NATO territory.

NO kicks or Bans to date- (moderate Good boy)

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
- I've been a CO in ISAF for about 5 months now and an SCO for 4 of them, CPT being 2 months and MAJ being 2 Months.
- I've also been a CO for 2 other servers that now no longer exist, one being a CPT and another being a 1LT
- I'm an active CO of ISAF, therefor I have multiple experiences as a High Rank on MilitaryRP and NATO
- I've led a few wars for NATO that have gone fairly well as we captured most of the territories.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

I am a Natural Born leader - I have been a CO in ISAF for most of my career on CG MilitaryRP, and I can say that Leading comes naturally to me. Whether it is in training or on the battlefield, I will step up for my regiment and take charge to lead them into victory, and complete missions that have been given to us by our higher-ups. I have led countless wars in ISAF and also a few wars for NATO and I can say that I know how to do it. receiving only 1 minor defeat in the wars I lead (it being an attrition war because they suck) but managed to capture most of the map.

- I am not a person to crumble under pressure. I perform best under pressure (I know this because I always leave my school projects to the last minute). IF something goes wrong I don't sit in the corner and cry. I keep a calm head and figure out ways to solve a problem as quickly as I can. When something does not go the way I planned, I quickly figure out new strategies to solve the problems and get the war on the right track again to ensure a NATO victory.

- I will be an Extremely active NHC member seeing I'm already extremely active as a MAJ on ISAF. I play on the server for at least 2 wars a day, leading ISAF and sometimes Leading NATO when nobody wants to take lead. Recently I have also asked to Lead more wars for NATO to build more experience in leading the entire army. A bold statement, but I will be one of the more active NHC when I get accepted

- I am extremely dedicated to my work - for all my time I've been on GC MRP I have been on every single day, apart from when I had school or went away with parents. I love the game and I don't think I will be leaving it anytime soon. With this, I don't just sit around being active during peacetime, I would go out improving ISAF and NATO, whether it is building FOBs or doing pieces of training or Tryouts, I always try to improve my regiment, to make them more capable during wars.

- Teamwork - I work extremely well in a team, giving my opinion on ideas or considering others' ideas to help figure out the best plan of action. I will never go out on my own to fight, and rather have multiple of us fighting together, making strategies to push forward, and take out those commie scum.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

List your strengths and weaknesses:

+ Logical -
Think beforehand about the best strategies to fight in the war. Don't act on emotion, more on intellect and sense. Use facts to make plans of action, using others' knowledge to help myself make strategies.

Dedicated - I will work hard on things I set my mind on. Currently, my mind is set on bettering NATO as a whole, and I will not stop until I have succeeded in my goals. This is the main reason I want to become NHC. To take part in decisions on bettering NATO and giving my insight into how to do it.

+ Good in teamwork - I work best in a team situation, and NHC is all about Teamwork. Working together is the best strategy to victory. If one acts alone, one will die alone. Figuring out the best strategy together, giving insights on the best plan of action is one of my greatest strengths. I enjoy seeing other people's opinions and giving out my own, to ensure we have the best plan of action.

+ Natural Leader - Leading comes easily to me, I've got a lot of experience from leading ISAF in wars and leading a few NATO wars as well. I'm not afraid to step up and take charge when I'm needed. There were multiple times I've asked NHC to give me the chance to lead so I can get more experience in leading the entire NATO.

+ Adaption skills -
Adapting to the environment and situation at hand is a good skill of mine. If something doesn't go as planned, I quickly adapt to it and try figuring out a strategy to correct the wrongs. I do not freak out when things change and keep a calm head to assess and figure out the next plan of action.

+ Confident in decisions - I never second guess the plans I give out because I know they will work. Second-guessing plans will lead to miscommunication and a defeat in war. It is good that leaders act in confidence, but not cocky. This ensures a good balance in leading and ensuring a victory in NATO

+ Teamwork - As I mentioned before, I am good at teamwork. Working with others I feel is much better than working alone. I respect others' opinions on the subject and consider them when constructing a strategy, and always give my own opinion on the subject. This ensures NATO gets the best strategy in war to defeat the commie scum!

- Patience
- I tend to get angry at people who deliberately don't follow orders to do their things. It annoys me because I work on a strategy to ensure NATO victory and they don't care. I am trying to work on this. This does not interfere with my leading abilities.

- Lac of experience in HC - While I've been in regimental command for a long time, I have never had the opportunity to be part of Higher Command and lead the entire army. I wish for this to be the first so I can build more experience for the future.

