Jerome's ECA Application

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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
Rust Staff
Nov 16, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
5-6 Months (End of last October)
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Foundation: Jerome | UNGOC: Asim
Civilian name:
Clive Dang
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Nu-7 SGT
- CI Gamma

- O-1 CPT

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have never received a warning, kick or ban.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
I believe I am the best candidate for this position due to my extreme activity, longevity in Omega-1 & the utmost dedication to O-1 and the Committee. I have been serving in Omega-1 for 4 months and I have made my way up to the rank of Captain by being hardworking and committed. I believe I have what it takes to fulfil the requirements of an ECA and to prove my worth to the Ethics Committee.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
Some of the main responsibilities I expect to be upholding throughout being an Ethics Committee Assistant would be;
Upholding the FLC within the site, taking any tasks/orders from the Ethics Committee & closely monitoring various departments - mainly Internal Affairs on behalf of the Ethics Committee. I would also be reporting severe FLC violations to the Committee, and in general, the first person in the EC chain people would report minor/major FLC violations to.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

- Graduated University Completed a Masters programme in Criminology in the University of London, London, England, at 26 years old.
- 14 years of police service, 7 served in CTSFO. After the 7 years of frontline policing & AFO squad, Jerome was offered a position in a CTSFO squad after showing exemplary work in an operation his AFO team was undergoing, he took the offer hastily and got straight to training.
- Recruited into an aptitude scheme in Canada Shortly after finishing his 14th year of service. Jerome decided to take a aptitude scheme for the Canadian Armed Forces, upon completion and processing, his results, paired with his skills, landed him a spot in the JTF-2 selection and trainning programme. Passed with flying colors.
- 4 years as a field operative for a classified organisation During JTF-2 service, Jerome was deployed to the Saskatchewan region, unknowing of the existance of the SCP Foundations' presence there, to deal with an alleged group of insurgents. His squad deployed to a region near the town of pinewood, roughly 63km northwest of Pinewood, CAF Command reported that insurgents were amassing weapons and explosives nearby.

Jerome's squad, the "Jolly Chaps", were tasked with scouting the region alleged to have the insurgent FOB, they had reports from a nearby squad of people going missing in the area, so everyone was on high alert.

On the 08/05/1998, a 20 year old man was reportedly missing, and a truck was seen leaving the nearby village, the "Jolly Chaps" got to chasing it down.
When they were far enough from the village, they sped up to the truck and ordered it to stop, the insurgents inside quickly stopped and deployed out of the truck, 7 in total, against Jerome's 4 man squad. A huge gunfire ensued, but the "Jolly Chaps", with superior skill, and at the time, firepower, subdued the Insurgents, with the exception of one that did not succumb to gunwounds. The 20 year old man was seen tied up and sedated in the back of the truck, luckily unharmed.

After questioning the last insurgent, he was quickly put down, and now the "Jolly Chaps" had a possible Insurgent FOB location.

On the 10/05/1998, after a quick survey of the area, it was found out to be a recently bought, abandoned industrial warehouse in the middle of nowhere, with consistent truck shipments coming in and out of it - Jerome did not know, but this would be their second confrontation with the Chaos Insurgency.

Immediately after assessing the only entrance doors to the compound, the "Jolly Chaps" made entry, a massive gunfight quickly ensued, but the Insurgents seemed young and unskilled, over 20 were shot down, with Jerome's Squad losing one member, they had enough information to retreat and report back to HQ, but Jerome made the call to continue. Once they got to the more secluded area, a handful of insurgents seemed to be more skilled in what they were doing, it was when they entered the last room, where what seemed to be a higher ranking insurgent member was held under gunpoint, that things started to be more clear.

They made a few quick advancements within the room, and huge ammounts of strange machinery and chemicals were found, whatever they were fighting were not "insurgents", but brainwashed civillians from nearby villages, who had been kidnapped.
When the 3 remaining Jolly Chaps members started questioning the last insurgent, under clear pressure, he quickly briefed the team on the Chaos Insurgency, their plot to undermine this "SCP Foundation".

They were not too pressed by this, instead, believing this to be fantasy, they radio'd in HQ, reported what they seen, and got put on hold.

7 hours passed, when they saw two helicopters landing nearby, without any military unit insignia or logos on, who quickly retrieved both the remaining 3 members, and the insurgent.

Jerome and his team were congratulated on their great job and decision to stop this operation, but were let know that this was only a small cog in the Chaos Insurgency machine. All were briefed on what the SCP Foundation is, the Chaos Insurgency, and were flown to Pinewood, Site-65 for a quick meeting with some local SCP Command.

Jerome's team members were offered the choice to join MTF Nu-7, who would further combat these insurgents around the area, whilst Jerome, because of his actions and decisions within the last days, was offered the position of Assistant within the Ethics Committee, in what came to military matters regarding the Chaos Insurgency.
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Civil Gamers Expert
May 19, 2022
ECM shite.png

- Ethics Committee Verdict Report
- 'Jerome' for Ethics Committee Assistant

Good Afternoon Jerome,
Thank you for showing your interest in joining the Ethics Committee; The Committee has met in deliberation of your application and concluded that you are suited to assume the position of Ethics Committee Assistant. You may contact myself to organize a formal interview.

- Ethics Member Phoenix
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