Jimothy Leaderson's NHC Application

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Jimothy's NHC Application

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:419417280
Discord name: misterwhizzly#8643
For how long have you played on MRP: 5 months, since start of November 2021
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT+0
NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF CPT Jimothy Leaderson
USSR name (regiment and rank): SHA PSC redjimothy
Civilian name: cool jimothy
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first application.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 Warning for Misuse of Stinger on the 3rd of December.

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
My sole experience is from being a CO for JAF, which I started doing at the beginning of January. This does mean I have some inexperience, but still have two months of service part of the time in which I have taken up responsibility of looking after and maintaining JAF during peacetimes and wars since becoming a SCO.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
I believe I am a good candidate for High Command because I have a lot of experience managing ground forces for JAF, and when necessary I did step up to lead NATO as a whole. While I have not led a large number of wars, (only 3) my most memorable of these are 2 stalemates I had and a major defeat. One of the stalemates I had was against UHC and being outnumbered 2-1 at the beginning. As well as this, since becoming an SCO I have stepped up to be in charge of JAF not just during wars but during peacetimes and enforcing FOB buildings and such for the regiment which has given me experience I can use to manage the entirety of NATO. Furthermore, I do enforce PT's and possible demotions on people who ignore orders or behave poorly as part of my work leading JAF during peacetimes and pre war, which can involve communicating with fellow JAF CO's regarding a troublemaker or speaking to CO's of other regiments if they have a complaint about someone acting badly.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

List your strengths and weaknesses:


Always willing to learn
- Since this was my first MRP server, I did have to learn a lot of things. I also had no clue whatsoever how to fly, but I've practiced and learnt more and more so that I've been able to become a capable CO and decent pilot in JAF through my willingness to learn.

Creative - I consider myself a quite creative person, and I'm always thinking up new things and ideas, at times for NATO and my regiment. I think this could be helped to partially change up in the ways we lead wars.

Charismatic - My creativity links in with the fact I do try to keep people happy and will try to keep people inspired and willing to play / fight in wars. To provide an example is during an event in which I led JAF ground, it had been dragging on a bit so I did a small quiz with a few people in the regiment also on ground. It went horribly but was still good fun.


- I will confess that I do lack professionalism as a Captain and my conduct is sometimes less than what is expected of me. However, when the situation comes to it I try to be professional and if I am being unprofessional I don't do things that are damaging to people and just focus on having a bit of fun.
Can get frustrated - I have found that when I am dogfighting, I have been getting quite frustrated when things go wrong for me and I feel it's not my fault. I don't take this out on anyone, however I may be ignoring people and have less concentration on a wider situation.


MRP War Veteran
Dec 13, 2021
My general opinion about your application,
I will be giving an massive
+Support as I have seen you lead wars personally and did very well, A great and independent Commissioned Officer in JAF and will ask for help from anyone. Yes at sometimes you might mess about and that will change, but generally you are always serious in-game, leading JAF on the ground and helping out other regiments, Doing roster work along other CO's. I'd say you're an perfect candidate for NHC and hopefully become JAF's Regimental General alongside with Hersh, Your warn history is fine and you're apart of the staff team as a mod so you know the rules in and out, sorting out situations if they have to be handled. Very active. I'd hope to see you as NHC.

Good luck Jimothy!

Ex 10th COL

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Active member
Nov 3, 2021

Unfortunately for you it's going to be A HEAVY negative support. I am sorry Jimothy but you just are not ready for NHC. You sure are active and friendly, but that's where my positives end. Literally just two days ago you got striked by LTCOL Connor due to unprofessionalism, gross insub and not taking a lecture regarding this seriously. I am also constantly getting complaints about you, though most of these end up going through the other generals or reg command. When it comes to you being staff, I do not really trust your judgement in that manner either. I have had situations in which your judgement as a moderator has been incorrect or poor, which has led to me going to higher ranks instead.

You are not mature or professional. Half of the time you are just messing around, and do not take higher ranks seriously when they are speaking to you. Honestly it is hard for me to believe that you are a captain currently, as you do not act like a SCO at all. You have almost never led wars and do not do anything outside your own regiment to prove your worth as a NHC candidate.

I do not admit, your application looks OKAY. It could be better and have a lot more effort put into it, but at least it is easy to read.

These issues stated are all things that can be improved on, and they do not determine your future. I believe anyone is able to change and I truly hope you do, but as of now you are not ready for this position. Do not let my criticism hold you back though; key to success is determination and hard work.

Best of luck,

MGEN Athena
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Oct 8, 2021
Hi Jimothy, While I do like you and you're a very friendly person and very active, you have a lot of issues which need to be addressed before I believe you will be ready for NHC. First of all you're very immature sometimes and I have received multiple complaints in a short space of time, you also received a regimental strike 2 days ago (18/03/2022). I would also like you to see lead more wars as your war result have been fairly poor. Lastly I would like to see you grow and develop in JAF before you go for NHC.

For this reason I will leave you with +/- Neutral support.

Best of luck


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 26, 2020
Very immature
Confessing you're "Unprofessional" is not really appropriate for NHC


MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020
Application Withdrawn

The applicant has chosen to withdraw their application at this time.​
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