Jacob's IA Ambassador Application [UK]

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Feb 22, 2024

Steam ID:


Discord name:

nuclear_attack_dog (username)
Zenith (display name)

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

for about a year and a half or so at this point



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

[F] Jacob "Virus" Hamsworth

Civilian name:


What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:
Yes i do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

GSD CPT (held)
E-11 LCPL (briefly held)
Nu-7 PVT (held 2X)
CI-A [TEU-PFC] (held 2X)
IA Agent
DEA Agent


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

-RDM-killing a d class through a door (Expired)
-FailRP 2X-talking as SCP-999/2295 (Expired)
-FailRP-Body blocking as SCP-073 (Expired)
-ARDM-Missfiring at a d class as an Nu-7, and not having any way to prove my innocence (Expired)
-RDM-Shotgunning a D-class that came up from behind while existing a sweep (Expired)
-Minor Glitching-Fail breaching as 079 (Expired)
-FailRP-Combat cuffing someone by accident (Active)

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?

I am applying for this position since i do believe that my set of skills i have
developed across my time in the department will only benefit to the department
if i am chosen to be a part of the department leadership team.

aside from the departmental aspect of this application
i really do like the job in the department and like playing as an IA agent
and i do really want to help keep the department the good department it is

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:

My Unbiased Line Of Thought

during all the time i was in the department, and the countless arrests i have done
i was always the first one to say sorry if i deemed myself in the wrong
or if i saw something that could have been done better on my part

My Way Of Teaching/Transferring Information

I really believe in a way of teaching that the way i like to explain it is
that you teach the person infront of you as if you are learning with him.
which all just boils down to:
"teach people to respect with respect"

My Good Way With People And My General Friendliness

You could ask other agents, other researchers and other people, that when they would
ask me a question, i would really do my best to sit with them and explain the answer as
deeply and thoroughly as i could, at some interactions i had with people we could sit
for a dozen minutes or more of them just asking questions, me answering questions
and still keeping the situation feel like a human interaction rather then just a Q&A session.
and overall i really feel like interactions i have with people turn out great most of the
times, which is a quality that even if you're talking about an IRL situation or an in game situation, is very important to have.

I Am Well Versed In The Department's Codex And Protocols

My time in the department has proven to be a great factor in my knowledge about the
departmental protocols, proving that me being chosen for the position, and chosen to train
the new agents, i will be able to give this other look about the departmental protocols
and making the information about it much more applicable in different situations.


How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

about 47 at this point,
and as for the what i think makes a document good and well made, in my opinion
i think that some things that make the document good are going in
depth and giving all the details so an accurate assessment
of the situation can be done in order to rate it
accurately and assess the document
writing/making level of an agent and so the ambassador
could understand the situation clearly and thoroughly


What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:

CL4 Duties

As a semi combative CL4 foundation member, you are trusted with operating foundation areas that might be unavailable while combative CL4's are still in an ongoing situation.
those areas could include:
-EOC, During a large code 5, in which most combatives will help with the code five, the ambassadors could operate the area without taking away resources that could be used to recontain/fight the current code/situation
-Elec Center, while tech experts have access to this area, it is not a sure situation that the area needs a tech expert, and could just need to have a CL4 enter, flip a switch and get out.
in which situation, ambassadors could help without taking away resources, that might not be critical, but needed in other areas
-Closing Blast Doors, as much as HCZ BD can be closed by E-11 CO's, some other CL4 Preventative measures could be better operated by the ambassadors, which could act faster due to IA's presence across site.

Training New IA Agents

As a part of the department's leadership team, you are now trusted with training and passing on the needed knowledge to the next cycle of agents.
not much more needs to be said about this duty, make the next generation of agents what you want to see in the department, and pass on to them the qualities and values that made you the ambassador, and the department, what it is.

Maintaining Discipline In The Department

as a CL4 personnel in the department, you are now given the duty to keep the department in check, enforcing the FLC/CoE in the department on the day to day basis, and making sure that your agents act to the best of their abilities, and if they are not, you have the tools to make sure they do, use your stand of authority in the department to maintain the same amount of professionalism that you would like to see in other departments, make a face of IA, make the agents the face of IA.

Pitching In On Other Ambassador's Applications

since you are now a part of the departmental leadership team, you now have a vote, a say, in who will or will not become a part of the team, your voice about it matters much more then a report, use those same standards of work that got you to this position to keep the department up and above what it is.

Initiate Investigations

Because now you are a trusted member of the departmental leading team, you are allowed to initiate investigations regarding other departments, and report the findings to the director to get feedback and file what you found out, you may include other agents in the investigation, giving them the tools they need to advance in the department, and become a valued member of it.

