Johhny's ban appeal

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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 10, 2021
Your in-game name: Johhny
Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:122018612
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 8/23/2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Stacked warnings
Who banned you: Zwacky
Ban length?: 3 days
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again:
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Warned a bunch of times for failrp because of lag difference
Why should you be unbanned: I feel like its kind of bullshit getting warned for a rule that doesn't exist like tell me where in the gang war rules does it state that failrp is a thing, and about the stacked warnings like a guy about to approach u so u pull out your gun but the lag difference is insane and he pulls out a gun before you.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I know all of the rules perfectly well, just not made up rules ,that are not stated in the rules.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I'm eager to rejoin this server because of the thrilling experiences and engaging interactions it offers. From building immersive worlds to embarking on exciting adventures, this Garry's Mod server provides a unique blend of creativity and camaraderie that I can't resist. I yearn to once again be part of the vibrant community, contributing my skills and enthusiasm to help foster an environment where everyone can enjoy boundless fun and unforgettable moments. So, let's reforge those memorable connections and continue crafting unforgettable stories together!


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 10, 2021
Any AI auccusations will be looked at as a hate crime against a minority race against ?.


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 10, 2021
1: KOS Guidelines - You may KOS all opposing gang members during a territory capture/invasion, provided you are both within the area of capture. Opposing gang members do NOT have to be armed in order to be KOS.

2: External Involvement - During a territory capture or invasion you may only KOS enemy gangs OUTSIDE of the capture area providing they are armed and actively engaging your gang members (they are a threat).

3: Pre-capture restrictions - You may not kill opposing gang members before a capture has begun.

4: Ally Participation - Allies MUST be participating in a capture/invasion via the org menu in order to KOS ally's opposition.

5: NLR during gang wars - You are allowed to break NLR during a gang war provided your gang is part of the territory invasion/capture. PD are NOT permitted to break NLR.

where does it state in the gang rules that fearrp is a thing like tell me cuz making made up rules is crazy


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 10, 2021
Just looked on sanny stream mxshift and admin just overlooked sanny pulling out a gun on him when mxshift was pointing a gun at him


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 10, 2021
now if that was me and not sanny i would be instantly brought to a sit and banned
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