Kvalax AC Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:165944954

Discord name: Kvalax#6464

For how long have you played on MRP: I joined MRP in January 2022

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: Belgium

Time zone: GMT +1

UAN name (regiment and rank): SOTF CPT Kadyrov [Kvalax] [DoA] [EL]
NWO name (regiment and rank): Businessman [AVT-17] [Kvalax]
Civilian name: Global Elite Immortal 2 Kvalax

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Yes it's my first HC Application.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- Yes, I have 1 warning :
Sat Feb 12 FailRP - Using Bleach when Stripped

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
- Yes I do, my first CO position was back in AG (SLT). Then went to FSB and was the regimental command for a while, and resigned as an AOR LTCOL. Now it's been a month since I'm back and I'm currently SOTF CPT.

What makes you the best candidate for Allied Command?:
- Currently, as CPT, I already have a lot of responsibility because I have to make sure that the regiment is healthy and that everyone is doing their job. Before as LTCOL in AOR I had more responsibility than ever, it was always hard to keep a police regiment healthy.

- I can say of myself that my activity on MRP is better than average, in that I could help UAN.

- In SOTF I am strict on performance, I want everyone to do their best and do everything to win, and I would like to apply that to all of UAN. And what I think is most important is to make sure everyone behaves professionally and is disciplined.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

List your strengths and weaknesses:

Positive :

Combat skills / Strategies
- Leadership
- Active

Negative :

- Can't stand my loss
- Document management



-Poor application
-Maturity isn't great (mainly attitude)
-Never seen you lead

Had a few run ins and issues with you messing about on UAN and fleeing the consequences. Your attitude to this and other people could improve as well. Application I'd like to see you describe your strengths and weaknesses in more detail. I'd also like to see you taking up the initiative to lead more wars as you can obviously ask any AC.
Oct 17, 2021

Application Accepted

Hello Kvalax, thank you for taking the time to make your AC application.

After some discussion with the AC team, we have come to the conclusion that you have what it takes to join high command.
Please contact an LTGEN+ to take the following steps in your application process.

General of the Army Kamil​
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