Lewis1999 application for game master

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Well-known Member
Sep 12, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
For how long have you played on about a year
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: united Kingdom - Newcastle
Time zone: Gmt
NATO name (regiment and rank): Nato infantry
USSR name (regiment and rank): shock army master sergeant
Civilian name: Hero of sin
Steam ID: GeordieHero1999
Do you have a mic?: no but planning on getting one but i dont mind typing
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- this my first application for the game master
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 4 rdms bans 3 warns for rdm 1 warn for fear rp
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- i have not done any previous experience as a game master
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- yes i am getting a lot more serious with my rp after my last ban i learned my lesson and now am more serious to my rp approach
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- much as possible but if something comes up i will let you know asap
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- because I would love to improve the server and the community with new features and listen to what the community has to say
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
i would like to help boost the community's morale a boast when it comes to do peacetime and prewar give them some fun activities to do while waiting for war to start and also encourage more fob building
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

1 awards show which could be near the end of map switch and awards the best ussr awards for doing well in the battlefield and for soliders who are most active players who may not get the kills but do there best to be active on the server most helpful award goes to the player tryst there to best help out the regiment's and the ussr in battle or in pre war and helping build fobs ect best community player this player who gets this award gets the award for the best community player who people enjoy playing with the most or find the most helpful or funny ect

2 Ussr will come in a trade deal from Germany offering weaponry and tactical gear to use however the ussr declined the offer risings tension between ussr so this will set up a mini event like the regiment private army but this will be a new German army and a new event just for ussr only and ussr will find nato had been tampering with some of the equipment with German troops and ussr will set there own attack on the german army seeking out there base and finding vital information nato and there plans

3 UHC CEREMONY party in base and have fun party and awards them with there efforts to leading wars and helping people find new regiments like a pvt ect

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)


Pave Low and Kamov​

this mission with be between ussr and nato there is a new a new helicopter the pave low which will be placed on the map and this will be a new location on the map for the helicopter to be placed and who ever finds and locations it first gets to keep the pave low and the Kamov a ussr helicopter and a nato helicopter but vital news is if the helicopters both gets destroyed there out the game for good but if either team can successfully capture both helis then they can use them from now on in wars ect ussr will locate the building side ag and shock army and then for nato sas and isaf will show up on time and the fight will start then later on in the event other troops will come abt and 10th will arrive and the 17th and jaf and also fsb and rmp they will make there approach to to the locations not with getting attacked of course so they will need to hold of some certain points in order to get ussr or nato to arive to help secure the hellis

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:
MP/KGB: go around base do patrols and look for any search or drugs in all regiment's if in there own if it comes to it but they find vital news that a civilians have been hosting a protest and allowing ussr and nato free drugs so rmp and fsb must stop with protest obviously its not going to be easy as some will try and escape so do what needs to be done aos if they handle it peaceful let them go free but if starts again dont hesitate to aos and kos and also any nato or ussr members who are acting sus make sure to search them for any possible drugs

SAS/AG: sas and ag have heard vial news that some terrorists have arrived in afghan to do a weapons and bomb sale make sure to secure and take them all out also remember they will also be armed and have bombs ready so be ready for a fight and make sure to dispose of all items any means possible and any troop acting suspicious picking up a weapon or a bomb dont be afraid to to aos or take him in for questioning

SHA & ISAF: to go on an scouting mission to find a group of hackers that is trying to steal military secrets sha and isaf heard that they are situated in mosque so they terrorist group the Taliban have been working with a hacker group and they have build a fob and fortified the base sha and isaf most go in and infiltration base and kill them all and take the hackers and kidnap them and ask them questions about the situation on why they came to mosque to set up a attack on ussr and nato

JAF & ABT: jaf and abt are told a very special vip need the air assistantance asap while there are drug lords after him for his past behavior and they will do any means necessary to kill the vip Vladimir willow he can be killed but it i will put jaf and abt at a risk if jaf and abt fail and the vip dies the vips crew will show up looking for a fight aswell so do any means to keep him alive

10th & 17th: obama and putin has arrived to visit afghan and to do tour around afghan so 10th will lead putin around whole area of afghan and the same for 17th who will lead obama around the whole of afghan 10th and 17th will remain non hostile but the bounty hunters are after putin and obama so do your best to protect them
Personally when i think of a man that can make an event worthwhile i think of lewis. He has never disapointed me in any way which is important to have in a game master. They are meant to make the experience for a player go above and beyond which can be done by lewis.
+1 for all reasons above and much much more
- Livid Castle

Harry Pot

Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 21, 2021
not had many interactions with you but u do seem nice from the other verdicts


Active member
Mar 1, 2021

-Activity lacks
-Had many issues with before
-The 3 of your small event idea’s are only for one side.
-Could use improvements on regimental events

Best of luck


MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020

- Poor regimental event ideas
- Questionable activity
- No mic (this will make it harder to run events)
- A lot of warnings recently


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 24, 2020

Right, your Steam ID is not "lewis1999", just search up steamid finder on google and you'll get it.

Your events are good but the regiments ones are almost the same as every other application just different wording.

I could've done a -support but seeing as I have had no interactions with you it doesnt feel right.

Your warnings and bans though are a concern, and you do not have a microphone so that might be difficult.

Your 3 small events are, as said previously, for only USSR and the third one is almost a joke.

Good luck.

Hi Geordie,

Unfortunately I won't be giving you my support on your application at this stage.

There isn't that much detail, and the regimental ideas aren't very well thought out and seem to have lacked planning prior. I wouldn't authorise events such as those and I expect people wouldn't particularly enjoy them.

Being a game-master is far, far different than being staff, in that we always have to be exceptionally creative, there's no handbook or guide for us, we get given the permissions, some training and told to go make events happen. (Obviously this is an over-simplification)

Of course, this works fine as the current team are all comfortable and trusted to do so, but in this case, I'm not confident you'd be able to make the most of it and bring something new to the team.

Also, a lack of microphone is a huge red flag for me, game-masters rely on quick communication to help run events, and during the middle of events you need to be hopping between channels within the teamspeak to tell people what to do, if you have to stop to type, that takes people out the event to tab out and see what you put, or worse, it'll get ignored.

This isn't to say you won't be a fit in the future, I'm sure you can be, I just need to see more detailed and original event ideas and a capability to communicate more effectively.

Best of luck,


Civil Gamers Expert
May 28, 2021

I havent had many if any interactions with you

You have multiple warnings and rdm bans

No mic


CC Executive VIP
Dec 21, 2020
Application Denied

I have looked at your in-game activity and it is not to the level we expect from someone applying for a Game Master position. You may re-apply in 2 weeks time.​
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