Kiwi's Return

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Name: Kiwi.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:153659425.

Previous Rank: Super Admin(1x) & Senior Admin(1x).

Date of resignation?: I honestly can't remember.

Why did you resign?: It was a multitude of things, the main things were: Lost passion for the server, had lots of upcoming things in life.

Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: I've never been demoted from staff. Resigned when I was Super Admin as I had reached the top and achieved everything I set out to and was comfortable with the next in line.

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: I've been warned a few times all of which were dealt with individually. I've been clean of warns for over 5 months. I was banned once which was appealed and accepted.

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I've made a semi recent return to the server and I've always enjoyed being staff. I feel my experience and knowledge is something I can assist other staff with and pass that onto them. I can commit now because I'm steadily settled into my new job and I have spare time that I can now dedicate to something else, why not dedicate it to the server I've had years of laughs and memories on.

Thanks for reading and I hope to re-join the team soon.
Feb 28, 2023

+ Past experience
+ Good interactions

-/+ Unsure about vtime

Hello Kiwi! You have a lot of past experience as staff on MRP, so I think you would make a great fit back into the staff team. Wish you the best of luck on your appeal!


Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2024
+since being back I've seen him nearly everyday
+heard only positive things about him

+/- never really talked to him
+/- don't know for sure how long he has been back for, if 2 weeks
+support but if not maybe finish 2 weeks back
over all +support no hate, just honest feedback
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