Jamie 'Iris' 1st Director of Medicine Application [USA]

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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 26, 2024
Buffalo NY
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:38603093
Discord name: catsratsgats
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I currently have 910 hours.
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Jamie 'Iris'
Civilian name: Rascal 'Iris'
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): [USA]
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: [holding- Consultant, Nu-7 SPC, GOC SGT] - [held- CI-A, GOC CPL, Nu-7 CPL]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: One account of failRP dancing on top of Medbay as 912 and one RDM that has since expired.
Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine role?: I am applying for the Director of Medicine role because I want to see the medical department as a whole continue to grow and flourish. I want to be able to assist directly with the department's future, helping it become even better than it has ever been.
What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?: I am ideal for the Director of Medicine role because of various factors. A few are the knowledge I've obtained during my time within the medical department, the professional standard I hold myself to when it comes to the server, my ability to not crack from pressure, my friendliness, and my cooperation with whatever is needed of me! I'm always more than willing to listen to complaints and feedback other Medical staff or anyone may have! Lastly, of course. Nothing holds my heart more than the medical department and its people.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?: The duties of the Director of Medicine role in RP include:
1)- Medical Leadership Team Overview: While DoM, you overlook the MLT or medical leadership team. This includes helping them with problems they may have, and they can come to the DoM for projects or changes they might want to see happen within the department.
2)- Punishment: While DoM, you are tasked with punishing or striking any medical personnel who have broken site policies, CoC, and CoE. This includes license removals, but only depending on how severe the problem at hand is.
3)- Reviewing new Consultant Applications: While DoM, you are tasked with reviewing new applications for the consultant role that may be created. You gather the opinions and feelings of the other current MLT and decide, based on that feedback, whether they are to be accepted into the leadership team or not.
4)- Hosting Tryouts/Training: As the DoM, you play a significant role in hosting tryouts, such as Combat Medic Tryouts, and conducting Medical License Lectures. This is a crucial aspect of your responsibility in shaping the medical team.
5)- Attending to normal medical duties: While DoM, you are tasked with attending to normal medical duties such as making sure Injured personnel are healed to the highest possible level, performing psychological evaluations when asked, and performing ECT.
6)- Helping New Doctors: While at DoM, you are tasked with helping new medical personnel learn the medical department, such as showing them how to perform ECT or how to make different chemical cures for different diseases.
7)- Handling External Relations: As a DoM, you are tasked with handling external relations with other departments, such as Research or General Security. It is extremely important to maintain good health and relations between personnel and their respective departments.
8)- Assigning Trial Consultants Fields: As the DoM, you have the authority to assign a trial consultant to a field of their choice, provided there is an open slot. This power ensures the smooth functioning of our operations.
9)- General CL4 tasks: General things such as closing the bulks during code 5, manning Teslas, and evac orders during code black.
10)- SL Meetings: Attend SL meetings as the representative of the medical department.
Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in: It was October 17th and a good day for me. I was recently promoted to Director of Medicine and already was on top of organizing the combat medics for a training lesson on proper, supportive firing lines. At that moment, I got an emergency open-comms S.O.S from the U.N.G.O.C. One of their commanders was apparently suffering from a fatal wound and was on the verge of death. They requested medical support as they were in the area then. I immediately asked the site command to authorize them to come into the facility and use our medbay for supplies and aid. They're granted access, and as they're being escorted down by DEA, one of the DEA operatives mentions over comms that the Commander sounded very distressed and emotional. I ask a few combat medics to assist in escorting me to the arriving party. We meet with the broken G.O.C. team and their injured Commander. We patch up his wounds, and the medics make sure to handle him with care, but I notice his behavior. "The cracking—it's like the ticking of a clock. It's coming for me. It already has one of us. I'm next."Before I could ask what the Commander was talking about, a horrible screech came from behind us, rushing past me and the rest of the personnel. I look at the beast that came out of nowhere, and it charges towards my medics and the G.O.C team. The tall, skinny, featherless blackbird runs on its two legs with break-neck speed. Before my medics have time to shoot at it, the Commander's head goes "CRACK," and the anomaly is gone. As the panic takes hold of everyone, chaos stirs, and sirens blare. All of it starts to go quiet for me. That's when I hear it..."Tic... Tok... Tic... Tok..." Like the sound of bones snapping and twisting. I turn around towards the noise, and down the hall, it stands there. Twisting its head clockwise.
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Reactions: Maxwelli and Socky
Mar 14, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:38603093
Discord name: catsratsgats
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I currently have 910 hours.