-Multitasking - When leading a war I would ONLY be leading the war. This means I would maybe sit on NATO hill and assess the battlefield from afar. The reason for this is that my combat abilities decrease when I need to focus on more than one thing. My leading abilities would also decrease when I have to be in combat. I think more of (AAAAAAH I'M GANNA DIE!!) than giving orders for success. Thus I keep far away from battle when leading. To ensure all my focus is on leading.

I promise you, if, given the opportunity, I will prove that I am the best candidate for NHC.
If you managed to read through all of this... Thank you for reading.



Owl Hootingson

Active member
Sep 19, 2021


+Very active
+Great leader
+Has leading war experience
+Been on the server for a long time
+That application tho ?

-Many warnings
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MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021
+ Support

+ Active player
+Knowledge of Nato and tactics
+Great SCO, knows how to drive people
+ Good Gametime

- Warnings

Good luck!
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Not had many interactions with you in game, but I see you are a dedicated member of ISAF and have been for a while, this seems like a natural progression

Great application, good amount of detail

People are unsure of the warnings, lot of them are from a while ago, with one recently for ROE, which isn't a deal-breaking for me

Best of luck buddy!
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MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020

+Very active
+Great leader
+Has leading war experience
+Been on the server for a long time
+Been a very good CO for ISAF
+Knows how to do doc (I know cause if they dont they get beaten :sir: )
+Good Application

+/- warnings there have been a few but long time ago and I know you dont naughty things anymore

- Mentioning Teamwork 3 times (minge)
- Loosing a very Good MAJ in ISAF

Mate honestly im rarely doing this shit but you could actually be a very good NHC and you better become ISAF Reg Gen with LuZ or else see you on the Forums. Will be sad to loose a good MAJ but hopefully you can do more as an NHC and Help Nato and ISAF.
Best of Luck
I'm very neutral on this one. You have a lot of qualities that are preferred for HC however some that aren't. Some positives are that you are active, you have previous experience leading wars and you're a decent leader. I've experienced your wars first hand and your decision making is okay but it can be improved.

Some poor qualities include your anger which I've experienced first hand. This needs to be worked on as you make bad decisions when angry. Although I can understand why you would be angry, as a HC you need to be able to control this and make the best decision possible for the outcome of wars or other situations.

I think you'd make a decent HC with a bit of "training" you could be good. I wish you the best of luck with your application.
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Active member
Mar 1, 2021

+You've actively stepped up to lead wars in the absence of NHC
+Long standing member of the ISAF CO team

-Patience and multitasking are two good things to have as a strength rather than a weakness, try to lead a war and involve in combat while doing so, it has it advantage.

Best of luck, Spoopi

Lieutenant General Beskar
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Active member
Nov 3, 2021
spoop spoop


Hi Spoopi. I already did sort of explain my concerns to you before, but I may as well write them down here so they have been officially stated.

You have proven yourself to be able to lead, and while I have not personally experienced your war leading, by what I have heard is that they have mostly been positive. There have been some complaints from people who felt like orders you gave after my main orders (when I had to go AFK) were bad and the reason for defeat in that war. Though this was the only complaint I have received from your leading. Your application is well made and presented, which I can definitely appreciate. You have tried your best to lead wars as to show yourself capable of joining NHC, which shows your effort and dedication. You also have a lot of experience, in fact you have been ISAF CO longer than I have been in the server altogether.

However, I do have some issues, some of which I have stated before. Firstly, you are mingy. There's no doubt about that. While having fun is not the end of the world, as NHC you are not supposed to be fucking about constantly. Just a week ago, I had to PT you due to you purposely RDMing another person. And by what I heard, it was not a case of "haha friends dicking around", the person who was shot point blank range DID NOT want to be murdered. When I questioned you regarding the RDM, you stated you did it for fun. When I asked if you would do it again, you replied: "probably". The fact that this is extremely recent shows you still lack some professionalism and maturity to become NHC.. even as an ISAF Major you should not be doing these kinds of things. Now, I do not know if that was just you messing around and then messing with me, but it definitely is not the only situation I have come across.

Second, sometimes it feels like you do not always respect authority of the people above you. For example, you have stepped over your boundaries as a major and tried to command troops and overrule my decisions a few times. Once in pre-war, you asked to lead the war. I denied it, but during the war I had to deal with a staff sit, so I assigned temporary leading to you. Once I came back and continued leading, you still requested staff to give you voice amp and continued bossing troops. When I asked you to get off voice amp and stop war leading, you argued with: "No I am going to help lead". There have been also other situations in which you have acted like the highest rank and/or as if you were the NHC in that situation which had the authority to tell anyone anything, while NHC (such as myself) was present. One time after my DB, you commanded for two regiments to stay behind to talk to them and question them regarding a situation in war. It was partly my fault for allowing it, and I was informed that I should have denied it completely as you as ISAF Major were in no place to be telling other regiments off. I understand you may want to step up and show you can lead, but there is a limit to what you can do. You should not be stepping on NHC to prove you can do it: you also need to respect and listen to those who are above you.