Manage Ongoing Investigations

If a DoIA/ECM are not present on site, you may manage the on going investigation, of course, if it is an official investigation, all findings must be reported to the assigned channel in discord.
by 'manage investigations' i mean that managing personnel and resources regarding the investigation is in your hands.
of course not just on the top of your head, but with the guidance of the director or more senior ambassadors

Dealing With CL4 Information Breaches

As a CL4 personnel, you are a much more secure medium of information then general Jr.CL4, this is because of your job, if you need to handle an info breach, lets say about a specific SCP or a specific personnel, as IA your entire job is to handle the more sensitive situations, that couldnt be handled by either gensec/MTF/ISD, and require your specialized set of skills to de-escelate the situation

Document Organizing

you need to organize the arrest/incident/investigation reports of other agnets, and use your long time of document writing to rank the document appropriately, as well as filing it into the appropriate drawer/storage unit


Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Jackob was born in Greenport new york, and stayed there until his mid 20's, where he went to the big city in pursuit of following his fathers path in national security, his father was a head of a small secret team in the US army, and was very passionate about his work, and as is gonna be shown, his kids followed his path.

it was a bit of a struggle meeting the requirements for the FBI recruitment, but in the end he made it, and was assigned to a special agents team in the intelligence branch, the team was called "Theta-8", focusing of small scale operations and high status arrests.
after several years, he was promoted to the director of the criminal justice information services division, a pretty high ranking job in the department.
the following day of the promotion he drove to work, filled with pride in his new job, he got into his office, and was greeted by his assistant with a letter, most of the information on the top of the letter was redacted or outright left blank, where he was told to stay in his office for about 10 more minutes the normal.
it was very odd, and of course, afraid that this could spell trouble, he denied staying at his office and drove home as soon as he could, he sat on the couch, and a knock at the door was heard
he went to open the door and once he opened the door he was greeted with a man, wearing a dark blue suit with matching jeans
they talked for a few minutes, and once jackob turned his head to check on something, a fiber bag was placed on top of his head and he was dragged into a rather large, armored and with not identifying marks car, where he was taken to his so called chance at joining the foundation
after some time passing and questions being thrown into the air, he was accepted for the job as an ambassador in the foundation.

A Bit of a more personal note:

i withdrawn both of my last application due to reconsidering my position in this department, how ever after some more in game interactions and some more OOC information, i did understand that this was the department i nearly always was in, and always enjoyed.
thanks for reviewing my application.


Application On Hold

Good day, "Zenith".

As of deliberation with the rest of the Internal Affairs Leadership team, we have decided to place your application on hold. We have decided based on your applications that we require further tasking from you to make our decision. Please contact myself or Remmy to have an explanation given to you. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to continue leaving feedback.

Kind Regards,
Cade 'Sunbeam' Valentine.
Remmy 'Brightside' Marshall.
Aug 13, 2023

I would like to point out a few things with how i've come across you so far as an IA player myself. I witnessed your ability to discourage other IA from trying to create roleplay and communicate with other departments of the site. I feel like you are trying a bit too hard to kind of show this "Leadership" role but it isn't quite how a leader would seem but more talking down on some other members of IA that are trying to do their job and seem professional.

I wanna clarify that you can come off as an impulsive person when other people are dealing with situations IC. You manage to budge your way in and try to incriminate someone of something. And you also manage to come in, in a very rude manner where you will tell people off that have done nothing wrong and give them this bad reputation.

With what im trying to get at is I was in a situation talking with Research department and someone came out of line in a rude manner and you decided to tell me off instead of letting me deal with the situation professionally. And then had a rant in IA comms.

In no way am i trying to talk down on your ability to become an Ambassador. But this treatment of another IA agent is worrying from a leadership's standpoint, if you were to become an Ambassador when IA agents would seek you for guidance
Feb 22, 2024
I was in a situation talking with Research department and someone came out of line in a rude manner and you decided to tell me off instead of letting me deal with the situation professionally. And then had a rant in IA comms
regarding this situation, im not sure how you looked at the situation, but from what ive seen, you were comming off as hostile, talking about the thauma in a bad lighting for no reason that ive seen
I wanna clarify that you can come off as an impulsive person when other people are dealing with situations IC. You manage to budge your way in and try to incriminate someone of something. And you also manage to come in, in a very rude manner where you will tell people off that have done nothing wrong and give them this bad reputation.
if you could provide some examples that would be great, it might be how you see it, which is totally fine, but calling me impulsive without any thing but recalling a memory isnt much of a claim, i can agree that at times i do try and get myself into more rp situations, and im not budging myself in as much as getting into situations that would make sense if it were to be a real sitation
I would like to point out a few things with how i've come across you so far as an IA player myself. I witnessed your ability to discourage other IA from trying to create roleplay and communicate with other departments of the site. I feel like you are trying a bit too hard to kind of show this "Leadership" role but it isn't quite how a leader would seem but more talking down on some other members of IA that are trying to do their job and seem professional.
again, if you could give some examples that would be awesome, it might just be your perception of the situation, i got feedback from other people that main IA, IC and OOC, that was pretty positive and nice, ive made some friends in the server that i talk even now, so saying that i deter agents is a wild accusation, as i always answer questions and go in depth as to help as much as i can.

overall, i understand that it might be how you see me, and if its because of the situation that just happened, then try and look at me as a bit more then just that situation.
its completely valid for you to think i deter others,impulsive,rude and so on and so on, but at least bring something to back up those claims
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