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Jamie 'Iris'
Civilian name: Rascal 'Iris'
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): [USA]
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: [holding- Consultant, Nu-7 SPC, GOC SGT] - [held- CI-A, GOC CPL, Nu-7 CPL]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: One account of failRP dancing on top of Medbay as 912 and one RDM that has since expired.
Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine role?: I am applying for the Director of Medicine role because I want to see the medical department as a whole continue to grow and flourish. I want to be able to assist directly with the department's future, helping it become even better than it has ever been.
What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?: I am ideal for the Director of Medicine role because of various factors. A few are the knowledge I've obtained during my time within the medical department, the professional standard I hold myself to when it comes to the server, my ability to not crack from pressure, my friendliness, and my cooperation with whatever is needed of me! I'm always more than willing to listen to complaints and feedback other Medical staff or anyone may have! Lastly, of course. Nothing holds my heart more than the medical department and its people.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?: The duties of the Director of Medicine role in RP include:
1)- Medical Leadership Team Overview: While DoM, you overlook the MLT or medical leadership team. This includes helping them with problems they may have, and they can come to the DoM for projects or changes they might want to see happen within the department.
2)- Punishment: While DoM, you are tasked with punishing or striking any medical personnel who have broken site policies, CoC, and CoE. This includes license removals, but only depending on how severe the problem at hand is.
3)- Reviewing new Consultant Applications: While DoM, you are tasked with reviewing new applications for the consultant role that may be created. You gather the opinions and feelings of the other current MLT and decide, based on that feedback, whether they are to be accepted into the leadership team or not.
4)- Hosting Tryouts/Training: As the DoM, you play a significant role in hosting tryouts, such as Combat Medic Tryouts, and conducting Medical License Lectures. This is a crucial aspect of your responsibility in shaping the medical team.
5)- Attending to normal medical duties: While DoM, you are tasked with attending to normal medical duties such as making sure Injured personnel are healed to the highest possible level, performing psychological evaluations when asked, and performing ECT.
6)- Helping New Doctors: While at DoM, you are tasked with helping new medical personnel learn the medical department, such as showing them how to perform ECT or how to make different chemical cures for different diseases.
7)- Handling External Relations: As a DoM, you are tasked with handling external relations with other departments, such as Research or General Security. It is extremely important to maintain good health and relations between personnel and their respective departments.
8)- Assigning Trial Consultants Fields: As the DoM, you have the authority to assign a trial consultant to a field of their choice, provided there is an open slot. This power ensures the smooth functioning of our operations.
9)- General CL4 tasks: General things such as closing the bulks during code 5, manning Teslas, and evac orders during code black.
10)- SL Meetings: Attend SL meetings as the representative of the medical department.
Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in: It was October 17th and a good day for me. I was recently promoted to Director of Medicine and already was on top of organizing the combat medics for a training lesson on proper, supportive firing lines. At that moment, I got an emergency open-comms S.O.S from the U.N.G.O.C. One of their commanders was apparently suffering from a fatal wound and was on the verge of death. They requested medical support as they were in the area then. I immediately asked the site command to authorize them to come into the facility and use our medbay for supplies and aid. They're granted access, and as they're being escorted down by DEA, one of the DEA operatives mentions over comms that the Commander sounded very distressed and emotional. I ask a few combat medics to assist in escorting me to the arriving party. We meet with the broken G.O.C. team and their injured Commander. We patch up his wounds, and the medics make sure to handle him with care, but I notice his behavior. "The cracking—it's like the ticking of a clock. It's coming for me. It already has one of us. I'm next."Before I could ask what the Commander was talking about, a horrible screech came from behind us, rushing past me and the rest of the personnel. I look at the beast that came out of nowhere, and it charges towards my medics and the G.O.C team. The tall, skinny, featherless blackbird runs on its two legs with break-neck speed. Before my medics have time to shoot at it, the Commander's head goes "CRACK," and the anomaly is gone. As the panic takes hold of everyone, chaos stirs, and sirens blare. All of it starts to go quiet for me. That's when I hear it..."Tic... Tok... Tic... Tok..." Like the sound of bones snapping and twisting. I turn around towards the noise, and down the hall, it stands there. Twisting its head clock+
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Jamie"Iris"

Subject: Director of Medicine Application Verdict

Greetings Jamie,

We thank you for showing interest into the Director of Medicine position by taking your time to submit an application for the position. Unfortunately, I must relay to you that you have not been accepted as Director of Medicine.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at (Skyfire1355).

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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