Jonka's Gamemaster Application (Wholesome poggers 100)

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Feb 14, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):

For how long have you played on CG MRP:
-Since about May (had a break but have been active consistently since), I have about a Week of playtime.


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

NATO name (regiment and rank):
-PVT Jonka

USSR name (regiment and rank):

Civilian name:
-Jonka Bonka

Steam ID:

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, Of good quality

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- This is my First Application

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 Warn for Combat Jumping when escaping an individual. Aside from that I have never been warned.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- I have run a lot of RP event on other RP servers and even other Civil Gamer's servers. This has lead me to acquire experience rounding up playing and being able to direct them in creating good quality roleplay whilst still having a good time.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- Yes, I have played on many other servers with a serious agenda. Within these servers I have been able to adapt to these environments and even reach high places within these server to improve the quality of roleplay and the experience for new and old players alike.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- 8-10 hours

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- I would like to become Gamemaster as ive notice a decline in Peacetime activity on both sides. I feel as if (given the proper tools) I could bring the life back to peacetime that people and longingly searching for. A lot of people now a days will just go AFK during peacetime as nothing really goes on outside of the occasional training or possible a spy entering the base if we are lucky.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
-Even within other civil gamers servers I have drive and ambition to improve the Roleplay on the server. I also have experience in Media creation and marketing which I feel can really help with creating promotional content and marketing the server to a wider audience who maybe isn't as familiar with serious roleplay. I am also proficient in building within Garry's mod, some of the other event maps I have made can be seen here

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):


-USSR/NATO have a convoy containing war stocks and other essential equipment for their possible victory. Which ever side is not escorting the convoy must prevent it from reaching the opposing sides base. Convoy can be made up of FOB supply trucks, Tanks, SCUD/HIMARS and other vehicles. For the convoy side the reward could be whatever reaches the base undestroyed, If the opposing side successfully destroys the convoy they could acquire some war money as well as other vehicles and supplies for their side. This event will force people to be strategic and think critically when approaching the convoy, possibly looking for a way to ambush or intercept the supply run in a way that will lead to the least casualties or possibly in a way that leads to there being hostages that can be interrogated for war orders or other info.


-Bogdan the marshal of the USSR has commissioned some weapons from an unregulated scientist within the highland town, These weapons are highly volatile and can go off at a moments notice so the USSR must be careful when going to collect the weapon. NATO has picked up word of the weapons collection and transport and must intervene to ambush and stop the arms deal from going down. This event allows both sides to have interesting engagements. Such as maybe a CQB spec-ops style breaching or a hilltop ambush as the deal goes down in town. (that rhymed)


-ovuvuevuevue enyetuenwuevue ugbemugbem osas, The African warlord has made his way to highland and gotten a hold of A juggernaut suit. He is reeking havoc upon the highlands and vows to destroy NATO and the USSR. Him and his gang of militia have claimed town and both teams must assault town to take him town. (ovuvuevuevue enyetuenwuevue ugbemugbem osas will have 100000 or more to make this feel more like a boss encounter and all strategies must be employed). Tanks and Heli's will not be allowed for this event.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)



-For a change I have decide to have the USSR be the defensive force rather than the attacking force. This map will bring the USSR back home to Pripyat, as for NATO they get to have the "tropical" trip to the cold, desolate and possibly haunted town of Pripyat. This ghost town will serve as the perfect battleground for the USSR and NATO playing to both their advantages and disadvantages. (I have heard lot of people discuss wanting a more urban style map and I believe this meets that criteria). Lore can be based around this map and there can even be special events within this map such as a Russian Gunship plane that can be capture by either side and utilised against the other for a period of time. I do feel like this map will be a huge change of pace from the bright and frankly colourful environments we have been to in the past.

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:



-HC's pet goat has escaped his pen and is now wondering the highland area, Multiple other goats also are roaming the highland. This mission will test MP/KGBs ability to distinguish different characters and names. this can also test their ability to taze and detain a target with minimal resistance. Other interesting aspects can be worked in such as maybe a sound bite of the goat bleat that can be referenced when "interviewing" other goats and then compared to the original sound bite.



