Liam's Moderation Application

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New Member
Dec 25, 2022
  1. Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):bengtolof1
    How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 111 hours
    Age: 15
    In what country are you located?: Sweden
    Time zone: UTC +1
    NATO name (regiment and rank): Private 17thAR
    NWO name (regiment and rank): Sargent AOR
    Civilian name: Liam123
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:109381333
    Do you have a mic?: Yes
    Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
    Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
    -warning: RDM warning: RDM warning: severe toxicity ban: severe toxicity
    Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
    - FiveM
    Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
    - FiveM
    How many hours can you be on everyday?:
    -minimum 3h and maximum 9h

  2. Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
    - I wanna be able to do the most I can to help the server and community and really be apart of it and be able help other people as much as possible
    What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I have a friend that I feel can help me with anything called Little Ricky and he is usally able to help me with sertant things especially on the server and what I should for example warn people for if I don't really know myself and I can relay on him to help me if there is something I can't figure out and I can also take his opinion for the warnings, I have read thru the rulebook I have been with the community quite a while now, for about a month I think and I am very patient, I will do my best to help others I pay attention on the one talking, the ones in my regiment think that I can be a bit annoying but I am not at all mingey and I haven't heard anybody say it to me or someone else.
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- Not Mature enough
- Don't believe you are 15 years old. (could be proven)
- Application Doesn't look good or organized
- you've recently been heard yelling the N-word in game not a good look for the server.

- you didn't answer if you have any kicks/warns/bans
+ Roblox is a serios Roleplay server/game

+/- Not sure of rule knowledge

Best of luck!

Mr. Pondanski

Well-known Member
Nov 13, 2022
+ Nice and chill guy
+ When you really know him "IRL" you know that he is really nice and patient
+ Online a lot

+/- Could look in the rulebook again and improve rule knowledge

+/- He didn't mean to say the N-word, he might have some anger issues when it is too much
-Most likely not 15, has 2010 in his Discord username
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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 18, 2021

- It's a bit difficult belive you have 15
- Everyone one kwons the clip :skull:
- You miss the warnings/ban/ kicks question
- I think you are not mature for the position

+/- Not sure about rule knoledge
+ Previous staff in roblox is actually impressive.

Ex. 10th SD LCPL | Ex. KGB SGT | Ex. FSB Senior LT | Current AOR COL [REDACTED - 5]
Ex. UAF LCPL fexxy's


Active member
Nov 15, 2022
-Not Mature enough
-Recent Ban
-I believe that The Age Is a lie could Be wrong

+nice guy

Sorry Liam i cant support this app based on your maturity
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Jun 11, 2021

i will unfortunatly have to give you a -support

-i dont belive you are 15y
-im afraid you not fully understand the role of staff of my exp with you

+-rule knowlegde

+active in ts
+active in game

like said in the comments if possible provide a proof of ages to one of the higher staff as we don't all need to know personal stuff my mainly negative mostly come due to your age as i expect you around the 12-13 what is little too young to understand certain staff duty's etc

Marko S

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 1, 2021
- im sure you are not 15
- you said the nword not too long ago
- bad app (not really answering right the warning section and having typos)
- i dont think you can play for 9h a day
- you say that your friend "little ricky" can help you with anything you are unsure of, first of all and most important,, if you read carefully thruought the handbook you should have read that, you will be assigned a mentor and he will help you out with anything and everything staff related, and second "little ricky" has made 2 staff appeals both of them denied due to lack of rule knowledge and a recent warn, this is to say that "little ricky" wouldnt be a good source of information

If you do wish to become a staff member i recommend not liying, reading the handbook a few times and not being warned in a while.

Mr. Pondanski

Well-known Member
Nov 13, 2022
- im sure you are not 15
- you said the nword not too long ago
- bad app (not really answering right the warning section and having typos)
- i dont think you can play for 9h a day
- you say that your friend "little ricky" can help you with anything you are unsure of, first of all and most important,, if you read carefully thruought the handbook you should have read that, you will be assigned a mentor and he will help you out with anything and everything staff related, and second "little ricky" has made 2 staff appeals both of them denied due to lack of rule knowledge and a recent warn, this is to say that "little ricky" wouldnt be a good source of information

If you do wish to become a staff member i recommend not liying, reading the handbook a few times and not being warned in a while.
The second one has been because I was "mingy"
Mar 14, 2022
Application Denied


Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.
Unfortunately I will be denying this application. There is huge doubts over your maturity and incidents have been brought to my attention that make me concerned whether you'd be a fit for our staff team at the current moment.

You may re-apply in 4 weeks​
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