Jons's High Command Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 24, 2020
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:148304848
Discord name: brw1#6119

For how long have you played on MRP: I've played MRP since it was released including the beta.

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: Israel
Time zone: GMT+3

NATO name (regiment and rank): Jons MSM
USSR name (regiment and rank): Jons
Civilian name: Jons .45 Drum

Do you have a mic?: Yes, although it's muffled in GMOD and has alot of cut out issues.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: First application.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Nah.

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: Yes, I was JAF's colonel for a few months in which I became a NATO High Command Major General afterwards and was NHC for 2-3 months, I have quite alot of experience with handling situations, leading units and overall I'm fairly experienced with all types of situations.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?: To start off with, I think that I could be of use to the USSR due to me being approachable, I'm good with problem solving & solving situations and so I would like to help regiments out as UHC, In addition to that, I have a very good amount of experience with leading units, strong knowledge in leadership, tactics & making sure that the regiments play to the best of their abilities, I think that I could ensure USSR's stability in terms of wars & other misc situations as I will be active to make sure that USSR does have a leader at most times.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

List your strengths and weaknesses:


Fast thinking


Approachable and easy to talk to

Good leadership


Brutality - Very brutal and honest with overall performance of regiments in wars.

Horrible Documentation

EDIT NOTE: I do have 2 fit replacements incase anyone's wondering about this, ABT is NOT gonna fall apart if I do get accepted.
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Reactions: Spuds

Noah Kraus

MRP War Veteran
Jan 4, 2021
Abt cannot handle losing any people especially a reg gen as they would probably crumble. If abt wasn't this way I would 100% +support as you are a nice guy and fit for UHC but either way abt cannot afford to lose you.

I had a conversation with you on ts and i have decided to change my verdict
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-Activity spikes not consistent
-Never seen or heard of you leading a war so leadership qualities unsure
-Never seen you host trainings or anything interesting for ABT recently

-Your past experience puts you ahead

Hi Jons, for the reasons above I don't think your fit for UHC however my verdicts up to change and will be keeping an eye on you

Good luck
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Active member
Jul 20, 2021

+support good leader of abt.
+support I do believe that he would come up with war plans.
-support abt has no LTCOL (YET) so without a COL abt will most likely end up in a worse position then before i joined.
-support bad at Documentation (abt's roster is always out of date ).

I agree that you would be an excellent leader of the soviet union but leaving abt without a COL is a really bad idia and would harm the USSR as ABT is one of the core regiments, unlike sha ag kgb 10th can not simply just use our helis if there is no LTCOL to support abt.

I strongly suggest picking an LTCOL before you leave so abt dosent fall to pieces I won't tell you who to choose but ensure the regiment has a sufficient LTCOL who can lead and manage abt excellently before you leave.

Best of luck in getting UHC.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 24, 2020
Abt cannot handle losing any people especially a reg gen as they would probably crumble. If abt wasn't this way I would 100% +support as you are a nice guy and fit for UHC but either way abt cannot afford to lose you.
Hello Noah, I can assure you that I have 2 very fit replacements that are gonna be taking place instead of me so there are absolutely no worries for that, under the impression that I will get accepted I will still be ABT's reg gen, although I would be more involved with the USSR I'll still be there to help ABT.

-Activity spikes not consistent
-Never seen or heard of you leading a war so leadership qualities unsure
-Never seen you host trainings or anything interesting for ABT recently

-Your past experience puts you ahead

Hi Jons, for the reasons above I don't think your fit for UHC however my verdicts up to change and will be keeping an eye on you

Good luck
Hello CL4P, My activity spikes have been fixed as of recent, I simply had alot of stuff on my plate that have now been dealt with so I shouldn't have much stress on me, Although I could've not assisted ABT as much recently, This was due to my LOAs and activity spikes, To make it clear for trainings, While COs didn't have original duties assigned, we all worked together in order to maintain trainings, tryouts, etc, I've not done trainings RECENTLY but I can assure you that I did do trainings before although It was never constant nor have I done plenty of trainings.


+support good leader of abt.
+support I do believe that he would come up with war plans.
-support abt has no LTCOL (YET) so without a COL abt will most likely end up in a worse position then before i joined.
-support bad at Documentation (abt's roster is always out of date ).

I agree that you would be an excellent leader of the soviet union but leaving abt without a COL is a really bad idia and would harm the USSR as ABT is one of the core regiments, unlike sha ag kgb 10th can not simply just use our helis if there is no LTCOL to support abt.

I strongly suggest picking an LTCOL before you leave so abt dosent fall to pieces I won't tell you who to choose but ensure the regiment has a sufficient LTCOL who can lead and manage abt excellently before you leave.

