hello its me ik the greatest dude ever, i am going bye bye as you seen my ban clip shi got 140 views im more famous then @Pyro now kinda cool dude. i wanna say im resigning because i got a life and im finishing my last year of highschool so i gonna make it count fr, gonna be a w year shi gonna go hard so yeah bye i give shoutouts to the sigmass
@pricetag mf made me actually come back to the server
@Ogre aint even gonna lie i just msg'ed this mf outta no where and we become tight fr w real mf
@John "Kratos" Freeman w guy fr the rick friend
@Vasin Belikov bros the most real monkey there is im better then him at every roblox fighting game not even close
@Nick "Mosasaur" Williams not gonna lie bros a sped but he a real one
@James Anderson yo ngl w ltcom bro standed on business
@Thomas Goldblood based o1 LTCOM
@Thordan oh my W of a chief of security @Hanz Powers "roro" fucking knew u since u were trial captain i vouched for ur ass lmao
@Recker lotta W takes ngl bro will get ECC one day
@Humphrey II i love ragebaiting your bitch ass
@Anvil [USA] i love makin yo ass almost say som that would get you banned
@Prplex u a W for claiming all my tickets on discord and teamspeak
@Fanta dont let the haters say shit they all bitches behind a screen at the end of the day
@DRETHEGOD w bro sang Blurred Lines in o1 bunks with me hunk and someone else i think
@War bros a day 1 nu7 brotha and o1
@slipstream @"BloodShed" ngl you both were meat riding me in e11 but u guys chill
@H.U.N.K. went from my surface duo saving o5 when i was in nu7 and bro was special agent to becoming my o1 com lmao
@Cipher if it wasnt for turtle puttin yo ass in yo place i wouldnt ever see the day of delcom but u is a w mcom fr gonna be great ltcom or com with @Change Z. "Somebody"
@Betriv u a W but im way better then u at hero battlegrounds not gonna cap
@"Apollo" u the best o1 cpt u shouldve got MAj but kilo got it, (nun against u kilo but apollo is a w)
@"Archangel" i need more bullets pew pew pew pew pew
@Raixin best site administration still yo royal guard frfr
@Mr_poptart my fault for making you ban me when u was tryna chill u the best o1 maj fr should get ltcom when slot opens <- also likes blueberry btw
@KingCrusader911 u the most real motha fucka aint gonna cap but i still bitch yo ass in vc
@Tyrone you the funniest ethics member and also real asf
@Retiredintheheadx3 heard yo bitch ass was shit talkin behind my back not gonna lie u a bitch for that u just gettin the ping for it tho
@ a1 friend group ngl i tried fw you but yo bitch asses talk whole lotta shit behind backs instead of sayin it bitch
to all the other mfs like axiom aleks whatever that furries name is u cool jst that i cant @ anymore people for some reason also shoutout to yeke for responding faster then everyone in msgs fr all i wanna say tho is bye i aint comin back i spent too much time on this server and now its time for me to move on in life and become better shi already goin crazy aint gonna even lie i still be in contact with those i met along the journey bye
ill never regret not becoming goc or sa ( i aint becomin one of those submissive noncombatives)
also one more thing to all the mfs copying me after my mrdm u aint me everybody tryna be like the original
@pricetag mf made me actually come back to the server
@Ogre aint even gonna lie i just msg'ed this mf outta no where and we become tight fr w real mf
@John "Kratos" Freeman w guy fr the rick friend
@Vasin Belikov bros the most real monkey there is im better then him at every roblox fighting game not even close

@Nick "Mosasaur" Williams not gonna lie bros a sped but he a real one
@James Anderson yo ngl w ltcom bro standed on business
@Thomas Goldblood based o1 LTCOM
@Thordan oh my W of a chief of security @Hanz Powers "roro" fucking knew u since u were trial captain i vouched for ur ass lmao
@Recker lotta W takes ngl bro will get ECC one day
@Humphrey II i love ragebaiting your bitch ass
@Anvil [USA] i love makin yo ass almost say som that would get you banned
@Prplex u a W for claiming all my tickets on discord and teamspeak
@Fanta dont let the haters say shit they all bitches behind a screen at the end of the day
@DRETHEGOD w bro sang Blurred Lines in o1 bunks with me hunk and someone else i think
@War bros a day 1 nu7 brotha and o1
@slipstream @"BloodShed" ngl you both were meat riding me in e11 but u guys chill
@H.U.N.K. went from my surface duo saving o5 when i was in nu7 and bro was special agent to becoming my o1 com lmao

@Cipher if it wasnt for turtle puttin yo ass in yo place i wouldnt ever see the day of delcom but u is a w mcom fr gonna be great ltcom or com with @Change Z. "Somebody"
@Betriv u a W but im way better then u at hero battlegrounds not gonna cap
@"Apollo" u the best o1 cpt u shouldve got MAj but kilo got it, (nun against u kilo but apollo is a w)
@"Archangel" i need more bullets pew pew pew pew pew
@Raixin best site administration still yo royal guard frfr
@Mr_poptart my fault for making you ban me when u was tryna chill u the best o1 maj fr should get ltcom when slot opens <- also likes blueberry btw
@KingCrusader911 u the most real motha fucka aint gonna cap but i still bitch yo ass in vc
@Tyrone you the funniest ethics member and also real asf
@Retiredintheheadx3 heard yo bitch ass was shit talkin behind my back not gonna lie u a bitch for that u just gettin the ping for it tho
@ a1 friend group ngl i tried fw you but yo bitch asses talk whole lotta shit behind backs instead of sayin it bitch
to all the other mfs like axiom aleks whatever that furries name is u cool jst that i cant @ anymore people for some reason also shoutout to yeke for responding faster then everyone in msgs fr all i wanna say tho is bye i aint comin back i spent too much time on this server and now its time for me to move on in life and become better shi already goin crazy aint gonna even lie i still be in contact with those i met along the journey bye
ill never regret not becoming goc or sa ( i aint becomin one of those submissive noncombatives)
also one more thing to all the mfs copying me after my mrdm u aint me everybody tryna be like the original
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