Kaz's MRP Moderator Application

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): KermitTheKow

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 1W 4D

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: Ireland

Time zone: GMT

NATO name (regiment and rank):
17thAR SGM Kaz O’Leary

NWO name (regiment and rank):
IVG CPL Kaz O’Connor

Civilian name:
Kaz Amarov

Steam ID:

Discord ID:

Do you have a mic?:

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first application.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Around a year in CN SCP-RP, other than that no.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
4 Hours.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:

- I’d like to become a moderator for MRP as over the path month or so I have enjoyed my time on MRP allot more than I originally though I would. During my short time, I have noticed a recurring, but somewhat understandable issue of there being more than enough staff members online and players having to wait a decently long time for simple things such as stuck sits or getting new PVTs into a regiment. As a mod I would try my best to stay ontop of sits not letting them pile up or being left untouched so players don’t feel as if their sit has been ignored. I like to help as much as I can and I could obviously do this more as a staff member.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

I think I would be able to help MRP in terms of staff for a few reasons such as, my availability during early and late hours when no other staff are online. Being active during these hours lets me help out players when there is a lack of staff, which I myself see constantly. I always try to be both understanding and patient during any interaction I have which will help me approach any staff situation that I’m put in calmly and end it with a good result. I enjoy guiding/helping people through any problem they may have, so if I were to become staff I think I would only have a positive impact on the community.
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Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022


Kaz is an asset to the community, being someone who has worked closely with him from both SCP-RP and MRP he has been both dedicated and active. He is mature, however his sense of humor can be seen as "unfriendly" at times. He doesn't mean anything by and can be quite a nice person.

Best of luck
P.S: Kaz is an unfunny furry and should be denied
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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
-/+ IDK
you're kind of not freindly to be staff but you are active.
you've also still didn't even reach atleast 2weeks of vtime which in my opinion is important.

Oplatek Fella

Active member
Mar 20, 2023
I've had a few interactions with Kaz, and most of them were pleasant. He's got a good sense of humor and from what I know pretty active as I see him quite frequently on the server.


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 15, 2023

+No warns
+Good activity.

+/- not enough interaction

Hello Kaz! Im going to be honest i dont remember meeting you at all in the server, maybe its because my memory is very bad but by the information the others have provided and from what i've seen in game chat etc. im going to give you my full support. Best of luck!


Oct 8, 2021
Application Accepted

Hi @'Kaz' ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​
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