Best of luck in getting UHC.
Hello olegi, As I've said previously, I do have 2 fit replacements and I do have good pilots that I believe can take care of the aviator parts of ABT, I can assure you that you do not need to worry about a replacement as I've already got 2 lined up who are very responsible and fit for this role.


Active member
Jul 20, 2021
Hello Noah, I can assure you that I have 2 very fit replacements that are gonna be taking place instead of me so there are absolutely no worries for that, under the impression that I will get accepted I will still be ABT's reg gen, although I would be more involved with the USSR I'll still be there to help ABT.

Hello CL4P, My activity spikes have been fixed as of recent, I simply had alot of stuff on my plate that have now been dealt with so I shouldn't have much stress on me, Although I could've not assisted ABT as much recently, This was due to my LOAs and activity spikes, To make it clear for trainings, While COs didn't have original duties assigned, we all worked together in order to maintain trainings, tryouts, etc, I've not done trainings RECENTLY but I can assure you that I did do trainings before although It was never constant nor have I done plenty of trainings.

Hello olegi, As I've said previously, I do have 2 fit replacements and I do have good pilots that I believe can take care of the aviator parts of ABT, I can assure you that you do not need to worry about a replacement as I've already got 2 lined up who are very responsible and fit for this role.
Well then I will give you a firm + support since abt should be safe in the hands of the chosen LTCOL and COL thanks fore reassuring me


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 3, 2021
+Good COL from what I've seen
-Never seen lead
+Pretty good pilot

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Captain Rex

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2021

-He made ABT Active again
- deserves a shot at UHC
Great person

Not admin


Well-known Member
Apr 25, 2021

+Good knowledge
+ Improved activity
+ cutie :3
+ good leadership

+ Previous experience


MRP War Veteran
Feb 26, 2021

Has all the experience he needs, give him UHC and don't listen to the haters smhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

best of luck isreali man
+ Support

Alright im gonna write a story, First of all: Jons is a very long standing member of the community and is very mature. I see people comment on his activity not being good but as a CPT in ABT I can tell that even if hes not ingame he still does all the work you'd expect from a CO, He even does more then only that. His activity in game is not the best but it is improving. I have seen him lead a war with decent results and his past of being NHC was pretty good. He is also really approuchable and friendly. (In his application he says hes brutal but thats mostly in private against people that he knows good). As for ABT if Jons leaves for UHC, There are replacements so that won't be a issue. I don't have more to say that you are suited for UHC.

Good luck Jons!

(only minorside is that hes from isreal :( )

Right jons, no one will get this but, the reason why im giving u a +Support is not cuz of ur activity or hard work COL, you've been in the server for nearly a year now, and still playing from JAF COL to NHC MGEN and ABT COL, that shows you can climb up the ranks easily, I know you can lead USSR as HC and have experience as general, All HC is not about activity is more about enforcing RP, keeping an eye on all regiments and you have the skills to do it, just work on ur activity for a bit

- UHC LTGEN Kyzent
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 8, 2021
Neutral leaning hard to +support

Jons you are good when you are online, your previous time from being in the capitalist HC provides good experience and I know you can do good work. However like a few others have said about your activity and the state of ABT right now, I've spoken to you about both and I hope you are sure ABT is in a good place cause it better be! I'd like to see how you would lead a war on USSR (I know you have I just need to see it). I also agree your doc work is horrible and not only you but your COs should be on top of it, any issues with docs please run up the chain and we can get them sorted.

Anyway I think you are a good fit for UHC with your experience but sometimes you can be a little immature and a little rage induced like everyone, if you can commit and discipline yourself I think you would be good in UHC, but first ensure ABT is sorted if you depart and I wonna see your vtime increase. I want to also see things going on for ABT like different types of training's and activities to keep member active, this will show your willingness to RP and keep the motherland working hard and keeping strong.

Best of luck Jons, Mashallah!
--- Feedback Change ---


I've fought alongside Jons many times, and have enjoyed it. I can only agree with a lot of people here, Jons would be a perfect match for UHC, and I'm sure he's mature enough, but again if the activity was better then everything about Jons and his character would be perfect.

Jons has helped ABT with activity, he got some decent CO's controlling his regiment and a decent Captain to take over if he gets approved into UHC.

+ Mature
+ Management Skills
+ Previous Experience
+ Friendly / At times

+/- Activity

Kind Regards
Mr.Snif/Snife The Great

King Jez

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 12, 2021
pub (ate wife)
-neutral +support
you would be great as hc but there is no one capable of leading abt except like fiski so abt would be in ruins if you left for HC (spoke to jons over dc)
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+Previous Experience

-Never seen you lead a war
-ABT Has No LTCOL/COL Without you yet.

For the reasons stated above I've given you a +Support However I Would love to see you lead a war and Make sure that once you leave if accepted that the COL/LTCOL Have already been selected and put into place.
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