Jaxiferr Ban Appeal

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Well-known Member
Nov 27, 2022
Your in-game name:
Your SteamID:
Your steam community link:
Date of ban

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect):
Who banned you:
Ban length?:
2 weeks
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again:

I will download the Content Pack to ensure I dont make the mistake of selecting AT4 instead of AN49
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?:
Yes. Warned for RDM and a ban for MRDM
Why should you be unbanned:
We were all chilling/joking around in regimental DB when PFC Barbarian was demoted to TRN (harmless joke) and he pulled out his gun and started opening fire on the guy who demoted him (classic DB things). I equipped what I thought was my AN94 but instead it was my AT4 (both were error signs for me since i dont have the content pack downloaded) and i tried shooting him to stop him and ended up shooting the rocket and killing everyone. It was an honest mistake that nobody cared about except one person. I've been active this week and planned on being even more active next week since I'm done with my midterm exams.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:
after coming back, I decided I actually want to play the server again normally and I did. I climbed up to PFC and did great in wars/peactime duties. I've read over the rules fully and will ensure something like this wont happen again
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
IVG are struggling right now and they need people who are active and good at the game to help them be the best regiment they can be and I can do that for them. I've been playing on and off for 2 years and I've grown to love the community and want to return for good.

Beef Wellington

Active member
Jul 13, 2023
Hello @Jaxiferr, the reason you received the ban is simply because of how you AT4'd multiple people. This leads to a Mass RDM ban, from your perspective you said it was a "mistake" and you thought you shot your normal gun.

When I then received a report for Mass RDM I investigated it and then determined it to be Mass RDM. You killed multiple people with an AT4 showing on the logs with your intent to shoot your rifle at a single person, but rather you shot an AT4.

Now I understand the people you killed were your friends, still, I got the report from one of the people who did die from this incident. I hope you understand why I gave you this punishment.


Well-known Member
Nov 27, 2022
Hello @Jaxiferr, the reason you received the ban is simply because of how you AT4'd multiple people. This leads to a Mass RDM ban, from your perspective you said it was a "mistake" and you thought you shot your normal gun.

When I then received a report for Mass RDM I investigated it and then determined it to be Mass RDM. You killed multiple people with an AT4 showing on the logs with your intent to shoot your rifle at a single person, but rather you shot an AT4.

Now I understand the people you killed were your friends, still, I got the report from one of the people who did die from this incident. I hope you understand why I gave you this punishment.

I completely understand why you would give me the punishment and it makes total sense. I'm glad you understand it wasn't my intent to mass RDM.

I get that you needed to take action since it was reported. You said that it was from my perspective that it was a "mistake", but everyone else in the room at the time understood it was a simple mistake and 100% agree with my side of the story (they can testify to the fact that it was indeed a mistake) and didn't really care except the one who reported it. I believe I should've gotten a warn for RDM and then punished within my regiment since it was only one person who had a problem with it.

To reiterate, I believe you did the right thing in banning me since according to the logs and kill feed, it did look like intentional mass RDM and I don't want to put any blame on you as a moderator. However, I think the punishment is too extreme for one simple accident.

I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to respond.

Mar 9, 2021
Hi Jaxiferr,

After looking through the replies on this appeal, although you didn't intentionally mean to kill multiple people you still did it. This was fall under RDM and misuse of equipment. Even though majority of the people involved didn't report you, somebody did so beef had to take action.
Although you had no ill intentions I won't be reducing or unbanning you on this occasion as your actions have caused negative consequences to another player, I would also like you to take this time to install the content pack to remove all possible errors so this doesn't happen again as well as give you an unfair advantage over others on the server.

Kind regards,
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