Jason M.'s G.M Application

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Jul 10, 2021
Which server are you applying for? (UK/USA):
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
For how long have you played on CG MRP:
3 years
In what country are you located?:
United Kingdom
Time zone:
NATO name (regiment and rank):
JAF Captain Jason M [PSF-1]
NWO name (regiment and rank):
Krakow [Jason M Dot]
Civilian name:
Jason N
Steam ID:
Discord ID:
Do you have a mic?:
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
SCPRP 096 Application
SCPRP Executive Researcher Application
SCPRP Moderator Application

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

(The only warning I've received since coming back was the latest one)
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Yes, I was an SCPRP Gamemaster for around 6 months.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
I've played many other servers on Gmod and Arma 3 that involved SeriousRP.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Varying hours from 3-8hrs
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I've seen a lot of space for the GM team to develop events and storylines. Being a previous GM on SCPRP, I have the experience to help out the GM team and assist in running more, higher quality events for individual regiments and larger scale groups of players.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I've been in this community for a long time, I know how players react to the typical events run by GMs and so I know how to achieve better reception from the community to events. I've been on both sides, playing events and hosting events and so I have the advantage to tailor my events better through feedback I've gotten over the years and potential new feedback from players.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Eastern Resistance Blockade (One Side):
The Eastern Resistance have recently come into possession of a document detailing sleeper agents from (NWO/NATO) hidden deep within enemy lines. The exposure of this document could cost hundreds of lives! (NWO/NATO) must act quickly to take down the blockade and neutralise the Resistance within the position. Once this is done, they are to retrieve the document and destroy it.
Eastern Resistance Blockade (Two Sides):

The Eastern Resistance have recently come into possession of a stash of money through their illicit trades and have gotten cocky enough to take over a position of the map. NWO & NATO are tasked to take down this blockade and steal the stash of money to add to their warfunds! ($200,000 - $500,000)

Construction Site :
A cargo helicopter was recently shot down over the airspace, dropping valuable components to build vehicles. Engineers must be deployed to the location to re-assemble the vehicles in order to secure them for their side.

The Crimson Blade Recruitment Drive :
The Crimson Blade have been sighted establishing a recruitment site in (Location on Map) , to stop their attempts at increasing their numbers, NATO & NWO must work together to neutralise the Crimson Blade in charge of the recruitment while abstaining from hurting the civilians at the position.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
The Eastern Resistance have managed to secure a stronghold within eastern Europe and in an agreement with NWO, have begun mass-producing weapons with the faction's protection. NWO have a foothold in this region, however, and will be defending the location with their forces while NATO attempts to secure points leading to the stronghold and destroy the factory.

The map would require a factory or warehouse that can be adapted with props and additional positions for players to push. NATO would be attacking and would have to capture all points until they reach the factory where they would have to push NATO and E.R officials (GMs) who will be defending the point.
If NWO wins, they receive war funds as a reward for completing their agreement with the E.R. If NATO wins, they receive war funds by securing the money that was going to be used for the terms of the agreement between E.R and NWO.

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:

Murder Mystery :
A Murder has occurred in the (NATO/NWO) base! (RMP/AOR) must track down a string of clues left behind by the killer in the form of documents in order to identify the culprit and bring them to justice!


Assassination Operation :
Intelligence suggests a high-ranking member from (T.P.A/C.B/E.R) will be transported through the region in a (Distinct Vehicle) in an armoured convoy. (STS/SAS) are tasked with assassinating the V.I.P and exfiltrate from the area to suffer minimal casualties. The method used to perform this is their decision.


Base Of Operations Assault :
A newly-built Base Of Operations from (T.P.A/C.B/E.R) has been established in (Location of the Map). (ISAF/IVG) are tasked with assaulting this position and securing the point by clearing the position and detonating charges inside the base.


Helicopter Interception :
A Cargo Helicopter will be passing through the region soon. (JAF/SWB) are tasked with intercepting and downing the helicopter. Once downed, the helicopter will drop a shipment of weapons that can be secured by (JAF/SWB) Paratroopers.

1stAL / 17thAR:

Communications detailing a convoy containing missile parts has been leaked to (NATO/NWO). (1stAL / 17thAR) are tasked to intercept the convoy, destroy the armoured vehicle protecting it and all of the vehicles containing parts.
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Beef Wellington

Active member
Jul 13, 2023
Hello @Jason M.

I want to congratulate you on being accepted into the Gamemaster team.
Contact me for your introduction to the Gamemaster team.

Magnus 'Beef Wellington'
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