Denied Limit the Amount of active members for CGSF

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Dec 25, 2020
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
adds a Limited amount of members active at a time for CGSF team

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Lowers Powercreep for new players
Makes SWAT and Normal Police members more usefull(What is the point of for example SWAT Medic when CGSF can just heal themselvs and when they can arrest a suspect with out the need of any Police officers )
PD raids would be atleast possible ( With 6 CGSF active nobody is doing PD raid )

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Limiting the CGSF numbers means the people who are in CGSF team already need to switch with each other ( Erick Glover as the CGSF commander should order these kind of stuff such as Asking a CGSF member to leave the job and let another player take it)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
simply for the sake of new players and being able to actually Do a PD raid while the server is full . i myself as an old player got scared when i pressed the tab button and saw the active CGSF's today and making Other PD jobs more usefull

Just a quick note :
this suggestion may seem unfair towards The CGSF team but in near future when more people are accepted in the CGSF this suggestion will show its usefullness
one other thing that may be possible to do is not setting the Limit number for CGSF on a specific but setting it depending on the amount of CGSF members in general (For example if there are 10 CGSF members in total the Limit for the Active CGSF In game would be 5)
this would make other CGSF Change to other PD jobs such as police officer and swats when the limit is reached
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Dmitri Jinglesly

CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
It's already limited ingame to 2 commanders, 2 Captains, 1 breacher, 2 advanced snipers and 4 operatives iirc and u also never will see that many cgsf on


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 4, 2022
In terms of power creep, yourself and many players are in organization with massive amountss of players and in terms of gameplay between gangs and PD/CGSF it's an even balance.

It all depends on how organized and communicative people are in intense situations, such as raids.

CGSF is already in terms of being limited, you can look at how many there are members with there associated rank and the max of required people. The server so far has not had a full max CGSF squad so you can't make a fair assessment on limiting CGSF when there isn't even a full squad online consistently.

TLDR: have good comms, be organized and don't get merked


Well-known Member
May 15, 2023
most of the time there isnt 5-6 cgsf on over the course of the day, maybe at evening for like 1-2 hours, also hp/armor was massively nerfed anyways so they are at swat/pd levels anyways. also this suggestion is pretty awful if we would imagine something similar for gangs people wouldnt like it either, "you can only have x members of your org participate in gang wars or raids" would be retarded as well, this suggestion goes against any general playing flow.


New Member
Aug 24, 2023

CGSF is really nothing like it once was, while criminals are stronger than they were. The thing making cgsf powerful rn is the players. Maybe this suggestion would have merit years ago when cong armour was needed to take on even one cgsf n matter who was playing, but that's simply not the case. When I can kill a CGSF with a glock 18 mag, but not kill a marauder, I think we are okay.
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