Accepted Kill Cams

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove?
I believe kill cams should have two options,
- Remove everyone from seeing your kill cam.
- Disable yourself from seeing kill cams.

Both of these options would bring you and others immediately to the respawn screen, with no killcam being visible.

In every game I've played including this server, kill cams are used as an advantage. You snipe someone on surface? They immediately know where you are. You headshot a Gensec from the bathrooms? They immediately know who has the gun. The only purpose a kill cam seems to have served is at the benefit of the person killed.

Accounting for VIP Kill Cams
My original suggestion was going to be to remove kill cams altogether, but I acknowledge that some people have spent copious amounts of money on them. So instead, my suggestion is to disable other people from seeing your kill cam or to disable being shown kill cams for yourself. This means that it's a win win for everyone. VIPs get to keep their VIP kill cams, and those who don't want to be shown or show their own kill cams don't have to.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- More User Customization
- Those who have kill cams disabled: Prevents meta-gaming using the kill cam.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- None, really other than VIP kill cams would be slightly less valuable because some people may not see it at all.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As I said above, I think kill cams are used for nothing but meta-gaming. Most servers do not have kill cams at all. You get killed, the camera stays on your dead corpse, and then you respawn. I think having the option to disable other people from seeing your kill cam would be amazing.
alternative solution: pay-to-metagame, in which only the people that paid for VIP killcams and such not only get to see them, but actually get to use the info for whatever purposes they desire
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MRP all spawned in at the same time to -Support

This is a SCP RP suggestion, but would this really affect MRP? Yall can still have your kill cams. Who says 2 things can’t coexist?
Real talk, this is wild. killcams in any kind of FPS game serve a distinct purpose and to my understanding, this applies similarly in MRP - But doesn't work quite as well here, as SCP has a lot more non-combat focused gameplay loops (not to mention the fact that there are a lot of gameplay loops that combat actively disrupts - and that combat is explicitly not a focus of this server).

Thus, the potential for using killcam info for metagaming purposes is not only entirely too high, but also somewhat frustrating and potentially confusing, especially in cases that intersect heavily with certain RP structures (i.e. Tribunals, Ethical treatment of D-Class).

Which is why we should let people pay to metagame, there's no possible way this could backfire.
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