-A black-market has been discovered within the town that the enemy team is benefitting from by selling the butchered local wildlife aswell as many other illegal substances to enhance their soldiers abilities. SAS/AG have been sent in for reconnaissance and a possible sting operation in order to draw out the dealers and buyers. Their objective will be to apprehend or eliminate the HC responsible for the purchase of the substances. If they fail the enemy team will get a super soldier for their next war (MORE HEALTH AND ARMOR).



-A mission has been unsuccessful and SHA/ISAF have ended up kidnapped within the enemy base. they now as a group must coordinate an escape without any weapons. They must use their communication skills and silent callouts and hand signals to make their way through the compound and eventually to the exit. To combat them there will be patrols of NATO/USSR around the base to prevent them from escaping. (to help the escaping side there will be props they can hide inside aswell as safe areas which are never patrolled). If they are seen they are then taken back to the beginning.



-A notorious terrorist has been spotted on a building within town and must be eradicated. Due to the nature of the town lots of the building are similar looking and brittle and the informant cannot remember which building he was hiding within. Several wooden dupes have been placed around town and it is ABT/JAF's job to listen to the gamemasters clues in order to distinguish the correct building and defeat the terrorist. This activity will improve their listening skills and communication with base on where exactly should be striked.



-Brother Osas returns and has found himself another juggernaut suit aswell as a rocket launcher. His team of cronies will be supplying him with rockets and he is destroying the lives of people within town. 10th/17th will need to take out tanks and armoured vehicles in order to damages and eliminate him and his crew. This will require Tank crews to communicate on his location and to understand their tanks capabilities and limits to effectively take out the juggernaut.

Closing Remarks:

-Thank you for the opportunity to help out the server in the best way I know how. I really do feel like that, if I was given the role, I could definitely make a difference within the server and bring about positive change within the quality of RP and life back to Peacetime.

-Jonka ??
+ Very good and intriguing ideas, Furthermore rewards for these events are also fair and give a reason to participate in the events
+ obviously you're experienced/passionate about this which is just what the server needs especially during Peacetime
+ Active member of the server

Overall can't wait to see your ideas in game if you're accepted this could be a turning point for ussr/nato peacetime :salute:

PrincessRem Rem

Well-known Member
May 24, 2021
+ Very good ideas
+ you seem experienced and passionate for the game master
+ Active member of the server

Ethan | Dragan

Well-known Member
Aug 2, 2021
+Amazing ideas

+Open minded as well as open to suggestions
+Thinks outside the box

Overall great choice


Noah Kraus

MRP War Veteran
Jan 4, 2021
Mega chad and very mature and 100/10 event ideas hope to c you as a game master bb

Deleted member 12

On CC when you applied for Roleplay Keeper the first time you quit the server before we even gave a verdict on your application (and then claimed the server was dead and players weren't coming back) and the second time you stopped playing shortly after we told you we were winding down the program. Why should people think that this won't happen on MRP?
Feb 14, 2021
When I quit CC it was due to the quality of RP declining, and a belief that I would not acquire that role due to the current climate on that server. I much prefer the environment on MRP and can tell that currently it is in dire need of careful and creative attention that I believe I can give it. Unlike a CC RPK a gamemaster is given tools and capabilities to bring players together and excite them to take part in quality roleplay aswell as good old fashion quality fun!
On CC when you applied for Roleplay Keeper the first time you quit the server before we even gave a verdict on your application (and then claimed the server was dead and players weren't coming back) and the second time you stopped playing shortly after we told you we were winding down the program. Why should people think that this won't happen on MRP?


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 2, 2021
+Active in game
+Good RP ideas
+Good leadership
+Mature and friendly player

Best of luck to you!

CC Executive VIP | CG Super VIP | Veteran | Ex CC Senior Moderator


CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
+ Good ideas
+ Active ingame
+ Mature and friendly player from what I've seen from playing SHA with you
Feb 14, 2021
+ Support - Good ideas - Active IG/TS - I would’ve liked to see separate missions for both faction’s regiments. Good luck.

Hey Pasi, Thanks for the +support. I have done the non separate missions for a specific reason as a I feel as if one of the main issues facing the server right now is the idea that one side has more of an advantage or more situations happening then another. By including both sides in similar events it gives everyone the same chance to have fun on each side of the same event therefore incentivising people to play on the side they enjoy rather than the side that gets more events.

Jonka :)
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