Kenan NHC Application #3

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:528423193
Discord name: Kenan#6213
For how long have you played on MRP: 10 Months
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Time zone: GMT+2
NATO name (regiment and rank):
Kenan K. {WMC} | 1LT | 17thAR
USSR name (regiment and rank): Kenan Obabski
Civilian name: Kenan but K.
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
2x RDM, Fail RP, Baiting and Basecamping [Latest warn was in March]
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: I was NHC (Had to resign due to finals). I was 17th LTCOL briefly.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

-Id think of myself as being hardworking and i take my responsibilities pretty seriously. I also have alot of experience when it comes to leading. I have a lot of knowledge of NATO tactics too
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
-1LT in NATO

List your strengths and weaknesses:
For my strengths id say:
I have great tactics, great leadership, activity, I'm also approachable and a team player, flexible and organized (For some reason it glitched and this text is permanently bold)
For my weaknesses id say: I can get tilted at times, I sometimes procrastinate and i can sometimes be impatient.


CG Platinum VIP
Jan 17, 2021
I was just browsing the forums casually and I was taking a gander at the applications for things related to MRP when this app attracted my attention. I am not a one for posting on NATO applications but fuck me this app is weaker than the relations between Taiwan and China. Generally it is an application poorly laid out and typed with not even a single bit of effort and you want a High Command role. 233 words in total INCLUDING the questions. I could have typed out 250 words on a phone in 5 minutes with some level of detail to answer the application questions. If you say you are a hard worker then show it in your application because first impressions always count. Its easy for me to look at this app and say you will do the bare minimum of work or jack shit as HC just by skimming this application. I don't even need to look up your full record as I know you don't stand out and you have had some issues for inactivity in the past.

In conclusion, sort your app out and put some fucking effort into your work if you want something.
Kind Regards Volkov Blackwood
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- Support
  • Active ingame & TS3
  • shit app ( I mean it )
  • inactive as NHC back then
  • bad leadership in NATO

hello there Kenan, these are the reasons why I'm giving u minus support on your application

shit app ( I mean it ): well firstly you've put no effort into your application, the only thing i can see is big text with meaningless words

inactive as NHC back then: when I was in SAS I've never seen you on for at least an hour or more, you only led a war once a day and leave afterwards, that's not how HC works, they're supposed to ensure that all regiments are doing their duties, for example, *FOB duties | tryouts | training TRNS | mentoring NRC | dealing with many situations in peacetime | activity*

bad leadership in NATO: This mainly is because you were stressing and a bit aggressive on voice amps and your war plans weren't that good, although you may say you weren't mentored to help you during wars but you can always ask for help in wars,

although I believe you got promoted to first lieutenant 2 days ago and received a rank skip to 2nd lieutenant as CPL or MSGT ** don't remember*, work on your leadership, improve your app and focus on your activity.
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I was just browsing the forums casually and I was taking a gander at the applications for things related to MRP when this app attracted my attention. I am not a one for posting on NATO applications but fuck me this app is weaker than the relations between Taiwan and China. Generally it is an application poorly laid out and typed with not even a single bit of effort and you want a High Command role. 233 words in total INCLUDING the questions. I could have typed out 250 words on a phone in 5 minutes with some level of detail to answer the application questions. If you say you are a hard worker then show it in your application because first impressions always count. Its easy for me to look at this app and say you will do the bare minimum of work or jack shit as HC just by skimming this application. I don't even need to look up your full record as I know you don't stand out and you have had some issues for inactivity in the past.

In conclusion, sort your app out and put some fucking effort into your work if you want something.
Kind Regards Volkov Blackwood
Yeah i understand this its been a problem for me to write it mostly because ive had 2 other applications and i dont want my application to be a copy paste I've spent like 4 days just trying to think of something to write that isnt the same

+Current activity is good.
+Current behaviour and leadership is decent.
+Previous NHC performance was decent.

-Application is very weak.
-As @GSG9 STUN said, you claim to be a "hard worker" however it's not proven in your application.
-Activity has been an issue within NHC in the past.

Overall Kenan, your activity in the past was questionable and you ended up getting burnt out fairly quickly, what's going to stop it from happening again? Your application is very weak and I highly recommend that if you even want a chance of being accepted is to put some effort in and actually answer the questions with some detail. Until then my verdict will stick.

-NHC General Kiwi.
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Active member
Mar 1, 2021
Hi, I’ll be going for a neutral for the following reasons. Your activity is okay and I have never had any issues with you. Your leadership is also okay, but I have seen and hear you get mad/irritated following to swear in a war and this is not what I personally like to hear over the voice amp. I suggest you talk to other CO’s from other regiments or build FOBs aswell to help get more known in NATO. Best of luck, kenan
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MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020

+ Really active IG/TS3
+ A massive help as of current to NATO / 17th
+ NHC experience

- Recently rank skipped
- Application needs more detail

Kenan I would be more than happy to +support you as I would love to see you as NHC again, especially after the effort and performance I've seen you putting in these last couple of weeks within NATO. However, due to the fact that you were rank skipped recently I would like to see you spend a bit more time as a CO in 17th rather than instantly applying for NHC. Your application as well as several others have pointed out is lacking in detail, which I know you've stated is because you didn't want to repeat yourself but I'm sure you could've put a bit more effort in to it. If your application is denied, I would love for you to reapply in a couple weeks once you've settled fully into 17th as a CO.
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Active member
Jul 20, 2021
Neutral leaning to +
- your application generally looks like you put little effort in
-17th needs Co's since the regiment is not all ways at its best

+active in team speak every time you are on the surver you on team speak
+ longstanding member you probably have been on the surver longer then most high command meaning you will know how each regiment can be used even if you have never been in them.

I don't have any thing against you but I do think you will be acceptable to nhc.

Best of look kennan - olego
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Noah Kraus

MRP War Veteran
Jan 4, 2021
Im going to go with this verdict for now. You are a good guy and all but firstly you were recently rank skipped in 17th meaning that I believe you should stay in 17th for a bit longer and show yourself out more. I have not seen you lead a war but that probably cause I main USSR and this app has little to no effort in it which may show the amount of dedication you will give to NHC and how hard you really work. NHC need to be prepared to write detailed reports and documents if needed so.

For now I am going to stick with this verdict and may change if I change my mind.

But anyway Good luck

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Active member
Nov 3, 2021

Sorry lad but I don't think you are ready for this position. You are chill and friendly, but I don't think you are up to the task of being a high command yet. Yesterday your war leading wasn't on point. For example, I needed to tell you several times to move troops, and when you received such criticism, you took it as disrespect or as people attacking you. I spoke to you about it and you said it's tiring to get shit from people and trying to control everything at the same time. I understand it's tiring, I am a bloody RMP, but what YOU need to understand is that that's what NHC has to deal with every single day. You WILL get shit for doing your job and you WILL get shit for not doing your job. You will need to control NATO alone most of the time, and I am afraid the fact is, if you can't handle it now, you won't be able to handle it as NHC.

Your application isn't very well done either and doesn't really give me the picture you care enough. You kinda jumped ranks in your regiment very fast, and if you were in my reg, you would be a 2LT at max. All things considered, you need more time before you are up to the task.
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CC Executive VIP
Dec 21, 2020
Application Denied

I have spoken with the Senior High Command team at length about your application. However, at this time we would feel it is appropriate to deny the application on the basis that you have semi-recently received a rank skip and we would like to see you settle into the role of 17th Officer before considering you rejoining NATO High Command.​
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