Johno's UHC Application

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MRP War Criminal
Nov 16, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:565456829
Discord name: ! Bill Nye the Russian Spy#6860
For how long have you played on MRP: Roughly, 2 Weeks and 12 hours
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: UTC
NATO name (regiment and rank): PVT Johno
USSR name (regiment and rank): AG COL Johno {OOL}
Civilian name: Johno The Arab
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- This is my first application.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have not received any kicks or bans but I have received 4 warnings. The latest warning being on the 24Th of December 2021.
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
- I have been the AG COL for a month now and have been an AG CO for about 2-3 months now. Therefore, I am experienced at being a high rank on MilitaryRP.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
- As I just stated, I am an experienced high rank, and I can bring my expertise from what I bring from AG. I am a confident player and will/ can prove my potential. I am comfortable leading wars and bring some great strategies to take down NATO, no-matter the numbers. I also bring great RP to the USSR as well for example, regimental trainings during peacetime and other scenarios. I have also put a lot of hard work into my current regiment (AG) and I am willing to put the same amount of time and dedication into the USSR as a whole. I am also knowledgeable and prepared to take risks, these risks would be of my choosing but would and will work as a whole. I am aware of my responsibility and I am happy to prove how much I can do to help every USSR personnel strive for greatness in everything they do. I am committed and do believe and can make a great change to the USSR and keep moral and RP to a high during all times of the day.
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
List your strengths and weaknesses:
+ Activity - I am pretty active to therefore fill-in when needed.
+ Have great teamwork skills - This can help USSR in the long term by having great communication and war efforts.

+ Team player - I love playing with the USSR and they mostly have great combat performance and effort during war and I wish to keep it that way.
+ Rule Knowledge - I know what is right and what is wrong as I am a staff member and I have 4 warnings (Most recent being on the 24Th of December 2021).
+ Chill - I am not toxic individual and I am respectful to all players.

- Can lose lack of concentration during late hours/ had a busy day.
- Patience - when others do not listen to the orders I had given/ I am giving.

I really wish to reach the next step of my career on MRP and that is why I am writing this HC application. AG is in a great state and I believe the CO team are able to takeover my position. If you have never spoken to me, please feel free to poke me on TS3 and we can have a chat about whatever you wish. I have lead many wars and therefore still believe that I am ready to take this responsibility.

Yours faithfully,
AG COL Johno
  • Wow
Reactions: ItzNinja


Well-known Member
Dec 29, 2021
+Very active
+Super nice guy
+Good rule knowledge
+Knows how to lead
+Good management skills

Would love to see Johno in UHC, he would be a great addition.

Best of Luck.
  • Like
Reactions: ItzNinja
Feb 6, 2022
- Great leader so would be very fit for the role of UHC
- Listens to people's problems and tries his best to fix it
- Not toxic

- has a lot of experience
- Taught me a lot of useful information on being CO
- Is one of the big reasons AG is very active and in a good state

Would love to see you rolling with the big boys at UHC rank, you would be an amazing addition in my opinion.

I wish you the best of luck.

Yours sincerely.
  • Haha
Reactions: ItzNinja


Well-known Member
Dec 29, 2021
“There is nothing impossible to they who will try.”
+decent commander

-never says good night to homies!!

why would you leaves us johnoo :cry:
AG SSGT ItzNinja


Well-known Member
Feb 7, 2022

+good leader
+has experience as a leader


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 22, 2021
+Very big huge support

+Best leader
+Can get 30 K/D with Recon
+Awesome person
+Soon to be Reg Gen

-makes people sad , when he leaves AG

AG SLT Met'yu Trotskiy ❤️

Chad Power

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2021
Application Accepted!

Hello Johno, thank you for taking the time to create a USSR High Command Application.

I'm pleased to announce you have been accepted.

Please contact a GEN+ in Teamspeak 3 to conduct your UHC Interview.​
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