Also, your activity has not been the greatest. Looking at logs and being online everyday myself, your activity seems to just have picked up lately before this application. I do not wish to accuse you of anything, but it does appear as if you started being interested in being online just when you started doing your application. With how NHC is currently, it is very important for people who join the team to be active and able to remain active for a good time. I would like to see more activity longer than just these two weeks to be able to trust your activity in NHC.

If you improve on the points I have stated, I am sure you will make a great NHC with some training.

Good luck,
Bgen Athena

(Sorry for any grammar errors, wrote this in a class)


Well-known Member
Sep 7, 2021
spoop spoop


Hi Spoopi. I already did sort of explain my concerns to you before, but I may as well write them down here so they have been officially stated.

You have proven yourself to be able to lead, and while I have not personally experienced your war leading, by what I have heard is that they have mostly been positive. There have been some complaints from people who felt like orders you gave after my main orders (when I had to go AFK) were bad and the reason for defeat in that war. Though this was the only complaint I have received from your leading. Your application is well made and presented, which I can definitely appreciate. You have tried your best to lead wars as to show yourself capable of joining NHC, which shows your effort and dedication. You also have a lot of experience, in fact you have been ISAF CO longer than I have been in the server altogether.

However, I do have some issues, some of which I have stated before. Firstly, you are mingy. There's no doubt about that. While having fun is not the end of the world, as NHC you are not supposed to be fucking about constantly. Just a week ago, I had to PT you due to you purposely RDMing another person. And by what I heard, it was not a case of "haha friends dicking around", the person who was shot point blank range DID NOT want to be murdered. When I questioned you regarding the RDM, you stated you did it for fun. When I asked if you would do it again, you replied: "probably". The fact that this is extremely recent shows you still lack some professionalism and maturity to become NHC.. even as an ISAF Major you should not be doing these kinds of things. Now, I do not know if that was just you messing around and then messing with me, but it definitely is not the only situation I have come across.

Second, sometimes it feels like you do not always respect authority of the people above you. For example, you have stepped over your boundaries as a major and tried to command troops and overrule my decisions a few times. Once in pre-war, you asked to lead the war. I denied it, but during the war I had to deal with a staff sit, so I assigned temporary leading to you. Once I came back and continued leading, you still requested staff to give you voice amp and continued bossing troops. When I asked you to get off voice amp and stop war leading, you argued with: "No I am going to help lead". There have been also other situations in which you have acted like the highest rank and/or as if you were the NHC in that situation which had the authority to tell anyone anything, while NHC (such as myself) was present. One time after my DB, you commanded for two regiments to stay behind to talk to them and question them regarding a situation in war. It was partly my fault for allowing it, and I was informed that I should have denied it completely as you as ISAF Major were in no place to be telling other regiments off. I understand you may want to step up and show you can lead, but there is a limit to what you can do. You should not be stepping on NHC to prove you can do it: you also need to respect and listen to those who are above you.

Also, your activity has not been the greatest. Looking at logs and being online everyday myself, your activity seems to just have picked up lately before this application. I do not wish to accuse you of anything, but it does appear as if you started being interested in being online just when you started doing your application. With how NHC is currently, it is very important for people who join the team to be active and able to remain active for a good time. I would like to see more activity longer than just these two weeks to be able to trust your activity in NHC.

If you improve on the points I have stated, I am sure you will make a great NHC with some training.

Good luck,
Bgen Athena

(Sorry for any grammar errors, wrote this in a class)
Hi Athena. Thank you for leaving your comment. I just want to reply to the things you said.

I totally understand your view of everything you said, and I have told you in private as well that I will try to improve myself on the things that you have mentioned. I agree with everything you said but on one point.

As I said the only time I don't play every day is when I go on LOA. The time you saw me finally be active again. Is the time I actually came back earlier from a 3 week LOA because I was nowhere near my PC, seeing it was the holidays.
Although I was playing a bit less before that, being on the SCP server and all. I still made sure to come on every day so that I can take part in wars and help ISAF where they needed help.

I can assure you that my activity will not drop when I become NHC and that it actually will improve.

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MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020
Application Accepted

Please contact a Lieutenant General or above when you are on TeamSpeak to undergo the next steps of joining
NATO High Command.
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