Jogo UHC Application

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Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on MRP:
Pretty much since release


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

NATO name (regiment and rank):
Jack G
NATO Infantry

USSR name (regiment and rank):
ABT Colonel

Civilian name:
Big Jock Gee

Do you have a mic?:

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
I've came from NHC, around late January/February time last year, in which I believe the applications were done via google forms and what not and so there is no direct link I can send you, however, sir Crossen may have the actual log of it being accepted as well as any LTGEN+ from nato will be able to show you my join date as well as resignation date.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I will link my prior warnings + bans + kicks in an image to show them clearly however the most notable one's are:
Blacklist from Beans which was later removed after just some missunderstanding
Illegal FOB which was when the new edits were made to the hill outside NATO base on Afghan and I thought it was okay to put an FOB up there
Toxicity in OOC was something I had issues with as JAF Colonel and I had been talked to about it and later it didn't seem to be an issue at all

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
Previously the third highest ranking member of the NATO High Command and was extremely successful. I was also previously Joint Air Force Colonel as well as I am currently the Airborne Troops Colonel. I've had experience being regimental general of:
  • 17thAR
    Was roughly appointed this position for my ending few months in order to help get it back on its feet. Throughout being 17THAR Regimental general, I managed to get several tanks buffed, a new weapon added and buffed, the stocks balanced out as well as some minor things.
  • JAF
    Was appointed this position for most of my endeavours as a NATO High Command member due to being extremely knowledgeable in terms of piloting and teaching people to fly. Back then was a time when we didn't have that many experienced pilots and NATO still needed me to occasionally pilot whilst also maintaining our numbers we were pulling - bear in mind this was the time JAF were hitting 20 players consecutively, to the point I was advised to open up direct-cross regimental transfers in which is the first and only time where direct transfers were possible which goes to show the extent of the numbers we were bringing in.

Both of these positions needed a lot of guidance and help, hence I wasn't tossed around to other regiments however, as LTGEN+ you work within each regiment to make sure it's running smoothly and so I have experience with all regiments. Over I believe around 7/8 months of experience.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

  • I am an ex NATO High Command member and so I already have the experience required that would make me a suitable candidate for the position as well as I am great at bouncing between jobs. For example, if there are no ABT on but I need to lead the war, I am quite happy to do so. Furthermore, I am knowledgeable about the rules in place that would affect the new positions. SCUD Launch areas, vehicles during peactime etc.

  • I also understand that this position does come with the added bonus of sometimes working alongside the Gamemaster team - especially for the bigger events that are server-wide and working with a team like that is something I do have prior experience doing from both being a previous Gamemaster and also being a member of the senior NATO high command team.

  • I am good at leading wars in general and know a lot of tactics to the point I spent the first 30 minutes the map was displayed (current one) and the links in the Regimental Command area telling Bogdan that I could hard hold the point from 1 singular point and so a rule was added and the territory rules were put in place.

  • I have a good reputation with the NHC team as well which is good as it means I won't constantly be down the throats of the opposing factions members as I once did when I was JAF Colonel.

  • I understand fairness to the point I drew entire "BLOCKADE" markers around the USSR base as NATO LTGEN and anyone that went passed it was PT'd accordingly which did piss off NATO Snipers but at the end of the day, enjoyment comes from both sides and the players are the one's that make the server. Without them, there's no wars, no roleplay and so integrity from both teams is important.

  • I hold the highest rank of one of the highest numbered-regiment that is constantly outperforming and showing great cause to the USSR by having high Tryout counts, War fund stealing counts, FOB building counts. You get the jist. Me going to USSR High Command wouldn't spell the end for ABT as we have some of the most competent pilots we've ever had and I will still work alongside the ABT and pilot where is necessary.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:
JAF Colonel​
NATO High Command General​
ABT Colonel​

List your strengths and weaknesses:

- Criticism
I'm great on taking on board criticism so long as it's constructive and can help improve/develop 'something' whether it's ability or understanding​
- Piloting ability
Does much really need to be said :/​
- War leading
Mentioned previously however, the tactics and what not I would bring to the UHC team would be good​
- Roleplaying
A vital part of being any High Command team is having a good roleplaying ability as at the end of the day, you are the head of the server in terms of in character rank. You are a rolemodel to the ranks below and you are seen day in day out by many, many different players and the way you are seen could be the difference between a player staying and a player leaving the server​
- Thoroughness​
If someone needs punishing or demoting, I'm not afraid to do so, so long as it's justified.​
- Arguing
Sounds weird to put into a 'Strength' category, but I can argue a point across if it's valid and much like the 17thAR buffs to the weapons and tank changes, I will push for something for months at a time until it's changed.​
- Being fun around
If you aren't fun and just plane old, simple boring, whose gonna wanna stick around? Absolutely nobody. I'm fun but also get the job done.​
- Discord Activity
I pretty much am active on discord 24/7 and so if there's any issues, problems etc. then they can be brought to me and cleared out.​
- Activity (Sorta)
Obviously, I wanna be as open as possible but I go to college, work thursday-saturday as well as some other hobbies and so I'm not extremely active towards the back end of the week however, you can bet I'll be active whenever I can be. Even now, I'm balancing a few hours on the server which is more than what's required for a UHC member. I could have balanced this in either boxes whether it be strength of weakness however I had 0 weakness' that I could actually think of so slapped it in here.​
- Oh yeah getting pissed off at Swazz
He does a really good job at forgetting which helicopters are nato compared to ussr so I will scream at him :D
Called Nikita's mum fat so got an infraction and jail time but other than that my cards as green as grass.​


  • warnings.png
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 24, 2020
Hi Jack, I will be giving your application +support

You are very Active, both on TeamSpeak, Discord and Ingame.

You are very experienced as a leader and a very good fit for UHC.

You have the experience, you have the guts, you have everything that is needed for UHC, and I would love to see you become a part of the team (so I can be your mentor bozo).

Man United are shit, and best of luck <3


MRP War Veteran
Mar 30, 2021
- Neutral

- Could not think of a better candidate for UHC
- Active
- Mature
- Longstanding member
- Has had previous experience

Despite this, I am only giving you a neutral as I do not want you to get burnt out like you did in NHC and then contemplate leaving the server if you are currently happy in your Col position.

Hope your application goes well

- Millar

Matt Taylor

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 22, 2021

+Great at leading
+Helicopter Helicopter
+Sexy man
+very cool guy

+Nissan Prius

ABT MAJ Matt Taylor


Well-known Member
Dec 29, 2021
+Very Active
+Mature and overall sound fella
+Fantastic war leading skills
+His dedication towards ABT has been fantastic
+Has a lot of experience as a high rank
+Very solid application

Couldn't think of a better applicant at the minute, Jack is a really sound fella and would make a fantastic addition to UHC.

Best of Luck.
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