Jamal's AC Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:501758558
Discord name: Jamal#9003
For how long have you played on MRP: I have been playing on the server since the server first launched back in 2020.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST
UAN name (regiment and rank): 15thRB CPT Jamal
NWO name (regiment and rank): NWO PVT Jamal Portrov
Civilian name: Stephanikov
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes, all of my warnings are at least around a month old. I started playing on Civilgamers again around 3 months ago, the majority of my warnings are way before that time (around 2 years ago) which is why I do not recall most of them. Bear in mind I was 14 back then and more immature.


Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: Yes I have played on lots of different Military Roleplay servers and have managed to rack up a total of more than 8,000 hours on the game. A lot of this time was spent on Civilgamers (1,700+ hours). As I will mention in my list of in-game ranks I have been in positions of CO, SCO and Regimental Command before and I feel that I have enough experience to do this job professionally and ensure that the entire faction goes above and beyond to guarantee victory against the NWO.
What makes you the best candidate for Allied Command?: I know for a fact that I am a very good candidate for Allied Command and I can guarantee that I will do very well if given the responsibilities of a Brigadier General. For a long time now I have been trying my hardest to increase activity and productivity for 15thRB and that doesn’t always mean via doing tryouts and training with the regiment. Through my years of playing Garry’s Mod I have managed to teach myself how to use and code rosters so that the jobs of my Commissioned Officers are easier and less time consuming allowing them to focus more on personnel instead of infrastructure. I am also good at leading my regiment and maintaining good relations with the entirety of the players I lead into war. I like to think that we share a mutual respect for each other because that is vital to keep a regiment like 15th Riflemans Brigade running efficiently and smoothly. I am a very active member of my regiment and 15thRB is currently in a good position regarding our CO Team as well as our SNCOs, the next step for me would be moving to Allied Command and working in a more supervisory position watching and assisting Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels.
List your in-game ranks on MRP: I have been in most if not all of the Regiments we had/have. My ranks include:
15thRB CPT


List your strengths and weaknesses:

Strengths: I have lots of experience and do not mind putting lots of my time into something I am passionate about. I am able to re-work documents and rosters to make sure that our Officers are focusing more on managing their regiments and less on managing a google sheet. Members of my regiment trust me with giving them orders and understand that I am a good leader when I am in charge of 15thRB during a war, I have also led wars for UAN, NATO and the USSR. I am a very confident person and try to push people to do their best in everything possible, as long as they try their hardest there is nothing to alter about the mindset they have chosen. I work well with others (most of the time) and can communicate well in a team.

Weaknesses: I am prone to overreacting in certain situations, this is an issue for me as sometimes I tend to not think thoroughly about what I am about to do or say, this isn’t a daily occurrence but it happens every once in a while. I will make sure to carefully consider every possible outcome of my words and actions if given a position within the Allied Command. My relations with other regiments could use some work as I believe that I can help improve most if not all of the regiments within the UAN. I have good insight on how each of them works and can recognise small issues that heavily affect a regiment’s flow.
Jun 10, 2022
I've always seen you as a fucking minge and a half, but behind that minge, I saw leadership capabilities and ever since you joined 15thRB, you've shown to mature and you keep showing you can improve. You have a lot of experience on the server and I'm sure you can be a great general.
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Civil Gamers Expert
May 14, 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina

-Toxic history
-Iffy leadership

Ill be honest with you Jamal you are still very immature and toxic and I have interacted with you quite a lot and seeing your horrible behavior in SWB and your mingey behavior isn't fit for High Command. I want you to become a respectable member of the server first before applying for an rp heavy and respectable position. Considering you only came back recently too after your long time spent either banned or leaving the server because of the controversy you cause for yourself on it I'd like for you to make a good name for yourself first.

Edit: You have also went out of your way around a month ago to ruin an event made by 3 gamemasters which is just not mature or rp friendly. Then you ended up lying to staff multiple times during that situation and made a complete fool of yourself.
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+Long standing member

-Toxic history
-Not mature

+/- not sure how your leader ship is now but back in the day it was meh
-Not to be trusted

Hello jamal my -sup is mostly about you past and the present on how i see you have involved on the server. Since the blacklist you haven't really changed super much now you are more clam though prob cause you want highcommand but the start when you were unblacklisted I believe you got blacklisted from swb for toxicity. You have been more calm and less gettin warns this and that but I just think its you being calm gettin an high rank and than slowey go back to your old roots(basically what shans said).

Also more of reason from my experience. So I did an event(this happend like 2 months ago) and you went by your way to ruin the event and destroy the fun for everyone ik it was funny in your eyes but tbh imagine you were makin it. It was kind of disrespectfull in my eyes and def for the gamemaster team. You also tried lying to SL and you basically accidently admit it that you were there to ruin the event so you made an fool of yourself like kenan said. I say this in my verdict cause us gamemasters would not really trust you if we would ever do an event where we need UAN and you are AC forexample the only one online I would personally not trust you to lead the event for UAN with your history and even you ruining an event in the past. AC has to provide RP and if someone that has ruined RP i don't that you would an good fit imo but nontheless good luck
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Active member
Aug 1, 2022
+ support
True ambition and dedication is what I see in this application. I think he 100% deserves a change to show his maturity and proof it has changed over the years!
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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 17, 2021
Upon reading your application, talking to a few sources and believing you may have what it takes you will be accepted. Please see either me of Harry Pot for an interview.

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