Leonid's Moderator Application

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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Hypl3x <3
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 3d 9hr
Age: 19, and will turn 20 in less than a month
In what country are you located?: Sweden
Time zone: CET
NATO name (regiment and rank): PVT Scott Miller
USSR name (regiment and rank): AG SGT Leonid Stasya
Civilian name: Monkey D Luffy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:103379125
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first application.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have not received any kicks, bans, or warnings.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
Yes, with now over 2 600 hours of playtime on Garry’s mod over several years, I’ve been a part of countless staff teams on all kinds of communities and game-modes, not only on Garry’s mod but as well on games such as Arma 3, on which I have over 3 500 hours of playtime. I’ve held ranks everywhere from Helper/Moderator, to managing positions such Senior Administrator, Head of Staff, and even Co-Owner.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Oh yes, as I mentioned above I have thousands of hours of playtime over countless communities, the majority of which focus on semi-serious roleplaying such as real-life RP, to more “fictional” settings such as Clone Wars Roleplay. When I first tried DarkRP back in ~2014/15 (ish), I instantly became hooked to the broad and thrilling world of roleplaying. To be able to “escape” the mundane and repetitive day-to-day of real-life and become someone that would normally only exist within the deepest parts of one’s imagination is something I have and will always thoroughly be fond of.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
For the next 3-4 weeks I will be able to be online around 4-8 hours on weekdays and 8+ hours on weekends (assuming I don’t have anything planned). After that, I will most likely be working every day and will only be able to come on around ~18:00 (after I quit for the day) for around 4 hours a day on weekdays, and 8+ hours on weekends.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
Roleplay. As previously mentioned, ever since I was young I've loved the aspect of roleplaying. I got a lot of crap as a kid, so for me to be able to "escape" the mundane day-to-day of real-life, which is exactly what roleplaying provides, is something I will always thoroughly enjoy.

The first time I encountered online roleplaying was, as mentioned above, funny enough on DarkRP. But, as I'm sure many of you reading this are well aware, DarkRP was never really home to roleplayers. Instead, it quickly became home to minges & trolls that eventually, even with the countless paragraphs of rules enforcing roleplay every community had, made DarkRP into the mingey, excuse my french, shithole it is today.
When I first realized this, only a couple of months after I first started playing, I had the brilliant idea of becoming a staff member, in a feeble attempt to "restore" the roleplaying aspect I believed DarkRP was all about.

Furthermore, I, as much as any committed player, detest people who spoil the enjoyment of others by breaking the rules, which are the very foundation of all roleplay-focused communities, just to satisfy their own selfish and, frankly, childish motives. But as an ordinary player of said communities, attempting to take matters into one's own hands prooves fruitless, as an ordinary player simply do not possess the tools nor abilities necessary to do so. As someone who is somewhat of a "control freak", to not be able to deal with something myself is quite frustrating, to say the least.

So, I've decided to, once again, apply for a staff position, in hopes that I will be given the opportunity to help the community remain, and maybe even help it flourish into an even better community. I hope to give each and every player the chance to fully enjoy the many wonderful things this server has to offer and have the most enjoyable experience possible!

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
What I believe sets me apart from other applicants would definitely be my determination. I strive to better myself each and every day, no matter the circumstances. Whenever I make a mistake I always keep going forward, in fact, I'd go as far as to say I see each mistake as an opportunity to further expand myself and become even better. Even though I, like most people, ponder over mistakes made in the past, I'd like to believe I possess the ability to grow from my mistakes & experiences faster than most. I see new situations as new opportunities and always try to face them with an enthusiastic & wide smile on my face.

In short, if I were to be given the opportunity to join the staff team, I can without a doubt promise that I will each and every day work as hard as I can to constantly improve myself and prove that I am truly a worthy member of the staff team!

Aside from that, here are some qualities/skills that I would be able to bring with me if I were to be accepted into the staff team:

I can say without a doubt that I am an extremely active and engaged person. Unless I have work or other things that I need to tend to, I am someone who'll happily dedicate their free time to the server. This can, as mentioned above, go anywhere from 4-8 hours a day during weekdays and 8+ during weekends. I am also someone that is easily contactable, even if I'm not on the actual game server, and will almost always answer instantly (discord, forums, etc).

I am someone who would never take my position as a member of staff for granted, nor would I abuse the power that comes with said position. In my past experiences, I made sure to take my role as a member of staff with the utmost earnestness and seriousness. I would always firmly keep in mind that just because I hold a position of staff, does not mean I'm "above" or better than others in any shape or form. I did not join the staff team to simply brag or boss people around, on the contrary, I joined the staff team to help & guide players in a way that sets an example for others. I always approach every situation with a professional and respectful attitude and never let my personal opinions/feelings cloud my judgment. But with that said, I am not some emotional robot when I work, in fact, I am someone who loves to laugh & joke. Whenever I find myself in an awkward or bitter situation, I always try to lighten it up with humor or just an overall cheerful attitude.

Amongst my skills/qualities, the most critical and important one of all, one I believe anyone who holds the position of staff should possess, would be loyalty. One has to be able to show & prove that they are, in fact, individuals truly trustworthy of the position they are given and the "power" that comes with it.
As I've mentioned above, never once would I take my position as a member of the staff team for granted, nor jeopardize my position as a staff member (unless I feel it's completely necessary), nor abuse the power that comes with said position. With that said, I am not a mindless puppet that does what they are told no matter what. If I feel I have an opinion that I feel truly needs to be expressed/said, I will, no matter the consequences that follow. But, I would never use the position I received within the staff team for any sort of self-gain or wrong purposes.

And lastly, my overall dedication:
Over my vast experience within countless staff teams, the thing that subsisted at my core was my unbreakable strive to constantly better myself. To achieve this I never stopped widening my knowledge and experience by doing my job to the very best of my ability each and every day. It didn't matter how mundane or boring I thought a task was, I dedicated myself to the fullest and always did my job thoroughly and to the best of my abilities. Whenever I was unsure of something or didn't know what to do, I was never afraid to ask for help or guidance whenever I was unsure or thought I couldn't handle something, as I saw it as an opportunity to grow. I never "leaped knowing I would trip", but with that said it's not like I never made mistakes, oh I did, but I viewed these mistakes as steps up an endlessly tall staircase that leads to betterment. For every mistake I made, I got up, made sure I understood what was done wrong, and finally made sure I wouldn't repeat the same mistake again. Needless to say, I strive to constantly better myself, further deepen my knowledge, and broaden my experiences!


Oct 8, 2021

- No interactions

Hi Leonid,

I would recommend that you become more well known around the community so people can form an opinion of you.

Best of luck!


Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2022

- I've changed it to +Support due to the fact that you are very active recently and you are always doing trainees being helpful and that helpful mentality is a good trait in the staff team.

- The only thing I would say to improve is to make yourself a bit more known to everyone on the server

Good luck with the application. It looks good :)
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MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021
Hey, I will be going with neutral today. I have not had enough interactions with you to give a verdict. Good luck!
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