Rule Suggestion Let normal FearRP rules apply to reality benders while a reality anchor is deployed

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Well-known Member
Apr 11, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion replaces the reality benders' FearRP exception with a requirement for a reality anchor to be placed nearby the reality bender in addition to the standard FearRP requirements to initiate FearRP against them.
For example, a single hostile TYPE-BLUE holding a gun would require two combatants plus an active reality anchor to initiate FearRP. Once the reality anchor loses effect, FearRP is immediately lost.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Another suggestion called for replacing the exception with a requirement for a 3:1 ratio in combatants for FearRP to apply to reality benders, which was denied. The suggestion would've effectively make reality bending useless against combatants whenever many are present. This would be unfair and unrealistic to reality benders in situations where their abilities are completely usable against any number of combatants.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Allows for realistic use of reality anchors against reality benders, as they are reduced to normal combatants while their powers are disabled.
- Thanks to the destabilize ability, reality benders will still have a completely fair chance in combat against reality anchors.
- Gives other combatants a small, yet much needed opportunity to subdue reality benders without de-buffing the reality benders' nature or abilities.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- The effective range of the reality anchor may need to be specified to initiate FearRP, whether through server mechanics or a rule clarification.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Hostile reality benders are often and consistently observed being able to wipe out wave after wave of combatants primarily thanks to their immunity to FearRP (excl. TYPE-GREEN cause SCP). Replacing the immunity with a reality anchor requirement not only gives the combatants a fair chance to subdue reality benders, but it simply makes sense thanks to the realistic use cases of the reality anchor as well as its usage cooldown.
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Aaron Hench

Well-known Member
Sep 11, 2024
Why not
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- The effective range of the reality anchor may need to be specified to initiate FearRP, whether through server mechanics or a rule clarification.

Take the size of the anchor bubble for reference. Meaning, that in order to apply this, the reality bender would need to be inside the bubble for the ability to FearRP to apply.
- If someone is not inside the bubble, then FearRP can't be applied here. If he happens to run into one, while not actively in combat then FearRP would apply again
- If they run out of the bubble, the FearRP could be initiated for 5 seconds after leaving the bubble.

However, keep in mind, that once anyone has fired upon the reality bender, FearRP can no longer be applied in this instance. When you encounter a reality bender, y'all would need to rush him with scrantons while actively under fire or you could get FearRP'd yourself if they instead use their detain function on you.
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Aaron Hench

Well-known Member
Sep 11, 2024
surely this is common sense right

I mean I asked Cloak about it when he was still around, and he just said it was common sense since they don’t have their powers
1.04(a) FearRP Exceptions - Orange Suits and reality benders may not be FearRP'ed, unless they are under restraints.

So either ruling was different back then or your staff member was wrong, because the exception clearly states that unless they are restrained AKA IN handcuffs, they can not be FearRP'd.
1.04(a) FearRP Exceptions - Orange Suits and reality benders may not be FearRP'ed, unless they are under restraints.

So either ruling was different back then or your staff member was wrong, because the exception clearly states that unless they are restrained AKA IN handcuffs, they can not be FearRP'd.
"Your Staff Member" bro he used to run the fucking community with Ventz 😭 i think he could've made a staff ruling about it

Aaron Hench

Well-known Member
Sep 11, 2024
"Your Staff Member" bro he used to run the fucking community with Ventz 😭 i think he could've made a staff ruling about it
Just because someone has a history of leadership doesn't automatically mean they can add a ruling that would affect a certain gameplay core. Like police must enforce laws that they have, not change them to their liking. If this was to be a change, it needs to be clearly stated in the rules and guidelines. At the moment, there is no way to FearRP a reality bender, unless they have no weapons out and you go cuff/restrain them.
I commend any player who can successfully:
  1. isolate a TYPE-BLUE by themselves
  2. catch them "unarmed" without being dissolved in a split second
  3. keep them non-combatant until you can get an anchor down
  4. keep them inside the range of the anchor
It's not impossible, but it's a situation based on a lot "if's" that risk a lot of unnecessary staff tickets for no meaningful benefit.
Just because someone has a history of leadership doesn't automatically mean they can add a ruling that would affect a certain gameplay core. Like police must enforce laws that they have, not change them to their liking. If this was to be a change, it needs to be clearly stated in the rules and guidelines. At the moment, there is no way to FearRP a reality bender, unless they have no weapons out and you go cuff/restrain them.
kid named staff ruling:

I agree that its just flat out common sense. I mean, if they don't have their powers, they're barely even a Reality Bender, so what are they meant to do to escape? Use Escape Card? They just can't, and it's common sense.

Aaron Hench

Well-known Member
Sep 11, 2024
kid named staff ruling:

I agree that its just flat out common sense. I mean, if they don't have their powers, they're barely even a Reality Bender, so what are they meant to do to escape? Use Escape Card? They just can't, and it's common sense.
How can you apply common sense to a situation, when you have de jure in the rules stating that you can not fearrp a reality bender, unless you have them restrained. I understand, where you are coming from, but most of the players don't know of it. Anchor doesn't necessarily take away their reality bending nature, just restricts the use of those powers.
I feel like the FearRP rule overall should be simplified. If you can't reasonably escape or win a confrontation, you're under it. FailRP still applies - so e.g. you might not be willing to put on 035 even under gunpoint because it is "certain, horrific death that might even destroy my soul" vs "almost certain, simple death by being shot in the back".
Just because someone has a history of leadership doesn't automatically mean they can add a ruling that would affect a certain gameplay core. Like police must enforce laws that they have, not change them to their liking. If this was to be a change, it needs to be clearly stated in the rules and guidelines. At the moment, there is no way to FearRP a reality bender, unless they have no weapons out and you go cuff/restrain them.
Ahh yes, argue with someone trying to help you


Well-known Member
Apr 11, 2024
How can you apply common sense to a situation, when you have de jure in the rules stating that you can not fearrp a reality bender, unless you have them restrained. I understand, where you are coming from, but most of the players don't know of it. Anchor doesn't necessarily take away their reality bending nature, just restricts the use of those powers.
Where does it say that in the rules?

(being sarcastic but im not assed bickering anymore since we're going around in circles now lmfao)
I agree that this should've been common sense despite the current rules preventing it, however this isn't the best place to argue over past rulings.
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I commend any player who can successfully:
  1. isolate a TYPE-BLUE by themselves
  2. catch them "unarmed" without being dissolved in a split second
  3. keep them non-combatant until you can get an anchor down
  4. keep them inside the range of the anchor
It's not impossible, but it's a situation based on a lot "if's" that risk a lot of unnecessary staff tickets for no meaningful benefit.
this is a very good point, this would only be useful in such a specific scenario so you gotta ask is it worth all the extra hassle that'd come from adding it as a rule?
Just because someone has a history of leadership doesn't automatically mean they can add a ruling that would affect a certain gameplay core. Like police must enforce laws that they have, not change them to their liking. If this was to be a change, it needs to be clearly stated in the rules and guidelines. At the moment, there is no way to FearRP a reality bender, unless they have no weapons out and you go cuff/restrain them.
He didn't have a "history of leadership" he was the networks co owner
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