Jordans NHC APP.

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Dec 8, 2022
Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104902396
Discord name: yolojordanh.4012
For how long have you played on MRP: over 1 year
Age: 26
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST/GMT
NATO name (regiment and rank): Jordan smith 17th AR LT
NWO name (regiment and rank): Jordan Hardy 1stAL SPC
Civilian name: William knife man
Do you have a mic?: yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
  • yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Yes, RDM, Toxicy, Basecamping (one more but i forgot) all of these were at the begining of the year and i have not receved any warnings or bans in a while. never been banned or kicked.
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
  • My highest rank has been LT in NATOs but I was once a 2LT in NWO/USSR but not much leading experience. Apart from leading the reg of 17th during wars I have only once lead main war once.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
  • I have a willingness to learn and I am able to be chilled in most difficult circumstances, I also am willing to put in my efforts. although that i can be raging about what is currently happening in war and yelling in TS at 17th most of the time.
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
  • 17th: LT
  • 1st: SPC
List your strengths and weaknesses:
  • Strength is that I'm willing to listen to others and accept feedback from my peers.
  • I can sometimes get a bit raging about the smallest of things and want to give up. I also do a bit of a minge(playing music in TS or at other 17th personnel.) when building fobs or if nothing is happening.
  • Weakness i tend to rage and shout a lot in TS about what is happening in war and that am sometimes just keep dyeing and have no chill when I keep getting killed over and over again.
  • weakens i sometimes have been known to minge around when i'm board inside base and just try to annoy some people Vlad in particular but we take it as good fun. i also don't act my rank sometimes as well and just like to hang about and have a bit of fun minge (none rule braking), but i can switch over to be a serious when war starts.
Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:
What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:
  • To make sure that Fob’s are built and placed and to make sure everyone is enjoying their time (make up some RP scenarios too when things are not as active)
  • Also to make sure that people are behaving in their regiments and that all regiments are happy and healthy.
What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:
  • Make sure that FOBs are placed and built and check in with Regiments to see if they are doing ok, sometimes you can create some RP scenarios if the server is not as active.
  • make sure the server health is in good shape and make sure its fare for both sides if the war system bugs out sometimes.
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- Looks like 0 effort was put into the application with constant big spelling mistakes everywhere.
- Allot of trouble leading 17th during wars, doubt your ability to lead the entirety of NATO during a war.
- Attitude / being able to take feedback after giving orders from personal experience during a war you were "leading" for 17th I told you that single word war orders honestly weren't good enough after you shut down enlisted giving out orders better than you were, and you then tried to instantly PT me instead of listening to a word anyone had to say.
- Signature is odd for a dude in his late 20's...



Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 17, 2021
United Kingdom

-Have never seen you lead a war

-Never seen any leadership qualities

Hello Jordan, im afraid i've left you a -support today, If i see you leading some more wars and showing general leadership capabilities, I would be happy to review my answer

Nayr Kcalb

Well-known Member
May 5, 2022
- Support
- Lacking leading skills (charisma & control)
- Immature.
- Unfriendly Behaviour During Arguments / Discussions.
- Unsure About Strategic Abilities - Very few leading occasions.

+ A Commissioned Officer in a regiment.
-not the best at leading wars as when he copes HE COPES and might snap at people he stated that he has ADHD and says that he rages becaus of his ADHD being trigered
-I havent seen him lead much wars for NATO before so I don't know if he will do good as NHC when it comes to leading wars for NATO
Sep 28, 2022

Jordan is a very good person and he knows what hes doing. Personally i think everyone takes jordans skills and thinks a joke, but if someone takes the time to actually see how he plays and performs i think a lot of you be shocked.

He may have some stuff to work on but thats is something that can change.
May 14, 2022
Im staying natural but the number of insults to his mind is just an insult to people with mental problems, like "Your 26 and act like an 11-year-old"
So what type of example are we setting, this is a server has something that insults people and causes you to have a mental health problem, that means you are insulting me as well as I have a mental health problem, you insulting my brother as his mental health cause seizures.

Nayr and Oitz give the perfect example as they listed why without giving an insult and not saying act your age
Are we serious to the point no one is allowed to have fun?
Are we an unfriendly community that insults one another?
Are we a community that brings people down to the cruel fate of life for a few hours?

A simple -support
what he needs to work on rather than a simple act your age.
Dec 8, 2022
I have decided to withdraw my Application, due to the amount of - support and some of these comments have generally upset me if im being honest i cant help the way i am cos even my doctors have said that i do have a mental mind of a 12 year old and i cant help that sometimes life is t=not all sunshine and rainbows and u just gotta put up with it and rn i feel right down cos i generally though some of u were friendly people thanks
for actual feed back but some of the other comments are a bit uncalled for if im beaing honest
and i could take it further and claim this is discrimination but i dont see the point of doing that.
thats all i gotta say.
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